Tips about Story Overalls

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Hi guys! So... I'm gonna talk about story overalls and reviews.
So on Instagram, there is a Episode account (@epy.ladies) or somethings yeah. I don't know how the page actually works, but there are some story reviews on the page. They rate about:
- Plot
- Grammar
- Directing and zooms
- Characters and customizations
- Choices
- Chapter length
=> Story overalls

Now I'll help you guys to write an excellent story with these excellent factors.

Plot/Story description:
a. Story description: You can choose any genres you like, but when you write the story descriptions, you need to make sure that the description fits the story. And if you want a nice description that can tell all about the story, you need to write generally, but not too generally (RIP ENGLISH). You should be writing a little bit detailed, but don't write so many details and things in the description, they have the words limit, and if you write too detailed, the readers wouldn't really understand generally what the whole story about.
For example, if you want to write a story about a triangle love, you can write like this:
Character is forced to marry Character, but can all the love from Character to Character prevent this problem?
I have read so many story descriptions that has: What happens when you... NO. AVOID THAT. Many people use that to describe the story. DO NOT use cliché descriptions for the stories, that is so common and doesn't sound right. You should do:
- End with a sentence, not a question (if you want to do a question, make sure it sounds right like it probs should be Can you... or Maybe..? or Do you think that...)
- Quote about the story genres of your story. Quotes from famous people, or even the characters in the stories.
- SHORT DESCRIPTION. Don't make them too long. For example, if you want to do a mystery story bout kidnapping, you do: Character is kidnapped from... Do you think she'll survive? DON'T do like On her ..., she's kidnapped from... You're her... you need to... right now! DON'T detail it too much.
You shouldn't:
- Use the characters name in the story description (you can, but you shouldn't cuz you shouldn't let the readers already know their names, that's what I think.) Replace them with nouns and pronouns. (For example, a girl and then she)
b. Plot: Be specific. If you want a wonderful and excellent story, don't use common genres like Romance or Drama. But if you think it's hard with the other genres, you don't really need to do that. Well, there's an advice for ya'll. Don't do common plots like Pregnant or Gangster... blah blah or Bad Boy.. There are already PLENTY of stories like that, and they're like, SO THE SAME. You should do unique stories, if you still want a pregnancy plot, you should make it more and more interesting. I've read a story about a girl with rectangle love (?) and is pregnant, but don't know who's the dad. Oh, pretty cool! If you ask, I think the hardest story genre for me is Comedy. You need to mix all the kinds to the story: drama, romance,...

Grammar: Really nothing to say. I bet you all know how to do this. But if you're foreigner author (like me), you should improve your English cuz it's the most common language in Episode. On the @epy.ladies page, they also notice problems like Your and You're. Your is a short way to say You're, and it's a word you use when you talk to close friends and people. I think it's kinda normal to use this, but I think you should explain to the readers if you use this teenage English use, if you want the page to review your stories.

Directing and zooms: I'm an author who sucks at directing and zooms (DAZ). I can do it, I DO, but it's just too complicated to direct and zoom in. Even, I can do it nicely, but I'm just too lazy to do it. The page's needs includes DAZ. I think you should do it. But for me, the most important things about DAZ are:
- Don't do too slow zooms. It really takes long time to read. Readers don't really like this in general, do normal and fast zooms.
- For clothing choices, after CHAR tries any clothes, don't do zooms. It pretty bothers the readers.
- In case you can't, don't do expert directings. There are some stories using it, and the directings made the characters look EXTREMELY small.

Characters and customization: The page prefers stories with character customization (CC). I like CC stories too, but I think it is also cliché. So many stories use CC to please the readers, but I don't. I want the authors to keep how their characters look like, how they see their characters. Episode Original Stories let us customize too many characters in a story. Like Demi Lovato 1. Right? Ourselves, our best friend, ex (maybe),.. I really prefer stories without CC, or we only could customize only one character. When a story let us customize like 100 characters, it freakin' disappoint me. It also takes us very long time to read the story.
The page also likes us to bring up and talk about characters relationships or characteristics,.. You should detail the MC's life, MC's friends or how they met,...

Choices: Here's a tip for you guys. Don't do many clothing choices. I've read alot of stories that use too many clothing choices, like TPG (no hate). It really bothered me. It's fun but it took so long time to try on outfits, and then we do again and again to find out which is the best. No. Don't do that.
For common choices, you should make it easy, quick and make it to be in general and you can embrace the choice, but don't do it too short or too long. For example, if you want to slap someone you should do: No, keep calm! and SLAP THE BITCH! Something like that. By the way, for clothing choices you should about 3-5 choices.

Chapter length: I'm not an expert of this need, but I know (for me) how many lines a chapter length needs. About 600-900 maybe? For the first chapter of any CC story, I think that's a perfect lines amount without CC. My first successful story - The New Girl, the chapter length ARE SO SHORT. I just reread the story... LOL

=> Finally the story overalls! They rate to the limit is 60 points. You should include all the needs above in your story to get high scores.


Yay! Bonus tips now!

- Follow other authors: Joseph_Evans is featured! He really helped me with basic writings and commands. GENIUS! EXPERT!
- Add music: add fit music for story scenes! Don't add music for a whole chapter, it'd be pretty boring for me.

Welp... I have so many tips and ideas before... but now I can't remember them.. Sorry! Maybe I'll edit later?

Thanks guys for reading this chapter, it took me a day.. to write.

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