Bedtime/The Dwarves Search The Cottage

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Now that we've met the owners of the cottage, let's tune back in to see our heroes, who have just finished cleaning the cottage and decide to explore the place. They then stop at the staircase and looked upward

"Let's see what's upstairs." Snow White said. Everyone else nodded and they all proceeded up the stairs. The turtle trys to climb but just falls on his shell, but sets himself upright by pulling on his tail, then started climbing by biting one step and pulling himself up and then repeating the process. Everyone else arrives at the top of the stairs and open the door to find a bedroom. They saw 10 little beds in the room.

"Oh, what aborable little beds!" Trinity said. They then approached the beds.

"And look, they have their names carved on them." Snow White said.

"Has anyone else heard of these names before?" Sunset asked. "There's Doc, Gutsy, Happy, Sneezy, and Dopey." Everyone laughed just a bit.

"What funny names for children!" Snow White said.

"And over here there's Grumpy, Groovy, Bashful, and Sleepy. And earlier today, I saw a wooden trash bin with the name Sloppy carved on it. I wonder if these are nicknames that the kids gave eachother." No one could answer that cause they were all yawning.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm a little sleepy myself." Phinean said.

"He's right Sunset." Twilight said. "we'll figure this out in the morning. But for now, let's get some sleep."

"Good idea." Spike said with a yawn. "I'm feeling a little sleepy myself."

"Yeah, your probably right." Sunset said. "We could all use a good night's rest." So Snow White slept in the beds of Gutsy, Happy, Sneezy, and Dopey, and Trinity slept on the beds of Grumpy, Groovy, Bashful, and Sleepy. Everyone else brought up the sleeping bags to sleep in. One of the birds put out the candle with his tail, then helped the others put a cover over Snow White, and then one over Trinity. Soon, everyone was sleeping soundly, while the turtle is still trying to get up the stairs.

Suddenly, the animals wake up to the sound of singing coming from outside, and rush to the window to see where it's coming from.

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It's home from work we go

Soon, the animals hurry towards the door, as the turtle finally gets to the top of the staircase, only for the animals to run passed him. The turtle startes to follow, but falls down the steps.

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It's home from work we go

The animals rush out the door and hide in the treeline, to make sure not to be seen.

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It's home from work we go

For that singing came from the Dwarves we saw earlier, who were still marching in a single-file line out of the forest. Doc and Dopey are holding lanterns, one to light the way they are going, and one to light the way they came from.

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho,
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It's home from work we go

Suddenly, Doc stopped and pointed at something.

"Look!" He said, causing the others to bump into him.

(AN: Pause at 0:56)

"What just stopped for Doc?" Sloppy said in a grouchy tone.

"Our house!" Doc said. "The lit's light! Uh, the light's lit!"

(AN: Resume video, then pause at 1:02)

The Dwarve then snuck to 2 big trees and peeked out towards the cottage.

"Jiminy Crickets!" They all said in total suprise.

"The door's open." Doc said.

"The chimney's smoking." Happy added.

"Something's in there." Sneezy concluded before he, Bashful, Doc, and Happy started talking as to what it could be.

"Maybe a ghost." Happy said.

"Or a goblin." Bashful said.

"Or a demon." Doc said.

Or a dragon." Sneezy said.

"Huh, we never had a dragon before." Sloppy said with a chuckle. "That might be very nice."

"Mark my words, there's trouble a-brewin'." Grumpy said. "Felt it coming all day. My corns hurt."

"Gosh!" Happy said.

"That's a bad sign." Bashful added.

"What'll we do?" Everyone else asked.

"Let's sneak up on it." Gutsy said.

"Yes." Doc said. "We'll, uh, squeak up, uh, sneak up. Come on, hen, uh, men. Follow me."

Then, one by one, the dwarves tiptoe to the cottage, each one carrying his pickaxe like a weapon, with Dopey shuffling behind. Sloppy was the only one uninterested to investigate.

"You guys can sneak all you want." Sloppy said. "As for me, I'm going to sleep in my trash can." And that's just what he did. He went to his trash can, which was untouched and exactly as he left it. Meanwhile, creeping up to the cottage, two of the rest of the dwarves peer into the window.

"Psst!" Doc said before opening the door. They all poke their heads inside and look around, with Dopey peeking out through Sleepy's beard. Entering the cottage, their shoes squeak as they slink across the room. Dopey slams the door behind them, causing the others to be startled and glare at him.

