twenty two

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[twenty two]

ALEX GLANCED AT Noah as he held out two pairs of handcuffs. "You wanna handcuff us?"

Noah began walking closer to the two cautiously. "If my son and his best friend are still here, if there's still a part of them standing here in front of me, then they'll put these on willingly and they'll come with me. Because they know I'm here to protect them. From themselves, and from others."

Stiles and Alex knew they had to keep up the act. So they both held their hands out.

Noah handcuffed Stiles, then cautiously moved on to Alex, handcuffing her too, Alex following Noah with her eyes. The two then glared at him.

"You're not my son. And you're not Alex." Noah spoke as he stepped back.

Alex and Stiles broke out of the handcuffs as Chris, Allison, and Derek entered the loft, the possessed teens smirking.

"Now this is a party." Alex spoke with a smirk.

Allison tried to electrocute Stiles, however, Stiles grabbed the electric string, pulling it and releasing it, and throwing the gun away.

Derek growled, running up to the two, Alex growling louder than him as her werewolf eyes glowed, her canines baring as she grabbed Derek by throat.

Her claws dug into his skin as she lifted him up before he had a chance to do anything.

Derek coughed as he grabbed her arm, trying to get her to let go, however, Alex's grip was stronger. "Alex. Don't. This isn't you." Derek spoke in between coughs.

"It is now." The girl growled flinging him across the loft, Derek's body hitting the wall roughly. Derek coughed as he slid down it.

Suddenly, Chris cocked his gun, aiming it at Stiles. Stiles smirked. Alex growled again.

"Argent, listen to me." Noah spoke. "Don't do this."

"Why not? I've done it before." Chris replied, still aiming the gun at Stiles. "Werewolves, berserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list."

Noah cocked his gun, aiming it at Chris, Stiles raising his eyebrows in amusement, Alex still in her werewolf form, the girl growling a little.

"You're not gonna shoot my son, or Alex." Noah spoke.

"You said it yourself, Sheriff." Chris replied. "That's not your son. And that's not Alex."

"Put it down." Noah threatened.

"Dad, he's gonna shoot me." Stiles put on an act, Alex turning into her human form. "He's gonna kill me, dad. And he's gonna kill Alex too."

"Don't listen." Chris spoke to Noah.

"Put it down." Noah commanded. "Now! Do it! Put it down!"

"Pull the trigger." Stiles spoke, glancing at Chris. "Come on."

"Listen to me, you better put the gun down now!" Noah yelled to Chris.

"Shoot me." Stiles spoke, still glancing at Chris. "Shoot me!"

"Dad." Allison cut in worriedly.

"Shoot me!" Stiles yelled.

"Shoot him." Alex smirked. "Do it."

"Strife." Allison whispered to herself as the sun went down. "Stop, stop it! This is what they want, this is exactly what they want!"

Stiles and Alex glanced at Allison as Stiles spoke. "Not exactly."

"We were kinda hoping Scott would be here." Alex added. "It's a shame he's not."

"I'm glad you have your guns out." Stiles continued. "Because you're not here to kill us."

Suddenly, four Oni appeared out of thin air behind the two.

"You're here to protect us." Alex smirked as her and Stiles walked back behind the group, leaving the loft unnoticed.


"Why that kanji?" Stiles asked as him and Alex walked up to Noshiko, who was glancing at the Nogitsune's decaying bones.

"Why 'self'?" Alex added.

"To signify that he died as himself." Noshiko responded as she stood up, holding a knife and facing the two teens. "Because Rhys wasn't a monster. Not like you both."

"If we're such monsters, why'd you call off the Oni?" Alex asked as her and Stiles walked closer to Noshiko.

"What happened to the woman who called out for chaos, strife, and pain to descend upon everyone and everything?" Stiles added. "What happened?"

"I don't want that anymore." Noshiko replied quietly.

"We do." Stiles responded as he grabbed Noshiko's hand roughly. "Did you bring this here thinking you can hide it from us?" He took the knife from her hands.

"Bad idea." Alex smirked as Stiles stabbed the knife into his own body, cutting a line across a little bit of his stomach, grunting at the pain, Alex gasping as she felt it too.

"What have you done?!" Noshiko exclaimed.

Stiles dropped the knife to the ground as he stumbled back, falling to the ground. "Chaos is come again." He spoke as a hoard of flies flew out from his stomach, Noshiko waving them away as they all flew around her.

The flies left, Noshiko frowning at how Alex and Stiles were gone.


Aiden was carrying Stiles' unconscious body, whereas, Scott was carrying Alex's, the two placing them on the couch gently.

"Guys, this is crazy, they need to be in the hospital." Melissa spoke, releasing a nervous breath.

"Mom, do you remember what happened the last time they went to the hospital?" Scott questioned with raised eyebrows.

"It doesn't look like it's bleeding." Deaton spoke as he looked at the scratch on Stiles' stomach through his shirt, which was also cut. "I think he might even be healing." He frowned.

"You mean healing like we heal?" Aiden questioned, referring to werewolves in general.

