Luke Skywalker

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The first few chapters will be a bit repetitive.

Begins at approximately 1:30:33

This will be focusing on Rey's POV

Rey watched as his TIE fighter burned furiously in the fire, the smoke stinging her already watering eyes. She threw another stick at the makeshift campfire, wanting to roar in rage. As ashes rained down from the sky she could feel the kindle within her beginning to light. But she couldn't let that power out. The power which she had grown to trust was growing into something she didn't want and something she couldn't control. 

She wanted to burn just like his ship. Jumping into the flames would solve the problem all together, but she didn't want to die with something of his. He had broken her only way of getting revenge. 

And then she had saved him.

But it had been a moment of weakness, Leia had past onto the next world, her life force nowhere to be seen in the small rhythmic buzzing in Rey's ear. She knew Ben had felt it too, but it had most likely been so much worse for the general's son. Rey didn't know what it felt like to have someone she loved lose themselves from this side of the force and move onto the next, but she didn't want to know. 

She rolled the lightsaber around in her hand before clenching it into her fist. She wound up her arm and threw it as hard as she could into the burning door of the TIE fighter, wanting to watch as it was swallowed into flames. 

But, before the red and yellows could take the shiny metal, a ghostly blue hand reached out, seeming to appear out of nowhere. It's fingers wrapped around the lightsaber and Rey felt like she had been kicked.

Master Luke. 

"A Jedi's weapon should be treated with more respect," he said. Rey's vision expanded as she locked eyes with the old man. He wore the robes he had died in, a mix of clear tans and greys with a hood sewn to the fabric on his shoulders. He walked towards her, his strides calm and healthy. She felt a wave of embarrassment flood her cheeks as she realized he had most likely been watching her throw a fit. 

"Master Skywalker," she whispered. He raised an eyebrow at her, but glanced back down at his father's lightsaber.

"What are you doing, Rey?" he asked, finally looking her in the eye. Rey wanted to look away, she wanted to answer him with a confident truth. She had seen herself go to the dark side, she had seen herself sitting on her grandfathers throne, taking over in his guidance. She would leave the galaxy in ruins. 

"I saw myself on the dark throne," she said, the name makingher skin itch. She watched as a large piece of ash flew through the Force ghost's figure. "I won't let it happen," she said. "I won't hurt my friends more than I have."

"So you're going to do what I did?" he asked. "Stay stranded on this little island and try to escape fate?" 

"Yes!" she said. "I'm not leaving here," she told him. "I can't let myself turn."

"Then don't, Rey." He walked toward her with a longing sigh, twirling the lightsaber between his fingers. "I was wrong, it was fear that kept me here," he said. "What are you most afraid of?"

Rey watched as the wind by the ocean blew the ghosts hair out of his wrinkled face. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes dark and his pupils glossy with the tears he had died with. Rey had hoped to think he had died a painless death, but, looking at his sky blue diamonds, she could see how much energy his last sacrifice had costed. 

"Myself," she whispered, standing as still as she could as her eyes looked to the ground. 

"Because you're the Emperor's granddaughter?" 

She blinked back tears of surprise, looking back up at him. 

"You knew?" 

He gave her a grim nod. 

"Leia knew too."

"But she didn't tell me," she said, not believing his words. Leia couldn't have known. If she had known, then why had she still trained her, even though she knew her fate was to sit on the Dark Throne?

"W-Why did she still train me?"

"Because she saw your spirit," he said, clasping his robotic hand to his healthy one, the lightsaber pressed in between them both. A smile came to his face as he sat down on the rock beside's where she was standing. "I think you reminded her of her younger self."


"Rey," he cut her off. "Some things are stronger than blood."

He must have realized she didn't look convinced because his smile only widened.

"Facing fear is the destiny of a Jedi. If you don't face Palpatine, it will be the end of the Jedi."

Rey sat down beside him on the rock, feeling the little bit of hope which had still been burning somewhere in her gut had gone out. She didn't want to even see her grandfather, she wanted to stay as far away from him as she could. She knew somehow, if she got close to him, he would find a way into her head.


"The world would be lost," he said. 

"He will find a way to turn me," she said, shaking her head as she looked away from him, already disappointed with herself. "I can't face him alone."

"You won't have to."

She turned to him to see his smug smile coming across his face. 

"I think there's something else Leia would want you to have."

The Force ghost got to his feet and gestured for her to follow him. She did, following him down the cobbled path towards where all the stone built dome's laid. He walked into one rusty looking one in particular. The metal door was covered with a thick layer of moss, other natural plants growing from the new ground, their roots holding the door in place to the rocks, creating an earthy hinge. He waved for her to open it and she did, careful with the plants. 

Luke walked inside and she watched as he walked straight for one brick in particular, just grazing his ghostly fingers over it. Then, he spread his fingers and Rey watched in amazement as the brick wiggled itself free, revealing the large hole it had been hiding behind itself. He turned towards her, waving to the hole. Rey walked over to it, reaching in with no hesitation to feel something soft against her finger tips. She got down on her knees, pulling out the leather like fabric. The material was most definitely leather, it was tan but with dark brown worn spots. She peered up at Luke and he nodded for her to continue. She pulled on the strings holding the flap together and was surprised to find a glossed lightsaber. It was beautiful, mostly shining silver like Anakin's but with rose gold touches running across the circles which wrapped around the main column. 

"It was Leia's," Luke told her. "She gave it up on the last night of her training."

"You trained her?" she asked him. He smiled, his eyes going unfocused for a second as he seemed to recall the memories as he nodded. Rey turned back to the lightsaber, running her fingers over it. 

"Why did she stop?" she asked. 

"She saw her son parish at the end of her Jedi career," he said, his face dropping.


"Just like you he will not be able to escape his fate."

Rey bit her trembling bottom lip, tucking the lightsaber into her belt. Luke handed her his father's, patting the top of it as she cradled it in her palm. 

"There is one more thing I want you to have."

They walked out to the grass cliff, clouds already beginning to tower over the small island. A storm was coming, but Rey had other things on her mind. She watched as Lule closed his eyes, raising his arm. She turned back around to where he was aiming and found herself staring at the whirlpool of water gathering over the edge. In the depths of the raging water was the glint of metal. Luke's hand trembled and the wrinkles on his forehead appeared as he pulled the X-wing out of the waves. It was dripping with salt water, seaweed sticking to the sides.

"Thank you," she whispered to him. He smiled, pointing to the fire. 

"Your turn."

Rey jogged up the hill to the burning TIE fighter and reached her hand out. Her breathing slowed as she reached out for the feeling of the cold triangle piece. The buzzing of the force let her listening in on the navigational systems beeping sound. She quickly grabbed onto the sound and the object came hurling out of the TIE fighters shattered window, flying into her hand. She squeezed it, opening her eyes to stare at the still functioning piece of equipment which had started this mess. 

"You won't be alone," Luke said as she climbed into the X-wing. She placed his old helmet on her head and nodded. 

"I know."

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