The Ever-Burning Fire

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In the Ulixe's wreck room, Mikey and Pinkie were plopped down in front of the repaired TV watching Chris Bradford's cartoon. As nit was getting to the good part, the TV was shut off and the two saw Raph and Sunset, "Why'd you guys do that?!" Pinkie complained.

"It was getting to the good part!" Mikey complained like Pinkie.

"Sorry, guys, but we're needed on the bridge." Sunset replied.

"So hop to it." Raph ordered.

Mikey moaned, "I miss Earth! I'm tired of space. And I miss Master Splinter."

"And I miss my sisters too." Pinkie moaned.

Raph and Sunset comforted the two, as Raph spoke, "So do I, little brother. Big time! But if we can stop the Triceratons, we can finally go home."

"And we can put all this destruction of the earth behind us." Sunset added to comfort Pinkie. Pinkie and Mikey with their spirits brightened followed Sunset Shimmer and Raph to the bridge.

Once they entered the bridge, they saw everyone was lounging around while waiting to arrive at their destination, "Man, it's a long way to the ZZ3 Plural X Beta Galaxy. Even warping is taking forever." Donnie said.

Rainbow who was taking a nap yawned, "Yeah, the far edge of the known universe is a long way."

"But at least we can rest up before we arrive." Spike said, as he and his dog counterpart were catching a few winks themselves.

"So what can you tell us about this planet, Fugitoid?" Fluttershy asked the Professor.

"The planet itself is Magdomar, which translates as Planet of Ever-Burning Fire."

"Sounds like it's worse than Phoenix during a heatwave." Applejack noted.

"Oh, man!" Mikey complained, "Couldn't we just once go to the planet of Comfy Pillows and Endless Free Pizza?"

"If such a planet existed I wouldn't be surprised." Princess Twilight answered.

"Especially with all the other planets we've seen during our travels." Twilight agreed.

Fugitoid continued, "It's also the home of Tokka, one of the Six Great Cosmic Monsters of the Universe. It is an ancient Vorkathian Fire Beast protecting the final fragment of the Black Hole Generator with its life."

Casey spoke up, "If we could keep from losing it this time, we might pull this off."

"Let's just hope Tokka's easier to evade than Cthuuga." Rarity hoped.

"Now approaching Magdomar. The Triceraton fleet must be near. We must avoid them at all cost." Fugitoid warned them.

April looked at the monitor ans spoke, "I see them! On the other side of the planet. Closing in." she pulled them up on screen.

"They're launching Raptors." Traximus gasped.

"They're gonna find the Black Hole thingy before us!" Mikey panicked.

"It's not a thing, Mikey." Princess Twilight groaned.

"This is our last chance." Twilight said.

Leo spoke to the Professor, "Mr. Fugitoid, full speed ahead!"

"Booyakasha!" Fugitoid announced, as he powered the thrusters.

As they were on their way to the planet, on board the Triceraton mother ship was Mozar looking over the schematics for the Heart of Darkness, "With the Heart of Darkness in my hands, I shall become an admiral once again! And perhaps more." he snickered.

One of the Triceratons approached, "We are entering orbit, Captain Mozar."

"Send a search team and ready the teleporter. Once they've confirmed its location, I will beam down. I must have the fragment in my claws." Mozar demanded. And so a squad of guards were beamed down to the planet to scout and search for the third fragment.

Meanwhile the Ulixes had reached the planet and flew around avoiding burst of erupting lava, "Man, a whole volcano planet." Rainbow gasped.

"So many eruptions." Rarity gasped.

"Actually, this is the mild, calm part of the planet. Fugitoid answered.

"This is calm?" Applejack asked in disbelief.

Fugitoid motioned downward to a small rocky surface surrounded by lava, "That's where the Utrom said the fragment resides."

"Then let's grab it and be out of here." Dog Spike suggested.

Leo squinted his eyes and saw the piece, "There it is!"

Fugitoid activated the tractor beam to beam the piece up, "Come on! Come on!" Donnie pleaded.

"Why isn't it coming up?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"It's stuck." Twilight gasped.