"That's good, right?" Scott asked with a frown.

"For them, yes." Deaton spoke. "Us? I'm not so sure."

"What about Alex? She could have a scratch too." Lydia spoke with a concerned frown, worrying about her best friend.

The group stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, waiting for someone to lift up the girls shirt.

Scott sighed. "I'll do it."

The group all shared glances, frowning at him in question.

"What? She borrows my shirts all the time. We used to have sleepovers too." Scott spoke, confused at the suggestive looks everyone was giving him.

When he realised what they were thinking, he widened his eyes. "No, not like that! I slept on the chair!"

He scoffed. "Forget it..."

Scott dropped the subject as he walked over to the girl cautiously, lifting her shirt up slightly to reveal her pale stomach. His fingers lightly brushed against her skin as he lifted the shirt, Scott frowning at how cold her body was.

His frowned deepened, as unlike Stiles, no scratch was visible, the rest of the group frowning. Scott pulled her shirt back down, shrugging his jacket off his shoulders and wrapping it around the girl gently, then going to stand back where he was, next to Deaton.

"How does Stiles have a scratch, but Alex doesn't?" Scott frowned. "Aren't they both being possessed by the same thing?"

"If she was human, the wound Stiles inflicted upon himself would've taken longer to heal as well, however, she healed faster than him. She is still a werewolf, after all." Deaton responded.


"Well, if we're not gonna kill them, why aren't we at least tying them down with really big chains?" Aiden asked with a frown.

"I might have something more effective." Deaton responded, taking out a capsule filled with kanima venom, Aiden holding Stiles' mouth open while Deaton dropped some kanima venom in his mouth, and Scott holding Alex's mouth open as Deaton dropped some of the kanima venom in hers.

Both Alex and Stiles' eyes opened, Stiles grabbing Aiden by the throat, while Alex growled as she turned into her werewolf form. She suddenly turned back to her human form, frowning at how she felt weak.

"Get him off me!" Aiden asked between pants as Stiles chuckled. Scott finally pulled Stiles' hand off Aiden's throat, Aiden coughing.

Stiles frowned as he began to tremble. The two possessed teens then became paralysed. "Kanima venom. Nice touch." Stiles spoke sarcastically.

Aiden growled, Alex smirking. "You know, they say a twin gets a feeling when the other one is in pain. You didn't lose that talent too, did you? I hope not. You're definitely gonna need it."

Aiden and Scott frowned at her words.

"I don't think they get it, Alex." Stiles grinned as Alex clicked her tongue.

"I'll give you all a hint." Alex spoke, whispering the next bit with a smirk. "Ethan's at the school."

Scott glanced at Aiden. "Go." Aiden walked out in search of his brother.

Stiles chuckled. "I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins. Short tempers. Homicidal compulsions."

"They're fun." Alex giggled.

"A lot more fun than you bakemono trying to save the world everyday." Stiles added with a smirk.

"You're all pathetic, really." Alex continued, not missing the frowns the group all wore. "It just confuses me how neither one of you have died yet."

"Doc, you brought something to paralyse their bodies." Melissa started. "You got anything for their mouths?"

"Yes I do." Deaton spoke, pulling out masking tape, Alex chuckling.

"Okay, I swear, I'll keep my mouth shut." She teased. Her tone went serious as she glared at Scott. "We'll torture you all. Right after we kill everyone you've ever cared about. By then, you'll be begging for mercy." She chuckled. "We'll kill all of you. One by one. And we'll enjoy every minute of it."

Deaton had enough of her words, walking over to her and placing some masking tape on her mouth, placing some on Stiles' too.

Stiles shouted against the tape, chuckling after he did so, Alex smirking against the tape on her mouth.


Stiles forced tears to slide down his face, Alex smirking against the tape as she knew it was an act.

"Stiles?" Melissa asked as she fell for the act.

Stiles nodded, Melissa taking off the tape. Once she did, Stiles narrowed his eyes. "Really, Melissa? I shed one tear? That's all it takes?"

Alex chuckled against the tape, Melissa glancing between the two.

"Come on now, you can't crumble that easily." Stiles added. "How are you gonna hold up when Scott knows the truth?"

"What?" Melissa asked, Alex raising her eyebrows in amusement.

"When he finds out why his dad really left?" Stiles clarified. "You know he overheard it, right?" Stiles knew Melissa didn't know. "You had no idea." He raised his eyebrows. "You called Stilinski right after it happened. You didn't tell Scott, but you told the sheriff."

"But Stiles and Alex heard it like they hear everything." Stiles spoke in amusement. "But do you know why they never told Scott? Because they knew that Scott would never forgive you. They knew how much he would hate you."

"This isn't you, Stiles." Melissa whispered.

"It is now." Stiles smirked, Alex smirking against the tape, Melissa sticking the tape that was previously on Stiles' mouth back onto it.


Peter circled around Alex and Stiles, the two glancing ahead monotonously.

"Stiles doesn't look like he'd survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf." Peter started. "Alex, however..."

The group frowned at him.

