Chapter Fifty

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Poe climbed onto a table in the Mess Hall and a hush fell over the party. Finn joined him and they held hands briefly, causing a few whistles from the guests and some giggling. 

Poe looked at all the assembled faces for a moment before speaking. "What can I say?! It's been awesome to be part of the Resistance with all of you!" He held his arms out and looked round at them all, smiling broadly. 

There was a cheer from some of the guests. 

"But we don't need it any more because we won!"

There was another louder cheer from the crowd. 

"To those of you who are going home, may I wish you the best of luck. Thank you for fighting with us and enjoy your retirement." 

A voice came from near the back, "I'm only twenty-seven!"

"You're welcome to join the Peace-keepers Shim!" Poe answered back. "No?" Poe shrugged. "Ok, well when you get bored come and find us. I want to say a few things before we all go our separate ways. Light triumphed in the Galaxy because we never gave up hope and the person who inspired that was our Princess. I will never forget General Organa. Raise your glasses please." 

Everyone in the room solemnly raised their drink and then took a sip. 

"I also want to thank Rey." Poe turned to find her face in the crowd and gave her a genuine smile.  "She faced Palpatine and was strong enough to defeat him." 

There was an even louder cheer, and people slapped Rey on the back. 

"But she wasn't alone. We also have to thank Ben Solo." 

There was a shocked hush and then whispers and muttering broke out. 

"Ben would you come up here please?" 

Ben was standing with Lando to one side and was obviously surprised by Poe's request. After a couple of seconds he made his way to the front and hopped up onto the table with Poe and Finn. 

"I have had my differences with Ben, some pretty big ones if I'm honest, but two days ago he saved my life and Finn's. He also saved Rey's life on Exegol. None of us would be here without him so I want to publicly say thank you." Poe turned to Ben and offered him his hand. Ben took it uncertainly, a slight smile on his face and they shook hands. Some guests started clapping and it became deafening as everyone joined in. 

Ben felt true acceptance from a group of people for the first time in many years. As Kylo he had control through fear but this was completely different. He could feel another lump forming in his throat as his chest constricted. The clapping and cheering started to die down.

Poe looked at him. "Do you want to say anything?"

Ben glanced at Finn who gave him an encouraging look. He nodded and took a deep breath. "As it happens there is one thing I would like to say and now seems like a good time." He turned to Rey who was standing on the ground near the front. 

"Rey I love you. You've saved me more than once and you are truly my equal in the Force. You are the other half of my soul." Ben went down on one knee and produced a small box from inside his jacket. He opened it to show a beautiful ring. "Will you marry me?" 

Excited squeals erupted from Rose and there was more general cheering. "Shut up everybody!" Finn shouted, flapping his hands to get quiet so Rey could answer. 

All eyes turned to Rey. She was speechless, her eyes shining with unshed tears. 

Ben spoke in her mind, 'I know that nothing could be more than our Dyad but I wanted to make it official.'

She replied, 'I love you so much, of course I'll marry you.'

Smiling broadly she nodded, "Yes!" she said out loud. 

Everyone joined in the loudest cheer yet as Ben jumped down off the table and swept her up in his arms. He brought his lips to hers and they shared a long kiss, surrounded by jubilant faces. 

Finn stamped on the table for quiet again. 

"I want to ask something too," he announced. "No, not that!" he added, seeing a couple of stunned expressions. 

He addressed Rey and Ben. "Would you two give a demonstration of what you can do with the Force?"

Rey was surprised but said "Erm, yes I guess so?" She turned to Ben to gauge his reaction. 

He shrugged. "Sure, why not. I'll let you change out of that though, give you a chance." He winked at her. 

"You think I can't fight like this huh? Guess again." Rey pulled her dress to one side to reveal her saber strapped to her thigh. She drew it in an instant and ignited a single blade as people backed away giving them some room. She kicked off her heels, not wanting to trip. 

Ben grinned at her and grabbed his own saber from his belt, the white glow joining her yellow one. 

'We'd better take it easy,'  he told her, 'Not much room.'

'Sounds like you're scared to me,'  Rey replied and lunged towards him. 

Their blades met and they started trading blows, although with no intent other than to put on a bit of a show. They were now in the centre of a wide circle and the party guests were cheering and clapping every exciting move. Rey stuck to her acrobatic style while Ben defended and countered her strokes. She eventually knocked Ben's saber out of his hand and he put both hands up in a gesture of defeat. Rey twirled round and bowed to the crowd, grinning. 

'You let me win,' she said in his mind. 

'Maybe a little. You can thank me later,' Ben winked at her and smirked slightly. 

'And  exactly what sort of thanks did you have in mind Mr Solo?'

'The physical kind. I'm sure you'll think of something.'  He sauntered away to the Bar to get another drink, still smiling. 'Love you'  he added, looking over his shoulder at her. Rey smiled at him conspiratorially and then turned to talk to Finn. 


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