Leo spoke, "It'll have to be a manual op. We need a clear landing spot. How about there?" he motioned to a clear spot.

Rarity looked around the planet seeing no sign of life, "Professor, where is this Tokka?"

"Somewhere close by, but if we act quickly, we..." the Professor was cut off as the ship was hit.

"What was that?" Pinkie gasped.

"Who's firing on us, Donnie?" Leo asked, and to answer his question Lord Dregg appeared on screen back in his exoskeleton.

"I did!"

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow groaned.

"We just dealt with you!" Pinkie moaned.

They saw Dregg's ship fly before them, "Did you shell-dwellers think that you can escape my wrath? You destroyed my Scorpinoid! He was my favorite pet. I loved him. Now prepare to meet a horrifying and depressing end."

Fugitoid sighed, "I'm always prepared for that."

"Me too." Fluttershy agreed.

Leo announced, "Evasive action!"

The Ulixes flew off with Dregg following in pursuit as he kept blasting them, "Shields are weakening!" April called.

"I think we're in a teensy, tiny spot of trouble. Just a teensy spot, not to worry." Fugitoid said while keeping positive.

April noticed Dregg's ship laying bug eggs, "It's hatching eggs!" The eggs hatched the reveal more of Dregg's minions.

"Oh, no, the Vreen!" Traximus gasped.

"That's just gross." April said in regards to the hatching eggs.

"Robobugs coming in fast!" Leo called.

"I got this!" Casey activated the cannons and began shooting at Dregg's minions.

Twilight spoke in fear as the engine sputtered, "Bad news, guys. Power converters are failing. We're going down!"

"Diverting power to thrusters!" Fugitoid called.

Raph called to Casey, "Casey, we got to hit them simultaneously, right on his ship's bug head. One, two..."

"Three!" the two activated their cannons which blasted Dregg's ship knocking it out of the sky.

The heroes cheered, before hitting a rock going into turbulence and crashed onto the planet's surface. As the crew suited up and left the chip Fugitoid called to them, "I will repair the converters while you find the final piece of the Black Hole Generator. Head north. Good luck, my friends. Stay cool," he laughed, "You get it? I made a funny." Applejack and Rarity rolled their eyes, as Pinkie answered while grinning.

"Good one!"

On the mother ship, Mozar was waiting for the word from the counts until receiving a transmission from Dregg, "Triceratons, heed me!"

Mozar squinted at the bug alien, "Vrinigrath Dregg! Why would criminal scum dare to contact the Triceraton Empire?"

"Oh, that hurts!" Dregg moaned in sarcasm, "I am royalty, you fool! And I know where the final fragment of your adored Black Hole Generator is. The Terrapins are on their way to get it."

Mozar hearing this spoke up, "Perhaps I was hasty your royalness."

"Oh, that's better, Dregg said, "I will help you claim the fragment of your silly toy. All I'm asking is for the Turtles, alive. Oh, and also 40 million zemulaks."

"Agreed. If you find the fragment first, the money and the Turtles are yours." Mozar agreed, as Dregg ended his transmission.

Back on the planet the heroes were making their way across the rocky surfaces while avoiding the pools of lava surrounding them, "This is definitely one planet I would not want to come back to." Sunset said while looking down into the lava.

"You and me both." Raph agreed, as the surface kept shaking from seismic activity and lava kept shooting up.

"This whole planet is out to get us!" Mikey cried, as they ran for safety.

They got away from the erupting pools, "We almost bought it back there." April panted.

"That was way too close." Mikey said only to be snatched up by the Hornitron.

"Mikey!" Leo called, as Dregg's ship flew off with him.

"We got him!" April called, as she and Twilight were blasting at Dregg's ship, but was getting out of range.

"After him!" Traximus ordered, as they chased after Dregg.

As the Hornitron flew with Mikey in it's mandibles, the turtle shouted, "Let me go, Lord Bugazoid!"

Dregg stopped his ship, "Oh, you wish to be released? So be it!"

Mikey looked down seeing they were above the sea of lava, "I didn't mean over lava!" But it was too late, as Dregg released Mikey who started plummeting into the lava sea.