"Shhh!" They all said to Dopey, who then shushes the door.

"Careful men." Doc said. "Search every cook and nanny, uh, hook and granny, uh, crooken fan, uh, search everywhere."

(AN: Resume Video)

The Dwarves then tiptoe through the cottage. The blue birds watch them from the rafters. Peeking through an open window, Other animals duck back outside as some of the Dwarves snuck by, but came back in as he passed by. Suddenly, there was a loud creak.

"Shhh!" Doc said. "Quite" He, Sneezy, and Sleepy continued to sneak before Doc pointed down "Look! The floor, it's been swept!" Grumpy then rakes his finger over a chair

(AN: Pause at 1:29)

"Hah!" He said. "Chair's been dusted!"

"Our window's been washed." Happy added.

"Yeah, and our cobwebs are missing." Gutsy said.

"Why, why, why, why, the whole place is clean!" Doc concluded.

"There's dirty work afoot." Grumpy said. Sleepy and Sneezy inspected the sink.

"Sink's empty." Sneezy said. "Hey, someone stole our dishes!"

"They ain't stole, man." Groovy said. "They're hid in the cupboard."

(AN: Resume video)

"My cup's been washed." Bashful said before rubbing it with his fingers. "Sugar's gone." Happy and Dopey see a pot that's simmering in the fire place.

"Something's cooking." He said before he and Dopey smelled it. "Smells good." He grabs the spoon to try it, but Grumpy stops them.

"Don't touch it, ya fools!" He said. "Might be poison." Then steam hisses out of the pot, startling all three of them. "See? It's a witches' brew."

"Look what's happened to our stable, uh, table." Doc said. Bashful then saw a bouquet of flowers in a vase.

"Flowers!" He said before sniffing them.

"Huh?" Sneezy asked.

"Look, goldenrod." Bashful said before putting them to Sneezy's face.

"Don't do it." Sneezy said. "Take them away. My nose! My hay fever! You know I can't stand it." Then something went on in his nose as the others gathered around him. "I cant'... I can't... I... Oh. Ah... Ahhh..." But before he could sneeze, Doc, Happy, Bashful, and Grumpy plug his nose. They then pull their fingers away from his face. "Thanks!" Sneezy said. Then he sneezed a sneeze so powerful, that it blows the others across the room.

"Hey!" Grumpy said as he tried to walk against the wind while the others crash into a wall.

"Shh!" They said to Sneezy, who was wiping his nose.

(AN: Pause video)

"Ya crazy fool!" Grumpy said. "Fine time you picked to sneeze!"

"I couldn't help it." Sneezy said. "I can't tell. When you gotta, you gotta." Then, he got that feeling again. "I... I... I gotta. It's coming."

(AN: Resume video)

The others tackle him to the floor.

"Look out!" Happy said.

"Don't let him!" Gutsy said.

"Stop him." Groovy said

"Oh!" Sneezy said. "Ah... Ah... Ah!"

"No, tie it tight." Grumpy said.

"Don't let go." Bashful said.

"Hold him tight." Doc said.

"I'll tie it." Happy said.

"Make a hard knot." Grumpy said.

"There, that will hold him" Happy said.

(AN: Pause at 2:36)

"Thanks!" Sneezy said, much to the shushing of everyone else.

"Quiet, ya fool!" Grumpy said. "You want to get us all killed?"

(AN: Resume Video)

Then the birds got an idea and peck at the rafters, which makes the dwarves freeze in fear and look around.

"W-w-w-what's that?" Happy asked.

"That's it." Doc said.

"Sounded close." Bashful added.

"It's in this room right now." Grumpy concluded.

"Yeah?" Gusty added. "Well, I'm not afraid of nothing." And as if to test his courage, the birds let out a horrifying squawk. This causes all nine dwarves to scramble and hide. Later, Sneezy peeks out of a jar, Sleepy gets his head up from a mop bucket, Happy has one eye through a hole on the back of a chair, Dopey sits in a wood pile, Grumpy gets out of a sack of potatoes, Doc, Gutsy, and Groovy were peeking out of the sink, and Bashful crawls out from under the stair case. Doc grabs a candle and points upstairs.

(AN: Pause at 2:58)

"It's up there." He said.

"Yeah." Bashful said in agreement. "In the bedroom." Doc then had an idea.

"One of us has gotta go down and chase it up." He said before realizing he had his directions mixed up and corrected himself. "Up. Down."

"I'll do it, but someone will have to back me up." Gutsy said.

