Welcome Traximus

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Out in space, the Ulixes was flying through the vast endless sea of stars. Inside the ship, Traximus was looking out the window and watching all the stars. He was so caught up in thought, he didn't realize Fugitoid approach him, "Pardon me, Traximus."

Traximus snapped out of his daydream and turned to the robot, "Oh, Professor Honeycutt. I didn't know you were there."

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something. You looked as if you were in a bit of thought."

"I was just contemplating on all that has transpired recently," Traximus began, "I mean not too long ago I was rotting in a Triceraton prison cell forced to fight challengers against my will. And now here I am on board the ship of one of my people's enemies looking for the fragments of the heart of darkness."

"The universe works in mysterious ways my tri-horned friend." Fugitoid said, as he stood by the Triceraton's side looking out the ship window together.

"Friend. You and everyone call me that, but the truth is I don't really know what being a friend really is." Traximus sighed.

Fugitoid looked up at him with concern, "Well, coming from a line of soldiers friendship isn't something you're knowledgeable of."

"I just want to understand more of what it truly means to be a friend. Otherwise I feel as if I will only be in the way of everyone on board."

"The best thing to do is for you to try and get to know them better as themselves and not just as fellow fighters."

"But how?"

"Well the turtles and Casey were on they way to the simulator room for some training. If you wanted you could join them." Fugitoid suggested.

Traximus thought about it, and nodded, "You know. I will. Thank you, Professor."

"Anytime my friend." Fugitoid said, as Traximus left the area.

He walked through the hall before spotting the turtles and Casey about to the holo room. Before they went inside he spoke up, "Excuse me, comrades."

The five turned to their dinosaur comrade, "Oh, hey, Traximus. Did you need anything?" Leo asked.

"I was wondering if I could join you all in training?"

Mikey spoke up, "Sure thing, Traxey. More the merrier I say."

"It would be good to see how we fight together for upcoming battles." Donnie said.

"I'm down with that." Casey agreed.

"Might as well." Raph said.

"All right then, let's do this." Leo said, as the group entered the simulator room.

As they took positions, they suddenly found themselves in the old dojo of Chris Bradford. The group armed themselves, as Traximus looked around, "The place is vacant."

"We're not alone here. I can feel it." Leo warned him. Suddenly Raph was tackled into a wall by their wolf enemy Rahzar, "Rahzar?!" Leo gasped.

Rahzar laughed as he threw Raph aside only to land on his feet. He was about to attack until he heard another voice, "That makes two of us!" slamming down by Raph was Rahzar's former mutant form Dogpound.

"Dogpound!" Donnie gasped.

The group stood together as a third voice spoke, "Chris Bradford number Forty Eight. Chris Bradford always carries around four weapons of mass destruction," Raph suddenly found his shoulders either punched or karate chopped, "His Arms! And his Legs!" he used his legs to trip and kick Raph.

The group saw the three forms of Bradford stand together. Traximus eyed the three, "Who are these fighters?"

"A-class jerks." Mikey answered.

"Take em!" Leo ordered, as the went into battle with Leo, and Donnie taking on Rahzar, Raph going after Dogpound, and Mikey and Casey fought Bradford.

Traximus watched seeing how well trained they were together, and wondered how he could help. He looked and saw Donnie grabbed by Dogpound and was being slammed into the floor. The Triceraton going on instincts charged and rammed Dogpound into the wall squashing him.

"Good one, Traximus!" Raph gave a thumb's up.

Traximus looked over and felt happy to have heard such words of appreciation, until Leo called, "Traximus, heads up!"

Traximus looked and saw Rahzar jump and latch himself onto Traximus' hide. The Tirceraton tried to throw Rahzar off but the mutant was clinging tight. Casey readied some explosive pucks, "Eat this, Rahzar!" he knocked the pucks at Rahzar that exploded upon contact. With Rahzar weakened, Traximus grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

"A formidable foe, even for a hologram." Traximus admitted.

Mikey finished off Bradford by knocking him to the ground with his head banging against a desk, "All right, Bradford's down for the count!" The holograms of the three vanished and the room turned back to normal.

"Not a bad work out team." Leo admitted.

Donnie turned to Traximus, "Thanks for the save there, Traximus."

"My pleasure, Donatello," he answered before turning to Casey, "And thank you Casey Jones for coming to my aid."

"No prob, Traxi-Dude. You can always count on Casey Jones."

"I just hope I won't be a burden to you in the future." Traximus sighed.

"A burden?" Mikey asked in disbelief, "No way, bro! You're one of us now!"