"What? She's a werewolf. Besides, everyone knows Alex can handle herself." Peter explained as he stood in front of Alex and Stiles, the teens following Peter's movements with their eyes.

"You don't think it would work?" Scott questioned.

"This is more war of the mind than the body." Peter responded, still glancing at Stiles and Alex. "There are better methods for winning this battle."

"What kind of methods?" Deaton asked with a frown.

Peter held out Scott's hand, to which Scott's claws shot out, Alex and Stiles raising their eyebrows in amusement. "We're going to get into Stiles' head."


"So, do we have a plan?" Deaton asked as Peter and Lydia walked to the group.

"This has nothing to do with Alex. Whatever happens to Stiles happens to her too, so she's out of the picture. Scott is going to try and dig through pale and sickly evil Stiles' mind, to unearth pale and sickly real Stiles." Peter explained. "Then guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious. But he's not gonna do it alone."

"What do you mean?" Scott questioned.

"Somebody needs to go in with you." Peter glanced at Lydia.


Peter positioned Scott's claws at the back of Stiles' neck.

"So what do we do if we find him?" Scott asked.

"You're gonna have to guide him out somehow." Peter responded simply.

"And Alex? How will she get out?" Scott questioned.

"Like I said, whatever happens to Stiles, happens to Alex, so when you guide him out, Alex is also going to go back to normal." Peter explained as he positioned Scott's claws at the back of Lydia's neck. "Try to give Stiles back control of his mind, his body."

"Could you elaborate on the 'somehow'?" Lydia asked as she released worried breaths. "It's not feeling very specific at the moment."

"Improvise." Peter spoke to Scott.

"What if this is just another trick?" Scott questioned as Alex smirked against the tape.

"When are you people gonna start trusting me?" Peter chuckled.

"I meant them." Scott glanced at Stiles and Alex.

"Oh." Peter simply spoke.

"Scott, we're running out of time." Deaton spoke, changing the subject.

Scott nodded as he closed his eyes, opening them to reveal his alpha red ones. He plunged his claws into Stiles and Lydia's necks, the two stiffening slightly.


Scott's eyes shot open as he removed his claws from Stiles and Lydia's necks, Lydia gasping as Stiles and Alex's heads hung low.

"Did it work?" Scott glanced between the two. "Did it work?!" He ran over to them.

"Why didn't it work?" Lydia asked with a frown.

"Because it's not science, Lydia, it's supernatural. I did my part." Peter whispered. "Now give me the name."

"What name?" Scott frowned at them as Peter took Lydia to another room. "What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, Stiles gasped, ripping the tape off his mouth as he fell to the floor. He pulled out some mummy wrappings from his mouth, the group's eyes going wide as they all stared.

Alex's werewolf eyes glowed as they shot open, the girl gasping, her eyes finally going back to normal a few seconds later as she limply slid down to the floor.

She tried to catch her breath as the wrappings continued to fall out of Stiles' mouth. Her eyes widened at the sight.

Alex wasn't being controlled anymore. She was finally back to normal.

Scott immediately ran up to Alex and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer to him, Alex gripping Scott's shirt tightly for reassurance as the two shared a glance, Scott's eyes flickering between hers, and Alex's eyes flickering between his. "You okay?"

Alex nodded as she swallowed, still in shock about the fact that she was being controlled by an evil spirit that was thousands of years old, and how she was finally free again.

Both Scott and Alex's attention turned back to Stiles, as the wrappings had finally stopped falling out of his mouth.

Stiles gasped for breath as a mummy wrapped hand began to grow from the wrappings on the floor, Stiles stumbling back.

Alex widened her eyes as a figure rose up from the wrappings on the floor, mummy wrappings all around its head, Scott gripping onto Alex tighter as Melissa, Lydia, Deaton, and Peter stepped back in shock.

The figure tried to charge at the group, Scott breaking away from Alex to help Peter tackle the figure to the couch. Alex stood up, going over to help them.

"Hold him!" Peter yelled.

"I'm trying!" Scott exclaimed as Alex helped to hold the person down.

Scott unwrapped the wrappings on the person's head, revealing the actual Stiles.

Stiles glanced between Scott and Alex, Alex frowning in confusion.

"Scott?" Stiles asked as he glanced at Scott.

"Scott." Deaton spoke, catching Scott's attention, Scott turning to face the direction Deaton was glancing in, only to find the front door wide open, and the other—Void—Stiles nowhere to be found.

Void Stiles and Lydia were gone.

"Where are they?" Scott asked. "Where are they?! Lydia!" He ran out in search of Lydia.

Alex glanced at Stiles, Stiles glancing at her too.



welp, there's another chapter done.

guys I'm getting so close to finishing this book, I only have two more chapters to go :(

but the good news is I'm gonna start my season four book straight away :)

I'm definitely going to complete my teen wolf series, and it's definitely going to go up to the end of season 6. I love alex and this series with all my heart, and I really don't want it to end. thank god I've got another three seasons to write alex into.

anyways, I hope you liked this chapter :)

as always, thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting 💜

—voidelmslie 💌✨

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