Chapter 7

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Fluttershy: Nightmare Moon? I better tell the others!

Fluttershy texted all her friends, she had a little bit of hope when she saw Rainbow Dash slightly open her eyes, but lost it when she closed them again. Eventually, her friends arrived.

Sunset: We came as soon as we heard!

Fluttershy: I found out who did it!

Applejack: Who?

Pinkie: Yeah! Tell us!

Fluttershy: Somebody who says they're Nightmare Moon. 

Sunset: *Gasp!*

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm so nervous, I could just scream! *GASP!!!*

Fluttershy let out a tiny scream.

Pinkie: ...Okay.

Sunset: I-It can't be! She was defeated! She's not real!

Fluttershy: You know her?

Sunset: Twilight and the others defeated her when Twilight first arrived in Ponyville! How could she possibly return?

Nightmare: I have my ways, Sunset Shimmer!

The girls freaked out when they heard the voice of Nightmare Moon.

Applejack: This Nightmare Moon could've been defeated years ago! Why's she roamin' round now? And who's she?

Nightmare: The answer is simple, I'm the more powerful version of Princess Luna!

Pinkie: Vice-Principal Luna's a princess?

Everyone glared at Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie: ...Ohhhhhh! You mean back in Equestria!

Nightmare: I gathered enough magic to bring myself back so I'll no longer cease to exist!

That still didn't explain anything.

Pinkie: What does she have to do with Dashie?

Fluttershy: She...She...stole her spirit. She used me to put Dashie to sleep!

Nightmare: Correct! But your dear Rainbow Dash was just my first target. Once I gather even more magic, I'll use your friend to send everyone in this world to sleep and steal their spirits! I'll be back, ladies!!!

Pinkie: *Gasp* I don't wanna be sleeping for the rest of my life! I've got a life to live!!! Parties to plan! Pranks to pull! Jokes to share! Games to play! I've got so much to live for!!!

Fluttershy: What're we going to do?

Sunset: I dunno! I dunno how to handle Nightmare Moon the way Princess Twilight does!!!

Rarity: Why do these things always happen to us?

Twilight: If Rainbow Dash were here, she'd say the answer!

Everyone was in grave danger now, if Nightmare Moon gathers enough magic, their world could fall into an eternal slumber! They now knew why Fluttershy's singing put Rainbow Dash into a deep sleep and why her hair turned black whenever she sang, perhaps Nightmare Moon's magic is in Fluttershy just as the Storm King's magic was in Rainbow Dash the summer before. But how they would defeat Nightmare Moon was the question, now.

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