"Am I really?"

"Of course. You helped us escape the Triceraton mother ship." Donnie reminded him.

"You understand honor and bravery by not wanting your people to use the black hole generator." Leo added.

"You rock, bro." Casey finished. Traximus looked at them feeling happy they've accepted him.

After leaving the holo room, Mikey brought Traximus over to the think-a-food machine to create plenty of pizzas. Mikey turned to Traximus and spoke, "Traximus, bro. You have not lived until you tried the greatest food on earth, Pizza!"

Traximus looked at the delicacy before picking it up with his hands and took a bite out of it. The turtles and Casey were curious about what his reaction would be until he spoke, "This is... The best thing I have ever tasted! It's even better than Berusian Tree Slugs!"

"Told ya so." Mikey replied.

"You have such a delectable sustenance on your home planet?" Traximus asked.

"Only place to find it." Casey answered.

"You are so lucky," Traximus said, as he continued to eat the pizza before finishing it. To reflect his enjoyment he let out a belch before putting a hand to his mouth, "Excuse me."

"No prob, bro. Just shows you like it." Mikey replied, and they laughed.

Later on, the turtles and Casey were leading Traximus through the ship, "Where are we going now?" he inquired.

"You'll see." Leo answered.

"I am curious about there whereabouts of the girls. I haven't seen them in hours."

"Like he said, you'll see." Raph replied.

Traximus was curious, until they walked up to the entrance to another room on the ship. When the doors opened they were greeted by the sound of party poppers with confetti blasted into the air.

"Welcome to the team, Traximus!" cheered everyone.

Traximus looked around the room seeing it was decorated for a celebration with tables of party treats set up, a sign reading 'Welcome Traximus' hanging above them, and balloons and streamers all over the place. Inside the room were the Rainbooms, April, Fugitoid, and the two Spike's, "What's all this?" Traximus looked around.

"A welcome party, silly." Pinkie answered with a smile.

"And you're the guest of honor." Sunset added.

"Me, the guest of honor?"

"Yeah, come on." Mikey said, as the turtles led him into the room.

"I don't understand this." Traximus said.

Fluttershy began, "Well, Traximus, we noticed how lonely you looked here ever since we escaped the Triceratons."

"Yeah. Ya looked like ya felt like ya didn't belong here." Applejack put in.

"So we started talking and Pinkie Pie got the idea to throw you this awesome welcome party." Rainbow said.

"You all did this for me?"

"Of course, Traximus. We'd do anything to make our friends feel welcomed." Rarity explained.

"It's true. They did the same for me and Sunset Shimmer." Twilight spoke on behalf of the two girls.

"And as Princess of Friendship, I feel obligated to also extend a warm welcome to all who wish to be part of the friendship we all share. Even to a Triceraton." Princess Twilight smiled.

"So what do you think, Traximus?" April asked.

Traximus looked around seeing everything and spoke, "I've never really given a party or anything."

"No parties?!" Pinkie gasped.

"Don't you Triceratons celebrate victories or something?" Spike asked.

"Yes, but we never have festivities for anything like friendship."

"Well, it's never too late to have one like this." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Quite so." Fugitoid agreed.

Traximus pondered on it and spoke, "Well, then I suppose as you say 'Let's get this party started'?"

Mikey smiled, "Now you're catching on, boy!" And with that the party officially began.

Traximus was taking this time to get to know the girls, while enjoying a bottle of fizzy apple cider courtesy of Applejack using the think-a-food machine. Both Twilights used it as a chance to get to know more about Triceraton physiology, until Pinkie pulled him aside to try a cupcake.

Traximus picked up up and studied it before tossing it into his mouth and ate it, "Well, what do you think?" Pinkie asked.

"Tasty and sweet."

"I knew you'd like it." she grinned.

"Traximus," Rarity began, as the Triceraton turned to her, "I made something for you as a token of our newly formed friendship." she presented him with a bracelet decorated in gem stones.

After placing it around Traximus' wrist, the Triceraton looked at it and spoke, "Thank you, Rarity."

"You're very welcome." Rarity smiled, as she went to join the others.

Traximus smiled seeing how much welcomed he felt from his new friends, as he saw Fugitoid approach, "You know you were right, Professor. Getting to know them as themselves instead of just fighters was a good thing for me to do."

"Of course it was. And now that they've truly welcomed you into our ranks, you are most certainly one of our friends now." Fugitoid beeped.

Traximus looked at his new friends feeling happier than he's ever been, "Yes. These are certain to be promising times." he and Fugitoid went to join their friends.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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