The War For Dimension X

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As the Ulixes was parking and set up with his cloaking field, Fugitoid, the Turtles, the Rainbooms, Casey, April, and Traximus boarded the two stealthships and were flying off.

"All right teams, we need to find the last two pieces of the black hole device before the Triceratons do." Leo began.

Rainbow spoke to Fugitoid from an intercom on the second ship, "Are you sure these Utroms will help us, Fuge?"

"Of course. The Utroms separated the black hole generator into the three pieces and scattered them across the universe to keep them safe." the android explained.

"Plus, visiting the Utrom means getting to go back to Dimension X! Whoo-hoo!" Mikey cheered.

"Why's Mikey so excited about the dimension where the Kraang live?" Rarity inquired.

Donnie sighed, "Because he knows the laws and physics of their world better than the rest of us."

"Seriously?" Applejack asked in disbelief.


"Though you think it's wise bringing Traximus with us?" Raph asked.

"Raph, don't be rude." Sunset Shimmer replied.

"It's ok, Sunset," Traximus spoke, "I assure you, Raphael. I am an old ally of the Utroms. I just hope they remember me."

"You'll find out soon enough. Projecting portal now." Fugitoid said, as the one stealthship projected a portal, and the two ships zipped off into it.

The two ships suddenly reappeared in Dimension X. They parked their ships on one of the moons with crystal trees. They exited their ships with their helmets on, with Mikey looking more excited than usual, "Yes! Back in Dimension X!"

Spike looked around before looking up and his eyes widened, "Guys, we got an incoming bogey!"

They looked up seeing a Kraathatrogon worm coming right for them roaring, "What is that thing?!" Twilight gasped, as she held onto her Equestrian Counterpart.

"A Kraang worm!" Donnie gasped.

Before the worm could attack it was snatched up by an even bigger . Mikey smiled, "Ah, yes. The circle of life."

Raph growled, "I hate Dimension X more than I hate Space!"

"Is there anything you don't hate?" Rarity asked him in annoyance.

Raph growled at her only for April to come between them, "All right knock it off you two."

Donnie spoke, "The sooner we find the Utrom, the sooner we leave. Professor?"

Fugitoid looked confused, "What? Oh, me. Um according to my scanner, the Utrom are uh this way. " he started walking only to walk right into a crystal tree. Uhh! Dimension X is muh messing with my scaaan sc-scanners."

"Great." Leo sighed.

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"I got the answer right here, sis!" Mikey threw down and make shift smoke bomb, much to everyone's irritation. When the smoke cleared they saw Mikey standing before them with Kraang tentacles tied around his shoulder, crystals on his belt, a Kraang skull on his head like a helmet, and was also wearing a makeshift oxygen convertor.

"What am I looking at here?" Traximus asked.

"Savage Mikey is in the house!" Mikey cheered.

"Are you wearing a Kraang skull?" Casey asked.

"Why yes I am," Mikey turned to Rarity, "Hey, Rares. You're the fashion expert. Whatcha think of this look? Does it have your approval?"

Rarity answered with repulse, "Approval denied!"

Mikey rolled his eyes, "Oh, well. I can find the Utroms. Follow me." he used one of the little slug creatures like a web slinger.

"We better go." Princess Twilight said, as the group went after Mikey while unaware of a metal sphere tracking their movements.

Thanks to the different laws of physics of Dimension X, the group was jumping far lengths to reach the next Dimension X asteroid, "Oh, yeah!" Rainbow cheered, as she floated.

"This is so metal!" Casey cheered, as he made a far jump.

"The physics of this dimension is mind boggling." Twilight said, while jumping.

"I don't know. I like it." Spike replied.

"Me too." Dog Spike agreed.

"Dimension X tip number 23 never put a mushropod between your toes. It could try to eat 'em. Learned that one the hard way." Mikey explained.

"Gross!" Rarity gagged.

"Why would we ever stick anything in Dimension X between our toes?" Donnie asked, until they all came to a halt because of Mikey.

"Why're you stopping Mikey?" April inquired.

"Because we're here."

They looked out seeing nothing but empty space, "I don't see anything." Applejack looked around.

"Duh, A.J. That's the point." Mikey picked up a rock and threw it causing a invisibility field to ripple.

"A cloaking dome. Brilliant." Fugitoid said.

"And ." Traximus added.

So they jumped through and appeared outside a base, "Whoa. Now that's a headquarters." Donnie gasped.

April concentrated and spoke, "Guys, we're not alone here."

