Chapter Twenty-One (M)

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Despite wanting to be well-rested for the journey Rey did not sleep well. She had strange dreams that all blurred together, sometimes flashing quickly between scenes and sometimes revisiting longer memories.  

She was standing on Tatooine, burying Luke and Leia's sabers, the two of them watching her as Force ghosts. 

She was facing Ben in the desert struggling for control of a ship in the air. 

She was battling Dark Rey and trying to avoid the double red saber. 

They were back in the Throne Room fighting the Praetorian guards, blue and red sabers flashing and sparking. 

She was back in the crystal cave and summoned a crystal but when she touched it there was a red glow not yellow.

She was sitting in her hut on Ach-To, telling Kylo about her experience in the cave beneath the Island. But this time Luke didn't interupt. As their fingers touched a shiver ran through Rey. The touch of his hand had sent a pulse of electricity through her and she stared into his dark eyes. She remembered the surprise she had felt that they could actually touch each other through the bond. She had expected her hand to go through his and was surprised that it hadn't. Kylo was equally shocked. A fleeting look of surprise crossed his handsome features which he tried to conceal.

"Well that changes things . . ." he murmured, smiling slightly at Rey and raising an eyebrow.  "What you saw in the cave . . . don't be too quick to take it literally. Force Visions are rarely what they seem on the surface," Kylo told her.

Rey frowned. "Has it ever occurred to any of you that it would be a lot simpler if the Force was a bit clearer in it's intentions?" she grumbled.

Kylo let out a short laugh but stifled it quickly seeing her stare at him. "It's never straight forward. Perhaps it's meant to make Force users more resilient, it wouldn't be fun if it was easy. Anyway it's 'us' not you" he told her.

She looked up at him sharply. "What do you mean 'us?!"

"It may have escaped your notice but you are a Force user too. Isn't that why you're here? Training with Luke?"

"Yes, well, he doesn't seem that happy with me" she admitted. There was a pause, "He actually said he was scared" Rey looked up, clearly worried and met his dark eyes. "I don't think he wants to train me anymore" she said sadly.

"Are you scared?" Kylo asked her, curiosity getting the better of him.

"No actually. I didn't think the cave is as simple as he thinks. He avoids it because it's Dark rather than seeing or thinking about what's really there." 

Kylo considered her for a moment. "I meant what I said you know, that I can show you the ways of the Force." He leaned closer to her, bringing his face towards hers.

There was a long pause. Rey eyed him cautiously. "I won't turn to the Dark side. You know that I won't. And no amount of teaching will change that," she stated flatly.

Kylo considered her determined face, keeping them close to each other deliberately. He reached for her hand again, taking it gently and lacing his fingers through hers, and she felt the rush of connection.

"I'm asking you to let me help you. You have more power than you realise . . . "

She was fighting Ben in a forest, the two of them sparring together. She finally knocked his saber out of his hand and shoved him, watching him fall over backwards. She quickly ran forwards, and before he had a moment to react, straddled his hips and grabbed his wrists.

"I beat you, admit it!" She felt such a sense of achievement and power. Before she knew what she was doing she bent forwards and kissed him full on the mouth. The familiar jolt of electricity coursed through her and she parted her lips, gently sucking his bottom lip. She was pleased to hear him groan deep in his throat in reaction and ground her hips down on his, eliciting another noise from deep within him.

She was lying on black sheets, naked, with Kylo Ren between her thighs thrusting into her. Her head was thrown back, eyes closed, a look of ecstasy on her face. He was moaning as he pumped his hips in a fast, unrelenting rhythm. As she watched the other Rey wrapped her legs around Kylo's hips, pushing him in deeper with her calves, and scratched her nails down his back. 

After a very unsettled night she was relieved to finally see daylight creeping in through a gap in the blind. The bewildering stream of images had confused her and she struggled with understanding what some of it meant. She remembered the struggle for the ship clearly enough and the heart-rending thought that she had just killed Chewie. It was the first time she had produced lightning and she would never forget staring at her own hands, wondering what the hell had just happened. Her mind turned to another of the dreams and she wondered how much history would have changed if Luke hadn't interrupted them on Ach-To. Would she have gone to Kylo? Or would things have played out differently? Maybe she wouldn't have gone and the impetus to kill Snoke would be missing. At the time it had felt like such a victory and to discover that it had basically meant nothing in the face of Palpatine added a note of bitterness. But even having killed Snoke Ben still wasn't ready to turn to the Light. She knew it and had refused his hand, even though she wanted to take it so badly. 

She hoped that the forest part would come true. To have Ben back with her, to be able to train with him, to kiss him, would be blissful. Her mind turned to the final scene. She had never had sex with anyone herself but knew what happened. She had to admit that her dream self looked like she was very much enjoying it. Seeing Kylo naked, lost in pleasure, with her . . . It was a powerful image. She couldn't help wondering if Kylo and Ben had been the same in that situation. Maybe they liked different things. Or maybe that basic human driving force was universal. She burned with curiosity. She grinned slightly to herself. Maybe if she bought him back she would get to find out, about Ben anyway. 

Reminding herself of her mission she rose and started to get ready. She took a long shower and washed her hair. The bathroom facilities on the Falcon were pretty basic and she was going to miss this. She checked her pack one final time and looked around the room to check she hadn't forgotten anything. She was also determined to enjoy breakfast before she went and with that on her mind she headed out of her room. 

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