Suddenly Leo swung by via space grappling hook and caught Mikey, swinging to safety, "You ok, Mikey?"

"My hero!" Mikey hugged his brother.

As everyone met back up, they heard screaming and saw Dregg himself flying right for them, "Take cover!" Traximus ordered, as some did , while a few got hit by Dregg.

The bug lord unleashed missiles from his body that were honed in on the heroes. Before they could impact, April stopped them with he telekinesis, "Back at ya, Dregg!" she sent the missiles at Dregg which exploded on him.

Dregg crashed onto one of the rocks and fell to the ground. He tried to fly only to see one of his wings was damaged. When he looked ahead seeing the heroes ready to fight, he shouted, "Why won't you just let me end your pitiful lives?" he whined. He was cut off as the planet shook again. Dregg quickly launched his Spider hand at April.

"Watch out for the Spider hand!" Pinkie shoved April aside, as she was ensnared in the hand and cable.

"Pinkie!" the girls called.

Dregg started falling from the rock they were on, dragging Pinkie with him, "Help me!" she cried. Princess Twilight jumped in and used her weapon to sever the cable connecting Dregg to his Spider hand, making the alien fall for the pool of lava, "Thanks." she told the Princess.

"Think this time we've seen the last of him?" Rarity asked.

"Dregg's harder to kill than a cockroach." Casey reminded.

"We better haul shell before the Triceratons find us." Leo ordered.

"Agreed. We better move." Traximus added.

Donnie looked around as more earthquakes happened, "These earthquakes are being caused by an unstable magma..." another earthquake erupted, and this time Raph and Rainbow Dash fell into a chasm, but used their space weapons to pierce the wall to keep them safe.

"Raph! Rainbow Dash!" Leo called.

"You two ok?" Sunset called to them.

"We're all right!" Raph called up.

"Let's get out of here." Rainbow suggested, as they started climbing up.

When they reached a lower edge they saw an egg covered in strange markings, "Is that an egg?" Raph asked.

"Hope it's not a Vreen egg." Rainbow hoped.

Suddenly the egg started moving, and hatched. Out form the egg came a purple baby turtle creature. It looked up at Raph and Rainbow making playful noises Rainbow looked with big eyes, "Oh, look Raph. A little turtle alien." she pat his head.

"Where's your mama, little guy?" Raph asked the baby.

They put the alien down, as Rainbow spoke to it, "Be a good baby and find your nest." The alien waddled its way to the edge looking ready to jump into the lava.

Raph quickly picked it back up, "Y-you're too close to the bad lava, little fella. Better stay with Uncle Raph for now." he put him on his shoulder

"And Auntie Rainbow Dash will protect you, little dude." Rainbow promised.

So they climbed back up to their friends, as Raph spoke, "Guys, look what we found." the alien turtle made chortle sounds.

"Oh, my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped, as she looked at it, "What a cute little creature."

"A baby turtle? What'd you do, lay an egg down there?" Casey joked.

"Highly illogical, Casey." Twilight replied.

"Not a good time to adopt an alien pet, Raph." Donnie voiced his disapproval.

"But he looks so darling." Rarity cooed at it.

"Let us see!" Spike called, as both Twilight's held them up to the alien.

"Whoa, an alien species that looks like turtles?" Dog Spike asked, as he got close to the turtle alien. The little alien licked Dog Spike's nose, much to his surprise, "That tickled!" he laughed.

Mikey took him, "Awe, he's almost as cute as me!"

Raph took the creature back, "Rainbow and I found him first!" he tried petting it, until the alien playfully bit his finger, "Ouch!" he cried.

"Feisty fella, aren't you?" Rainbow asked the baby.

Raph pondered, "How about I call you Chompy Picasso." Chompy chortled in agreement.

"He likes it." Rainbow noticed.

April spoke to the two, "What you need to do is find out who his mom is and give him back."

"April's right," Fluttershy agreed, "She must miss her baby."

Leo interrupted them, "Forget it! We're on a mission to save Earth, not alien turtles."

"Have a heart, Leo." Pinkie argued.

"Yes. It wouldn't be wise to hold onto him while its mother is looking for it. An enraged mother is not something to take likely." Traximus warned Leo.