Suddenly appearing before them were Kraang droids wearing a layer of skin over their robot bodies. However the layer of skin on these androids were a whitish silver color compared to the dark blue color layer of the Kraang droids.

"We come in peace." Fluttershy winced.

Suddenly appearing before them was what appeared to be a Kraang's human android better known as Norman, and was wearing sunglasses, "Who are you? How did you find our secret base? And why did you throw a rock at my head?"

As the good guys were armed and ready to fight, Fugitoid approached, "Bishop! Good to see you old friend." he held his hand out expecting something. Bishop taking a chance shook the Professor's hand in a special fashion, and he realized who he was, "Professor Honeycutt! Good to see you. Despite your strange, robotic body and your very large head."

"Thank you. I think." Fugitoid answered, while feeling insulted.

Traximus approached, "Bishop, do you remember me?"

The Utrom Droids aimed their blasters at Traximus, until Bishop got a good look at him and gasped, "By the ten dimensions. Traximus!" he went over and shook the Triceraton's hand, "It's so good to see you, old comrade."

"Same to you."

Fugitoid spoke up, "Bishop, I need the attention of the full Utrom council. Please."

"Anything for you, Zayton. This way, everyone." Bishop showed them along.

Later on inside the Utrom base, everyone was out of their space suits and were wearing metal collars around their necks, while Mikey remained in his savage attire, "Dude, those neck breathing thingies you guys got are cool!"

Donnie shushed him, "Mikey."

"I admit it's not my choice in neckwear, but at least we won't have to wear our helmets now." Rarity noted, as she fixed her hair.

"I don't understand why you'd prefer that makeshift oxygen convertor over one of these, Mikey." Sunset noted.

"It's part of my savage look, yo." Mikey answered, as they were brought inside a big room where three other individuals were present.

"Professor, Turtles, Traximus, Casey, April, and Rainbooms," Bishop began, "Allow me to present the sacred high council of the Utrom. Pawn, Rook, and Queen." Pawn was a regular Utrom android, with a French mustache on the android's head. Rook was actually Irma with a more white, blue, and teal look to her appearance. Finally Queen looked like the Kraang's android lady Ms Campbell only had the same color scheme as Rook.

"Irma?" April asked as she eyed Rook who eyed her back, "Ms. Campbell?" she looked at Queen in confusion.

"Looks like Bishop's body design wasn't the only thing the Kraang stole from these guys." Casey said.

"Interesting, they're all named after Chess pieces." Twilight noted.

"Why isn't there a Knight or a King?" Dog Spike wondered.

Queen spoke up, "The Council acknowledges the Professor, the Rainbooms, and the Turtles. And Traximus, welcome back."

"Thank you, Queen." Traximus bowed his head in respect.

Chairs appeared for everyone to take a seat. Fugitoid spoke up, "Utrom, these Turtles and girls are protectors of Earth. They have fought the Kraang and many other enemies and are worthy of your help."

"The Utrom are already aware of the Turtles and the Rainbooms and all of the good they have done for the planet Earth." Queen confirmed.

"You know about us already?" Princess Twilight asked in surprise.

"Indeed so, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Bishop confirmed.

"From your stolen crown, to the Sirens at the Band Battle, and the Friendship Games." Queen noted.

"Whoa, girls, we're famous to these guys!" Pinkie cheered.

Raph spoke up, "If you knew all about each of us, then why didn't ya help us before?"

Rook answered, "Because Earthlings cannot always be trusted! You are an irrational species. Still, you should know the truth about the Utrom."

A visual projector appeared on the table and projected a flashback of the Utroms, as Queen narrated, "For millions of nextons, the Utrom all had individual personalities. Then one nexton, an Utrom scientist named "Kraang" discovered the mutagen of the Kraathatrogon Worm. Kraang Prime was born, becoming deranged in the process. He used his horrible psychic powers to overcome millions of Utrom, turning them into slave-copies of himself! And so, the Kraang were born."

"How horrible." Fluttershy gasped.

"Unbelievable." Twilight gasped.

"There were many Utrom who resisted Prime's control, but now less than 100 exist." Bishop explained.

"What happened to your race was a tragedy, but perhaps you can help us avoid another one that's much like the destruction of my home planet." Traximus pleaded, as Donnie spoke.

"We were able to get one of the pieces of the Black Hole Generator, but we need the others."

"It's the only way to save earth." Sunset added.

