Christmas Past

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Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and found herself standing in front of Canterlot High. It was empty.

Rainbow: Where am I? Hello? Anybody here?

Suddenly, she heard the bell ring and a barrage of students burst out the door. They were heading right towards her.

Rainbow: Uh oh!

Soon, she was lost in the crowd.

Rainbow: Aah! Get outta my way! Don't you guys know that school's over? Somebody help me!

She then felt someone grab her wrist and pull her out.

?: Relax, sugarcube, they can't see you.

Rainbow Dash turned around, it was Applejack! She looked almost invisible.

Rainbow: Applejack? Is that you?

She touched her nose to make sure she was real. That was when she noticed that she was a psyche. (If you don't know what psyche means, it means spirit or soul. There's a Greek myth called Cupid and Psyche, I encourage you to read that.)

Rainbow: Am I a ghost? Am I dead?!?

Applejack: No, just dreaming, you're in the past.

Rainbow: Wait, so this is all in the past?

Applejack: Yup, this is the year ya made your big mistake.

Rainbow: But AJ, I don't like to think about it, why would you bring me here?

Applejack: Just follow me, okay?

Applejack took Rainbow Dash's hand and they both vanished. Moments later, they reappeared at the mall, Rainbow Dash saw her past self and the tree burning down.

Rainbow: What's the meaning of this? I was really upset after this happened!

Applejack: Relax, Rainbow, I'll explain everything.

Applejack began to sing.

As a young thing, life sure is somethin'

You go makin' choices large and small

Always growin' like a seedlin'

And playin' is like dreamin'

And before you know it, big and tall

And every little bitty choice you make

Sends you down a path to who you are today

So let's take a little trip down memory lane

And see just what the past has to say

Aw, look how cute you were. Looks like you're not too upset it's Hearth's Warming Eve either.

The seeds of the past

They grow pretty fast

Just look at who you were back then

The seeds, as they grow

Look what they can show

Reveal the truth time and again

Then some distress, words so careless

Standin' there, you don't know what to do

Feelin' helpless, you can't make it hurt less

So you go and change your point of view

And in that moment, though you didn't know it

Your defenses set up walls you built to last

Leading to the pony you've become today

And the spell you're about to cast

It all comes from your past

The seeds of the past

We grow up so fast

Some hurts never go away

The seeds, as they grow

This we can't let go

All tied to this one holiday

Everything was starting to make sense, Rainbow Dash got a deeper look into her past and saw why she neglected Christmas. She felt guilty.

Rainbow: I guess that big mistake I made really changed how I view Christmas, maybe I've been holding onto it for so long, I stopped celebrating.

Applejack nodded.

Applejack: If you continue this, you'll grow into hating Christmas.

Rainbow: What do I do? How do I stop this?

Applejack: You'll se as you continue your journey.

Rainbow: What journey? Applejack, what's going on?

Before Applejack could answer, Rainbow Dash vanished.

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