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lunar eclipse

ALEX'S EYES WIDENED as Stiles, Allison and Scott jolted out of their baths, immediately getting out of the cold water, soaked. They all gasped for air.

"I saw it! I know where it is!" Scott exclaimed.

"We passed it, there was this stump. It's a huge tree- well, it's not really huge anymore, it was cut down." Stiles added. "But it was still big, it was still very big."

"It was the night we were looking for the body." Scott spoke as he glanced between Alex and Stiles.

"Yeah, the same night you were bit by Peter." Stiles nodded. Alex frowned, glancing between the two, along with Allison.

"I was there too. I was in the car with my mother, we almost hit someone." Allison spoke.

"It was me." Scott replied, glancing at Allison. "You almost hit me."

Scott glanced between Alex, Lydia, Deaton, and Isaac. "We can find it."

The four shared glances.

"What?" Allison frowned.

"You guys were out a long time." Isaac sighed.

"How long is a long time?" Stiles questioned, glancing between the four.

"Sixteen hours." Deaton replied.

"We've been in the water for sixteen hours?" Scott asked.

"And the full moon rises in less than four." Alex blew out a breath.


"No, dude, you are not going back with them." Stiles protested as he paced around, Alex crossing her arms from her place next to Scott. Stiles stood next to Alex.

Alex added. "You can't, Scott..."

"I made a deal with Deucalion." Scott replied, glancing between his best friends.

"Does anyone else think that sounds like a deal with the devil?" Stiles voiced, glancing between everyone.

"Why does it matter anyway?" Isaac glanced at Scott.

"Because I still don't think we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott responded.

"He trusts you more than anyone, tell him he's wrong." Allison glanced at Deaton.

"I'm not so sure he is." Deaton replied, Alex and Allison sharing frowns. "Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies."

"So we're gonna trust him?" Alex raised her eyebrows as she crossed her arms. "The dude that calls himself death, destroyer of worlds? We're gonna trust that guy?"

"I wouldn't trust him, no." Deaton replied, glancing at Alex. "But you can use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait."

Suddenly, someone entered the clinic, the group sharing glances as Deaton walked up to the counter, Scott and Alex following.

"I'm looking for Lydia." Ethan spoke.

Lydia stood next to Alex. "What do you want?"

"I need your help." Ethan responded as Stiles stood next to Alex on the other side, resting his arm on the doorframe.

"With what?" Stiles frowned.

"Stopping my brother. And Kali." Ethan responded. "From killing Derek."


"You can't keep us here." Scott spoke with a sigh as he, Isaac, Allison, and Alex were stuck in Chris' office, Rafe McCall and a few officers interrogating the teens.

Alex crossed her arms, a smirk placed on her face. "Not without some kind of warrant."

"I've got a desk full of probable cause." Rafe responded, raising an eyebrow at Alex.

Allison stood up. "My father is a highly respected private security consultant and federally licensed firearms dealer, that means he has to own a few weapons."

Alex smirked.

"Like this one hundred and seventy five pound draw tactical crossbow. Or this carbon steel marine combat knife. Fifty AE desert eagle." Allison spoke, gesturing to some weapons. She took a smoke grenade. "Smoke grenade with pull ring igniter."

She pulled it quickly, smoke emitting from the grenade with a hiss, Allison, Alex, Isaac, and Scott running out immediately as Rafe and the other officers started coughing.


Allison and Isaac got out of Allison's car as Alex got off Scott's motorcycle, taking her arms away from Scott's torso as she stood up, Scott getting off the motorcycle right after. Alex handed him the helmet he let her use for the ride.

"You okay?" Allison asked.

"I didn't know what to say to him, I couldn't think of anything." Scott responded as the trio began to walk in the direction of the Nemeton. "But what you did, that was awesome."

"It honestly was." Alex added, smirking. "I've never been more proud of you."

Allison sent Alex a smile, Alex returning the gesture.

"I still haven't gotten anything from Stiles. Have you?" Isaac spoke with a frown.

"No." Alex shook her head. "I haven't either. I'm starting to worry, he always texts me."

"I don't get it." Scott frowned.

"Well, we can't wait for him, come on." Isaac spoke, beginning to walk in the direction of the Nemeton, the trio following.


Alex was left with Allison and Isaac as Scott went to Deucalion.

"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Isaac spoke over the loud sounds of thunder and wind.

"I know we're near it." Allison replied. "You guys think you can pick up a scent?"

"I'm trying." Alex replied.

Isaac nodded. "Me too. I can't-"

The werewolves stopped as they heard a noise.

"I hear something." Alex spoke with a frown.

"Me too." Isaac spoke. "It's an- it's an emitter."

