Chapter Thirty-Two (M)

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"That was . . . " Rey couldn't find the right word. 

"Totally amazing?" Ben supplied, smiling. It was without doubt the hottest thing he had ever seen. The image of her was burned into his mind. 

"Yes! Is it always like that?" she asked. Her cheeks were flushed pink and he stared at her rosy lips, wanting to kiss her again. 

"Not in my experience. That was something else. Although I think I'll have to check a few more times to really say," he grinned at her. 

"Oh? And when might these checks take place?" She wriggled in his lap as she spoke and unintentionally ground her hips against his throbbing erection. 

Ben groaned deep in his throat. He was so turned on and her grinding on him wasn't helping. He couldn't stop himself putting both hands on her hips and pulling her down again. She felt so good. Rey noticed his reaction and started to move her hips on purpose, enjoying watching him. He dropped his head back and closed his eyes, hands still clasped around her hips.  The feeling of her moving over his aching cock was fuelling his imagination and the things he wanted to do to her, and with her, were pouring through his mind. He opened his eyes to look at her and glanced past her shoulder.

"Wait." Ben held Rey tighter and stopped her moving for a moment. He was looking past her to the sensors where a red light was blinking. "What's that?"

Rey had turned at the same time he did. She immediately rose, scanning the controls and monitors quickly and concern clouded her face. "There's someone following us," she said. "The ship is cloaked, but the scanners have picked up the magnetic signature. But there shouldn't be anyone for lightyears, there are no inhibited planets this close to the Core." 

Ben's heart sank. He was going to have to wait. Trying his best to suppress his frustration he stood up to take a look. 


The pilot in the other ship had followed the Falcon from Coruscant. He had been hanging around for four days outside the golden mist and was just about to give up when he saw the Falcon finally appearing. This was it, time to collect the bounty. His ship was cloaked, they couldn't know he was there. Dakodar's orders were very clear. Kill the last Jedi. Where others had failed he was going to succeed.


"Ben, I think we need to get Chewie. Will we need weapons do you think?"

Ben's face darkened. "What would they be doing out here if it wasn't for you? It can't just be chance. And no-one is harming you whilst I'm around." Rey could feel his darkness gathering around him like a storm. 

"As soon as we change course they'll know we're on to them. A ship that size with a cloaking device? That's definitely bad news. Do nothing for a minute, I'll get Chewie and get to the laser cannons." With that he quickly moved out of the cockpit, adding 'tell me what's happening'  through the bond. 

Less than a minute later Chewie was striding in to jump into the co-pilot chair. Rey pointed out the signature. "Seen anything like it before?" she asked him. Chewie examined it for a second and then shook his head. 

"Well whatever it is we don't want them following us. Ready?" Chewie nodded. 

Rey punched the controls flying straight up into a loop. 'I'll come down behind them'  she told Ben. 

The other ship obviously realised that it had been detected because it de-cloaked and changed course dramatically to cut off Rey's loop. Ben got his first proper look at it. It was saucer-shaped with a narrow cockpit at the front. 'Lancer-class'  he told Rey through the bond. 

'Is that bad?'  she asked him back. 

'It's not great, they're pretty agile. This one must be quite old, but they're solid ships. Automated weapons.'

Just as he finished speaking the other ship started to fire on them. Rey started swinging the ship around, flipping over and over to avoid being hit. She was changing direction every few seconds and a hail of fire from several different guns was flying past them. Ben knew exactly what she was doing through the bond and was looking for an opportunity to fire. The Falcon rocked as a shot smacked into the shields. As she flew Rey started to reach for the Force, wanting any help she could get. The golden web was there, waiting for her. She closed her eyes and let the Force guide her movements, trusting that it would help her outmanoeuvre the Lancer-class. 

Their flight path twisted and turned using every evasion tactic there was. Launching the ship sideways in a tight spiral she was able to go up over the other ship and give Ben the opportunity to fire on it. His aim was excellent but the Lancer obviously had good shields, shots impacting and jolting the ship but causing no immediate damage. 

'If we can get another pass I think we've got them' he told Rey. 

Rey dodged the other direction pushing every controller to it's limit. The Lancer class came back into view and Ben fired a volley of shots. The strength of the shield was dropping and some of Ben's shots made it through to one of the canons. It burst into explosive flames. 

'That's the weapons down, MK.IV firing systems are all linked. Want to finish them?'

'No, let's jump'  Rey told him. 'Tell me they can't track us through lightspeed?'

'No, that's pretty advanced tech and the ship is too small.'

Rey breathed a sigh of relief, finally a break. She started making calculations and Chewie followed her lead, flipping the switches above his head. The ship leapt forward before the Lancer could follow them and the stars started to stream past the cockpit window. 

Rey and Chewie sat back in their chairs, starting to relax a little. Rey rubbed her face with her hands and turned to look at him.  

"Would you mind flying for a bit? I could use a break." 


Rey smiled. "Great, thank you, and thank for your help with . . . whatever that was." She waved a hand vaguely at the stars flashing past. Chewie gave a low growl and Rey stood up out of the seat. 

She was really starting to feel the lack of sleep and headed towards the crew quarters. She met Ben coming the other way and ran forward to embrace him. As soon as his arms wrapped around her she felt safe. 

"That was some pretty impressive flying," he said quietly. 

Rey grinned up at him. "The shooting wasn't bad either. Chewie's taken over for a bit, I have got to sleep. Want to come?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." 

Rey frowned. "Why not?"

Ben ran his hands down her body and squeezed her close to him. "Because you are driving me crazy and after getting interrupted earlier I don't think I've got the will power to let you sleep."

Rey giggled. 

In the cockpit Chewie started grumbling to himself. It was going to be like Han and Leia all over again. 

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