In Search Of A Prince

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Soon after the battle, everyone went back to the cottage and put Snow White's body in bed while Pinkie Pie explained everything that Bulk had told her about the poisoned apple.

"So, Snow White is just asleep?" Grumpy asked.

"Yup!" Pinkie said. "And only Love's First Kiss can break the spell. And we all know who that would be, right?"

"Yeah, we'll need Prince Florian's lips to end Snow White's Zees!" Rainbow said. "What are we waiting for?"

"Um, an idea of where to find him?" Applejack asked, sarcastically.

"We could see if he's at the Queen's castle, if that would help." Rarity suggested.

"Right." Sunset said before turning to the Dwarves and Phinean. "And while we do that, you guys take care of Snow White." The Dwarves and Phinean nodded. Our heroes then went off to the Queen's castle to find the Prince. They searched all over the castle, but so far haven't found him.

"Arrgh, this ridiculous!" Rainbow Dash said. "We've looked all over this place and found no sign of Florian."

"We can't just give up!" Twilight said. "Snow White needs us! We have to search every square inch of this castle until we even a subtle of where to find him." At that moment, she touched a brick that was actually a button, opening a secret door that revealed a staircase. "Didn't see that coming." The group then when down the staircase and found a door that leads into a sort of labortory. "This must be where she made the poisoned apple. I have to admit, this an impressive lab."

"Great, but this still isn't helping us find Florian." Rainbow Dash said. Trinity meanwhile noticed a raven in a rusty cage looking at her.

"Actually, I do not think we need to look any more." She said to her friends.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack asked.

"I think this raven is Prince Florian." Trinity answered, much to the shock of our heroes.

"What?" Twilight asked. "How?"

"I'm not sure." Trinity said. "But I think I might know how to change him back." And with that, Trinity held her hands out. "With our hearts becoming one, let the damage be undone." And in an instant, the raven suddenly transformed into Prince Florian, in all is formal attire. This came as a suprise to the others.

"How did you do that?" Spike asked in shock.

"I am not sure." Trinity answered. "It just came to me."

"So, what happened with you Florian?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, shortly after meeting Snow White, I went to ask the Queen for Snow White's hand in marrage." Florian said. "That's when she tricked me, and turned me into a raven and imprisoned me in that cage. But her curse turned out to be a blessing in disguise, for I overheard everything she and her allies said while she locked me up. Please, can you take me to to the Dwarve's cottage"

"Yes, of course." Sunset said as he group then left the room and headed outside. Sunset then heard a voice calling from the mirror on the wall.

"When this quest is over, your journey will have begun." It said. "Adieu, oh victorious one." Sunset then looked around, but saw no one. She then raced to catch up with the others as they began the trek back to the Dwarve's cottage.

(AN: Credit for how they find the prince goes to acemckillayoface and his amazing series! I recommend you see it!)

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