"One of your dads." Alex frowned at Allison.

"Are you sure?" Allison glanced between the werewolves.

Alex nodded as Isaac spoke. "Has to be. Come on."

The trio began to run, finding the Nemeton in no time.

Alex stopped, feeling a sharp sting in her chest as soon as the trio were in the vicinity of the cut down tree. She gasped, a frown appearing on her face as she held a hand over her chest.

"Lex, are you okay?" Allison questioned as she glanced at Alex.

The pain in Alex's chest had quickly gone away, Alex's frown deepening in question as she took her hand off her chest, approaching Isaac and Allison again.

"I'm- I'm fine, let's save your dad, Noah, and Melissa." Alex nodded.

"Guys." Isaac spoke, glancing at a wooden door placed in the floor.

Alex and Allison glanced in the direction Isaac was looking in, only to find the same door.

They all ran to it quickly, opening the door and climbing in, however, what they didn't know, was that the ground just a few meters from them began to crumble.


Allison ran to her father immediately, while Alex ran to Melissa, untying the ropes on her wrists and ankles.

"Alex, thank god." Melissa breathed with a relived smile.

"Hey second mom." Alex sent the woman a smile as she finished untying the ropes. Melissa's heart warmed.

Isaac went to Noah, untying the ropes on his wrists and ankles.

"Where's Stiles? Where's my son?" Noah frowned.

"And Scott?" Melissa asked over the wind.

"They're coming." Alex responded loudly.

"They're on their way to help." Isaac added.

Suddenly, the ground above them began to crumble, all eyes casting up to the sight.

"Come on, lets get out of here!" Noah yelled as the wind became more aggressive. The group all grabbed each other tightly.

Before anyone could leave, the stairs broke off, leaving the group stuck.


"It's blocked." Chris announced, turning to the werewolves. "What do you see? Anything?"

Alex and Isaac both shook their heads.

"Look out!" Chris yelled as more ground fell down just near the group.

"Isaac! Alex!" Allison yelled.

The wood began to crack, Alex immediately going to hold up the wood, groaning a little at the immense pressure of the wind cracking the wood. Her werewolf eyes shone as she tried to hold up the wood.

Isaac saw the girl struggling and went next to her, holding up the wood as well. Isaac grunted at the pressure, blowing out breaths as his werewolf eyes shone as well.


"I can't do it." Isaac grunted. "I can't hold it, I can't hold it!"

Alex groaned as she was struggling too. "Me neither!"

Allison, Noah, Melissa, and Chris all joined in to help the werewolves hold up the wood.

"It's too much, it's too heavy!" Allison groaned.

Suddenly, Stiles jumped in next to Alex, placing a metal bat down to hold up the wood.

Alex glanced at Stiles, chuckling.

"I always said aluminium was better than wood." Noah spoke, releasing a breath as Stiles hugged his dad tightly, Noah hugging him back.

The group all took their arms away from the wood slowly, more ground crumbling from next to them.

The wind suddenly ceased, the group all looking around curiously, Melissa wrapping her arm around Alex's shoulders.

"Is it over?" Allison asked.

Noah chuckled, him and Stiles hugging again.

Alex released a relieved breath as she smiled, Melissa hugging the girl, Alex hugging the woman back.

"It's over." Alex spoke once her and Melissa pulled away, Melissa's arm still wrapped around Alex's shoulder.

Suddenly, Stiles' phone rang, the boy answering it. "Scott?"

"Hey, are you okay?" Scott questioned.

"Yeah, we're okay." Stiles replied, glancing between the group, sharing a glance with Alex, sending her a small smile, Alex returning the gesture. "We're all okay."

"How about you, are you okay?" Stiles added.

"Sort of." Scott answered.

"You think you can come get us?" Alex asked from her place.

"Yeah, of course." Scott replied.

"Great." Stiles answered. "Okay, uh, bring a ladder."

The group all chuckled.


Stiles and I both feel it everyday. Just like you said we would.

Scott walked into the school, looking around.

And it makes me think about that quote Jennifer used to start our first class. Because when I feel it...yeah, it's like...I'm looking into the heart of an immense darkness.

So what do you do instead?

I look for my friends.

Scott noticed Lydia and Aiden flirting by the lockers, Danny and Ethan holding hands and walking out of the classroom, and Isaac and Allison walking together down the stairs.

Stiles and Alex walked up to Scott from both sides, Stiles patting Scott's shoulder with a smirk while Alex grinned at Scott, wrapping her arm around his shoulder, her hand resting on it gently.

Scott glanced between his two best friends, a smile placed on his face as the trio began to walk down the hallways, Stiles' hands going to clutch his bag straps.

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