The council was in shock, as Queen spoke, "You found one of the pieces?" Pawn started shorting out in shock before falling out of his seat.

Rook spoke up, "No one should have such power! We took pains to hide the pieces in the safest parts of the galaxy!"

Upon hearing this, Twilight shot out of her seat, "Safest?! The first piece corrupted the entire race of Aeons and their home planet!"

The council was in shock to hear this miscalculation on their part, "What?" Bishop gasped.

"Impossible." Queen replied.

"No way!" Rook gasped.

"Sacre b-b-b-bleu!" Pawn spoke in a French accent.

Fugitoid spoke, "Utrom, I have a plan to destroy the Generator once and for all."

Pawn answered, "Impossible! Zee Heart of Darkness cannot be destroyed!"

"Utroms, we must discuss this." Bishop spoke.

The four members huddled together and began discussing, while the others waited. Rainbow sighed, "Why do they need to discuss this at all?"

"Yeah. Why can't they just help us?" Raph asked.

"This is how things work with a council, you two." Princess Twilight replied.

Soon the group broke, as Queen spoke to the heroes, "The High Council has reached a decision!"

"All right!" Pinkie cheered, as Rook continued.

"We are officially opening discussions on the topic of helping you. The debate shall last for the next 100 nextons."

Upon hearing this, Rainbow shot out of her seat, "Are you kidding me?!"

"We don't have a hundred nextons!" Rarity put in.

"By then it'll be too late." April added.

Leo made an attempt to reason with them, "Utrom, please We've come from the future! The Triceratons find all the pieces and destroy Earth! We saw it happen!"

"And we barely escaped the destruction." Applejack added.

"Oolong, that Black Hole thingy is the only chance we have! Ya gotta help us! Pleeeassse?" Mikey pleaded.

The council started getting second thoughts, as Queen spoke, "Perhaps we can..." she was cut off as another portal opened inside the room.

"Oh, no!" Traximus gasped, as more appeared and coming out from them was Subprime and several Kraang droids.

"Kraang Subprime!" Princess Twilight gasped.

Subprime laughed, "So the long-hidden Utrom base, revealed to us by none other than those miserable Turtles and meddling Rainbooms. How awesome has Kraang Subprime's day become? "

"Get 'em!" Leo shouted, as the group went on the attack.

As both sides fought, Mikey was jumping around screaming like a savage, much to the annoyance of Raph, "Enough with the savage yells!"

"Don't diss my sweet yell till you try it!"

Subprime went to attack Queen, only for Bishop to jump in and attack, "How I've waited for this, Subprime."

Rook called out to Subprime, "You stole my body. She was my creation!" she jumped in to attack, only for Subprime's robot arm to grab hold of Rook in mid air.

"Awe, my heart bleeds for you." Subprime mocked.

Traximus rammed Subprime making him release Rook, "Mind if I cut in?" the rebel asked.

Subprime's eyes widened at the sight of him, "Traximus? The Triceratons actually let you out of the slammer?"

"I escaped with the help of my friends." he answered.

"How sweet, now how about you just step aside before I have to hurt you?"

"Just try it, Subprime." Traximus beckoned, and the two fought.

Subprime struggled against the Triceraton, before his one arm blasted Traximus making him fall to the ground, "Traximus!" Fluttershy and Mikey called.

Subprime saw Queen was fighting a Biotroid and zapped her body making it shut down. The real Utrom Queen left her body revealing she wore a tiara on her head symbolizing her status.

"Your majesty." Subprime grabbed Queen by the tentacle.

"Let me go, Subprime." she ordered.

"Queen!" Bishop shouted.

"So long, morons! I'll be taking a parting gift." Subprime retreated into a portal with his captive, with the remaining Kraang droids following.

"Let's go, dudes." Mikey called to Raph, Rainbow, and Pinkie who were closest to the portal. They went through but the portal closed before the others could follow.

"No!" Leo cried.

"Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie!" Sunset called.

The portal opened up in a Kraang base, where Subprime and his army escorted Queen, "I think you'll like your accommodations, Queen. And by like, I mean you will totally hate!" he laughed.

Mikey, Raph, Pinkie, and Rainbow fell out of the portal but hid when one droid turned around. Seeing nothing it continued on. They peeked their heads out seeing it was clear, "Come on, guys. Stay close." Raph said as they hurried. Unfortunately they saw no sign of the Kraang.

"They're gone!" Pinkie gasped.

Raph groaned, "How did we lose her already?!"