"Agreed." Fluttershy nodded.

"Guys, Triceratons!" Sunset pointed up to some Raptors closing in.

"Take cover!" Leo ordered, as they hid behind some rocks.

As the soldiers dismounted their ships, one of them contacted Mozar, "Captain Mozar, I've located the Black Hole Weapon fragment. Dregg made good on his intel."

Hearing this, shocked the heroes as Traximus whispered, "Dregg made a mistake in bargaining with Mozar."

Speaking of said Captain, Mozar beamed down and used his binoculars to find it. Soon he discovered the location of the final fragment, "There it is. The final piece of the Heart of Darkness. The Emperor will reward me gloriously.

The heroes were in shock, "Oh, no." Pinkie gasped.

"They found it." Twilight added.

Suddenly Chompy let out a loud chortle which Mozar heard, "What it that?!"

The Triceratons opened fire at the guys hiding spot, "Everyone, make a break for it!" Princess Twilight ordered, as they retreated with Traximus, Leo, and Twilight blasting at the soldiers and Mozar.

"Later dino-dudes!" Mikey used a smoke bomb allowing them to escape.

After eluding the Triceratons they headed over to the location of the third black hole generator fragment. Leo quickly radioed the professor, "Fugitoid, we found the fragment. We'll have it loose in no time."

"We need a pick up." Sunset added.

Fugitoid's voice replied, "Oh, dear. I haven't got the ship's power back online yet."

"Say what?" Casey asked.

"What're we supposed to do, carry it on our shells?" Leo asked rhetorically.

"It could be a good work out." Pinkie noted, as Leo sighed.

As Chompy chortled again, Rainbow rubbed its head, "Hey, little guy, if we knew how to find your mama, we''d..." Rainbow was cut off, as the place shook.

"Not again!" Mikey cried, as they started sliding downward.

Twilight noticed something, "Guys, I think this piece of rock is lifting up!"

"Lifting up?" Applejack asked in confusion.

The group cried as they grabbed onto the tip of the spiked rocks and held on, "Too close." Pinkie cried.

"Why do I have a feeling this rock isn't what it looks like?" Rarity asked.

"Because it isn't!" Traximus gasped, as they heard the rock they were standing on rise up to reveal Tokka who roared.

"We're on the back of Tokka?" Spike gasped.

"I'm slipping!" Raph cried, as he let go and everyone fell to the ocean of lava only for a new rocky surface to rise up giving them a safe landing.

"What a relief." Casey sighed.

"Look, the fragment's still stuck to Tokka's shell!" Donnie noticed.

"How do we get it now?" Fluttershy wondered.

"The only way to get that thing is to climb Tokka." Traximus noted.

"Agreed, leave it to us." Leo ordered, as Raph handed Chompy to Rainbow.

"Take care of Chompy, Rainbow!" Raph went to help his brothers.

Chompy looked at Raph sadly, before Rainbow cheered him up, 'Don't worry, Chompy, Raph's gonna be all right... I hope."

As Tokka was attacking the Triceratons who were blasting it, the turtles started making their way up Tokka's shell, "They made it!" April cheered, until Chompy chortled loudly, which got Tokka's attention.

Fluttershy looked back and forth between the two and gasped, "Girls, I think Chompy is Tokka's baby."

"Say what?" Rainbow gasped.

Raph who heard it on his communicator was equally shocked, "Tokka's a mom?!"

Tokka started stomping right to the location of the girls and lowered her head to them seeing its child, "Uh, no hard feelings, ma'am?" Rainbow asked nervously, as she placed Chompy on Tokka's lip.

Tokka rose back up to take down the Triceratons who were blasting her with Raptors. After taking a powerful hit, Chompy was knocked off Tokka and plummeted downward, "CHOMPY!" Rainbow and Raph cried, as the turtle jumped down and caught him. Raph used his grappling hook to try and hook onto one of Tokka's shell spikes, but missed, only for Mikey to use the sickle part of his weapon to grab hold.

Raph swung to a lower part of Tokka and sat Chompy on it, "You'll be safe here, Chompy. Stay with your mama. Good boy."