(AN: Resume video)

Everyone nods in agreement then looks at Dopey, who grins at them as they bat their eye lashes. Looking over his shoulder, Dopey finds noone then tries to sneak away, but the drag him back and Doc offers him a candle.

"Here, take it." He said nervously, while shaking his hand. "Don't be nervous."

(AN: Pause at 3:21)

He then puts the candle in Dopey's hand, then the others usher him up the stairs. As he and Gutsy snuck up the stairs, they're startled by a loud creak, jumps around and looks back at the others. "Don't be afraid." Doc said, trying to hide his own fear. "We're right behind you."

"Yes!" the others said in agreement. "Right behind you."

"Thanks a lot, you guys." Gutsy said before turning to Dopey. "I've heard of keeping a safe distance but that is ridiculous."

Dopey nods and gulps hard. Trembling, he followed Gutsy as they continued up the stairs to the door. When they arrives to the door, they pushes it open slightly.

(AN: Resume video)

With a shaking hand, Dopey slips the candle through the doorway and peeked inside. Then, he pushed the door further and pokes his head inside the room, looking around as Gutsy went in.

"Come on, Dope." Gutsy said. Soon, the two dwarves creeped inside. Then, they stoped and glanced out the open doorway.

(AN: Pause at 3:38)

Then he heard yawning coming from one of the beds and saw the blanket moving, instantly thinking that some monster is sleeping in some of the beds. Now being a grown dwarf, Dopey handled this with the same grace and responsibility anyone would handle seeing a monster sleeping in their bed.

(AN: Resume video)

"WAAAAAAAAA!" He screamed, grabbed Gutsy's hand and ran out the room.

"Here it comes!" Grumpy said. Dopey and Gutsy then ran into the others causing a pile up at the bottom of the stairs. The others then ran out of the cottage, and slammed the door before Dopey and Gutsy could get out. It then becomes a tug-of-war with the door with the 7 dwarves on one side keeping something from getting out.

"Hey what's going on, here?" Sloppy said, after coming out of his trash can to investigate the noise keeping him awake.

"It's after us!" Sneezy said.

"Don't let it out!" Happy added.

"Hold it shut!" Grumpy replied. And on the other side, one very frightened silent dwarf is trying to get out with Gutsy watching, so much so that he breaks the handle, cauing the door to swing open as he lands on a pile of pots, pans, and jars. Dopey then runs outside covered in pots, with Gutsy following close behind. Meanwhile, the other dwarves were hiding in the trees planning to take down what ever is after them.

"Here it comes." Sneezy said.

"Now's our chance." Happy added.

"Get it now!" Grumpy said before he and the others dropped down and attack.

"Quick!" Sloppy said.

"Give it to it!" Sneezy said.

"Don't let it get away!" Happy said. They keep beating and swinging until the pots fly off Dopey.

"Hold on there." Doc said. "It's only Dopey." The others then began to ask questions to their silent companion, who explained as best as he could.

"Did you see it?" Sneezy asked. Dopey nodded.

"How big is it?" Happy asked. Dopey stretched his arms out to show the size.

"Was it a dragon?" Grumpy asked. Dopey nodded again.

"Has it got horns?" Sleepy asked. Dopey put his fingers up by his head to show the horns.

"Was it radioactive, homie?" Groovy asked. Dopey shook his head.

"Was it breathing fire?" Groovy asked. Dopey started sticking his tongue out and in.

"Was it droolin'?" Bashful asked. Drool started splashing out as Dopey showed them.

"What was it doing?" Sloppy asked. Dopey answered by acting like he's snoring.

"He says it's a, there are monsters, two of them asleep in our beds!" Doc said. "And several giant worms sleeping on the floor."

"Yeah, freeloading monsters." Gutsy asked before throwing some air punches. "And I would a had them evicted if Dopey hadn't dragged me out."

"Let's attack." Grumpy said.

"While their sleeping." Sneezy added.

"Yeah, while their sleeping." Happy, Sleepy, and Bashful said in unison.

"Hurry, men." Doc said. "It's now or never!"

"Off with their heads." Happy said.

"Break their bones." Bashful said.

"Chop them to pieces." Sneezy added.

"We'll kill 'em dead." Gutsy said. Dopey followed with a pot on his foot and another on his posterior.

(AN: I bet your surprised our heroes were asleep through all of this. I bet that the dwarves will be in for a surprise when they see what's up in the bedroom.)

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