Suddenly a new voice spoke up, "I would know such fury anywhere," the group looked over and saw through the window of a holding cell was a female lizard alien too familiar to Raph and Mikey, "Raphael!"

At the sight of the alien, hearts appeared in Raphael's eyes, "Mona Lisa?"

"Huh?" Pinkie and Rainbow were confused, as Raph pushed past them and destroyed the lock with his sai making the door open.

"What're you doing here? I thought I'd never see you again." Raph asked while breathless.

Mona responded by picking Raph up to her level, and the two nuzzled noses. Rainbow looked disgusted, "Blech."

"Awe, how cute." Pinkie cooed.

Approaching was another alien lizard who was a male, "Michelangelo, Raphael. It's good to see you turtles again. But who are these two?" he eyed the girls.

"The name's Rainbow Dash." Rainbow introduced herself.

"And I'm Pinkie Pie." Pinkie smiled.

The girl alien spoke, "I am Y'Gythgba, but if you desire you may use the name Raphael has given me. Mona Lisa."

"Fitting." Pinkie admitted.

The final one spoke, "And I am Commander G'Throkka, but by Michelangelo's suggestion you may call me..." Pinkie interrupted.

"Wait, let me guess. Sal Commander?"

The two Salamandrians were surprised, "How did you know?" Sal asked.

"Just a hunch." she grinned.

"Come on, dudes. We got no time to waste. We have to rescue the Utrom Queen." Mikey reminded them.

"Utrom Queen?" Sal asked in outrage, "The Utrom and the Kraang are one in the same!"

"We thought they could be trusted, but we found out the hard way." Mona added.

Rainbow heard something and quickly pushed everyone further into the cell locking it. She motioned to be quiet as more Kraang droids came down the hall.

Mikey tried reasoning with him, "Kraangs and Utrom are not the same, Sal Commander. Trust me on that. We only work with the good guys."

"Good Kraang? You expect us to believe in such a thing?" Sal continued to be skeptic.

"We tried to trust the Kraang, and it landed us in prison. How can we trust the Utrom?" Mona asked.

Raphael answered, "I was skeptical at first too, Mona. But these Utrom they helped us." The two Salamandrians looked at each other questionably.

"Even if we believed this, you think the Utrom can truly help us fight the Kraang?" Sal asked.

"We do, Sal Commander." Rainbow confirmed.

"And to top it off, we got a Triceraton to back us up." Pinkie added, making Raph growl at her.

"They didn't need to know that!"

"What? You're working with a Triceraton?" Mona asked in disbelief.

"I thought we shared a common enemy." Sal said feeling betrayed.

"Hey, Traximus is nothing like the Triceratons!" Mikey argued.

Sal gasped, "Wait. You said 'Traximus'?"

"I did." Mikey confirmed.

"Do you know him?" Raph asked.

Mona answered, "No. But we heard rumors of a Triceraton rebelling against his people to protect the innocent. His name Traximus."

"That is a soldier we can get behind." Sal noted.

"Good, but we still need the Utroms help." Mikey said.

Back at the Utrom base, the remaining members of the council were debating, with Rook speaking, "I move to instate Parliamentary procedure 43-dash-296."

Leo finally tired of all these talks and not action spoke up, "Guys! No more discussions! We need action!"

"And we need it now." Casey added.

Bishop answered, "No discussion. Parliamentary Procedure is all out war. Utrom droids prepare!" Walking in like soldiers was an army of Utrom droids.

Applejack whistled, "Whoa nelly."

"This is great." Sunset Shimmer smiled.

"Now we're talking!" Leo cheered, "So where's the rest of them?"

Traximus spoke up, "Remember, Leonardo. Under a hundred Utroms exist now. We have to make do with what we got."

"And you still have us." Princess Twilight reminded.

Fugitoid spoke to the council, "Now might be a good time to tell us where the Black Hole Generator fragments are located just in case, you know, something happens."

Bishop replied, "Fight by our side, survive this siege and we shall see."

"Well, everyone. Guess we'll have to survive." April said.

"We can do that." Applejack said confidently, as everyone armed themselves.

"Then let's hurry." Bishop ordered.

Back in the Kraang base, inside the cell, Mikey was still trying to reason with their Salamandrian friends, "So are you guys gonna help save the Queen or what?"

"As I've said, we will not aid the Kraang." Sal answered.

"And as I've said, they're good Kraang." Mikey argued.

Raph tried to convince Mona, "Mona, I wouldn't do anything that would hurt you. You know that."

Mona spoke up to her superior, "I doubted them before, Commander, even when you insisted otherwise. But now I trust Raphael with my life. I believe him." Raph smiled.

Mikey, Pinkie, and Rainbow turned to Sal waiting for an answer. He let out a reluctant sigh, "Very well."

"Oh, yeah!" Mikey cheered, until he saw Raph and Mona nose rubbing again, "What's with you two?"

"Could you please save that for later?!" Rainbow snapped.

"Yeah. We got a Queen to save." Pinkie opened the cell, and they started running through the base.

They saw up ahead another room with Subprime trying to interrogate the Queen, "There they are." Pinkie called.

"Get him!" Raph called, as they jumped in with Mikey knocking Subprime away, while the others disabled the android guards.

Sal spoke to Queen, "I can't believe I'm saving a Kraang!"

"I never expected in my life I would be saved by a Salamandrian." Queen chuckled.

The group surrounded Subprime, as Rainbow spoke, "It's six of us against you, Subprime!"

"Ohhh, ohhh, I'm so scared! Look at me, I'm quivering!" Subprime said in sarcasm, "Not really. ' Cause I got me a Dracotroid!" rising up from a hole in the room was the two headed robot dragon.

"That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen." Pinkie said.

The robot dragon started blasting at the six, who were jumping around and attacking it while avoiding the laser blasts from its two mouths. Subprime continued, "I've always wanted to watch a Turtle get eaten by a Dracotroid." Suddenly the robot and Subprime were blasted away from a hole left in the base. The heroes looked out seeing their friends, and the Utrom ready to fight.

"Need some help, guys?" April asked.

"Girls!" Pinkie cheered.

"Utrom?" Sal asked in shock.

"I knew my Utrom would find us." Queen said in joy.

"Yes, you can always trust the good Kraang." Pinkie smiled.

Subrpime recovered and turned to the robot beast, "Dracotroid do what you do best!" the blasted the others making them fly out of the hole.

"Guys!" Twilight called.

Raph and Mikey used their grappling hooks to catch onto a wall of the base and swing down safely with their Salamandrian friends, Rainbow, and Pinkie, and Queen.

Running out of the base was a battalion of Kraang and Biotroids, and so the war began, "Goongala!" Casey whacked some photon pucks at the Kraang that exploded upon contact.

Twilight was running around firing laser shots from her twin blasters, "I think I'm getting better at this." She was suddenly getting ganged up on by more Kraang, only for Sal to jump in and save her, "Hey, thanks."

"Anything for a friend of my friends." he motioned to Mikey who answered.

"Great work, Sal. Booyakasha!"

"Booyakasha indeed, Michelangelo."

Rarity and Applejack were jumping around using their weapons to disable many of the Kraang droids, while Fluttershy was launching exploding darts at them that blew up in their faces, "Sorry! So Sorry!" she apologized.

"Don't apologize to the Kraang." Rainbow chided her.

"Sorry." she winced.

April threw her tessen at several Kraang droids, and saw more were coming at her. They were blasted by Traximus who spoke, "For honor!" he declared.

Subprime looked down seeing the fighting take place, "This has gotta be the most pathetic sight ever." he was cut off as Bishop and Princess Twilight attacked him.

"It pains me how far you've fallen, Knight." Bishop addressed Subprime.

Princess Twilight was taken aback, "Knight? You mean Subprime was one of the Utrom council?"

Subprime answered with a growl, "That name means nothing to me! I am now Kraang Subprime!" he laughed.

Princess Twilight frowned and attacked Subprime, who fought back, "You were one of the Utrom and you betrayed them for the Kraang?!"

"Sister, when you've lived as long as me, you'd understand it's better to join the winning side." Subprime replied, before knocking her away. He was about to attack again, until Bishop stopped him and chewed him out.

"You used to be our greatest hero! You were a true brother."

"Oh, for the love of Kraang! Everyone hates complete subservience to Kraang Prime until they try it!"

Princess Twilight got up and helped Bishop, "You're nothing but a traitor to your own kind, Subprime!"

"And that is why you will fall!" Bishop jabbed a big Kraang crystal into Subprime's robot apparatus leg and it exploded.

"Did we?" Princess Twilight asked Bishop.

"Yes. Kraang Subprime is finally defeated."

Back at the fight, the group seemingly had the Kraang on the ropes, until they saw two giant stone warriors approach. One of them was dark gray with an orange glow and the second was white with a blue glow. They looked up at the two, as Rarity asked, "What're those things?"

Mikey gasped, "Oh, snap! It's Traag and Granitor!"

"What're they?" Sunset asked.

"Not the friendly type." Donnie answered, as Traag spat lava at them, while Granitor spat blue colored lava.

"How do we take down something that size?" Twilight asked in shock.

"We hit them hard!" Traximus answered, as he started blasting at the two while the Utrom's started catapulting energy crystals at them which exploded upon impact.

The two rock giants were losing their balance, until they shook it off and destroyed the Utrom's catapulting apparatus, "Look out!" Pawn called, as the Utroms were taking cover.

"We can't let them hurt our Utrom friends!" Sunset told the girls, as they ran over to help some of the Utrom.

Traag and Granitor continued to attack the heroes, until the two rock creatures went to attack the girls, "Girls, look out!" Leo called.

The girls braced themselves, as Traag and Granitor attempted to attack only to get repelled by the girls. Everyone around gasped, as the girls started ponying up, taking the Utroms, Salamandrians, and Traximus by surprise, "What is happening here?" Sal Commander asked.

"The girls are showing you their true power." Mikey explained.

"This aura they're emitting feels so warm." Mona said, while feeling relaxed.

"Sure does." Raph agreed.

The girls eyes glowed, as they released a rainbow beam in the direction of the giants. Traag and Granitor's eyes widened in shock as the blast hit them and sent them flying off into the space of Dimension X. The girls touched down, as their friends ran over to see if they were ok."

"You girls all right?" Donnie asked.

"We are, thanks." Rarity replied.

They looked over seeing Bishop and Princess Twilight, "Bishop, Twilight, are you two ok?" Leo asked.

"We're fine, Leo." Princess Twilight replied.

"And Subprime?" Traximus asked.

"Is gone." Bishop answered, until they heard a familiar laugh.

They saw Subprime was still alive and on top of a stealth ship with a few Kraang, "I may be a traitor, but at least I'm not a loser with a totally stupid face."

Pinkie looked to the side and gasped before calling out, "Hey, Subby!"

"What?!" Subprime shouted, until he looked over and saw Traag and Granitor heading right for them, "Give me a Kraanging break!" he cried, as the two rock monsters collided with the stealth ship which in turn crashed into the Kraang base.

"Kraang! Initiate that which is known as retreat!" A Kraang ordered, as they fled to the stealth ships. They didn't get far, as the Utroms blasted them out of the sky. Upon succeeding they cheered, while several Kraang were apprehended.

"What's going to happen to those Kraang?" Rainbow asked the council.

"We will take them back to our facility, and see if we can restore their individual minds freeing them of Kraang Prime's influence." Bishop explained.

"That's good." Fluttershy replied.

Sal turned to Queen, "I have to admit, I was wrong about your species. There are, indeed, good Kraang in the ten Dimensions."

"Utrom, Sal." Mikey and Pinkie corrected him.

"Whatever." he replied.

Queen answered, "And I have seen unparalleled bravery today." she looked at the whole group.

"Does this mean..." Fugitoid trailed off, as Queen continued.

"Indeed it does. Bishop."

Bishop projected a map with his eyes, "You will find the second piece of the Black Hole Generator in the Cosmic Ocean of Varuna. The final fragment is on the lost world of Magdomar at the very edge of the known cosmos."

"Thank you, Utrom. We're gonna make sure this weapon is finally destroyed once and for all." Leo promised.

"We promise you that." Princess Twilight added.

"I have faith you Turtles and girls will do just that." Queen smiled, before turning to Traximus, "Traximus, will you look after our friends just as you have done for us?"

"You can count on me, Queen." Traximus promised.

Sal spoke up, "Traximus, consider the Salamandrians your comrades." he offered alliance with him.

Traximus, "Thank you, commander." they performed the Salamandrian alliance ritual, even with Traximus trying to match the lizard alien's language at the end.

"So beautiful to see new friendships forged." Pinkie smiled.

"No kidding.' Rainbow motioned to Raph and Mona getting all chummy again.

"What are you waiting for? Now's the time for kissy-nose!" Mikey called.

Raph growled at Mikey, until Mona pulled Raph aside and once again nuzzled noses. The girls cooed at such a romance, while Spike watched with a smile. His dog counterpart noticed this and spoke, "What're you so happy about?"

"Nothing. It's just if a relationship between a mutant and an alien can happen, then maybe there's hope for another two species as well." he thought about Rarity from Equestria.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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