Raph and his brothers climbed up the shell and started wedging the piece loose, "Give it everything, you got!" Leo ordered, until the fragment got loose and began falling.

"No, the piece!" Mikey cried.

Before the fragment could hit the lava it was caught in a tractor beam, courtesy of the Ulixes, "I've got it in my tractor beam. Pulling it in now . Too bad the lava isn't hot enough to destroy it, but we will..." Fugitoid gasped as the Hornitron swooped in and snatched it.

"So long, suckers!" Dregg shouted.

"No, we had it!" Raph cried.

"Blasted bug!" Mozar cursed, "Triceratons, beam me up immediately!" he was beamed back to the ship.

The heroes were beamed back up into the Ulixes, while Tokka activating some magma rocket boosters from below her shell shot off into the sky.

As everyone returned to their stations, Fugitoid spoke, "Welcome back, friends. Sorry for losing the fragment."

"Just stay on Dregg's tail!" Traximus responded.

"Guys, we got trouble!" Applejack called.

They saw Tokka flying right behind them, "She can fly?!" Leo gasped.

"Is she going after Dregg or us?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"She's gonna ram us!" Mikey cried.

Luckily for them, Tokka passed the ship but threw it into turbulence. After regaining control, Princess Twilight spoke, "Looks like she's really going after Dregg."

"But she's headed for the Triceraton ship." Traximus noted.

On the ship Mozar received a transmission from Dregg, "Mozar! I've got your precious weapon fragment, but you must destroy Tokka. Give me sanctuary and 100 million zemulaks, or I drop it into a star." he bargained with Mozar.

Mozar frowned at Dregg's dealing, "You vile pirate. But I suppose we have a deal," As the Hornitron docked into the ship, Tokka latched onto the destroyer, until Mozar shouted, "Fire!"

As the Triceratons fired rockets, Donnie picked up where they were headed, "The Triceratons are firing rockets straight into that dwarf star."

"A dwarf star?!" Twilight gasped.

Fugitoid spoke, "Surely they would not be so foolish as to trigger the destruction of that dying star. What am I saying? Of course they would!" After the dwarf star was blasted, it exploded. The Triceraton ship and Ulixes quickly activated hyper drive and left leaving Tokka to get caught in the explosion.

After exiting hyper drive, Fluttershy spoke in shock, "I can't believe they took out Tokka."

"And Chompy was with her." Rainbow said in sorrow.

"Now he's gone." Raph said sadly.

"Then who's this hitching a ride on your shell?" Mikey asked.

Everyone looked and saw coming out of Raph's shell was Chompy still alive, "Chompy!" Raph and Rainbow cheered.

"You're ok, little guy!" Rainbow nuzzled him without even caring about the girls cooing.

"But but what about Tokka? She was just trying to protect the fragment and Chompy." Raph sighed.

"She did what any mother would do." Traximus said.

"Guys, if Moza'rs got the final piece, we're in trouble." Princess Twilight said.

On board the Triceraton ship, Dregg was meeting with Mozar, "Thank you for the final fragment. Your 100 million zemulaks are right in there." Mozar motioned to a room.

Dregg went inside seeing it was completely empty, "Where? I don't see anything. Where is my money?!" he realized Mozar locked him in the room. Dregg pounded on the door demanding to be released. Moza opened the airlock and Dregg was sucked out into the cold vacuum of space drifting off.

Back on the ship, the Triceratons brought all three pieces together, and the Heart of Darkness was completed, "It is done! The Heart of Darkness is complete."

A soldier spoke to his captain, "Captain. A scout Sergeant Zog has found another Kraang outpost."

"Excellent. Then we shall test the Heart of Darkness on our old enemies." Mozar smirked.

"Sir, I have also discovered something you will find amusing." The soldier added, as Mozar listened.

On the Ulixes, Fugitoid was typing in coordinates, "Setting a course for the Milky Way Galaxy."

"We have to get to the Triceratons before they bring it to the planet." Sunset said.

"Whoa. Someone's trying to hack our monitors." April gasped.

"Dregg again?" Donnie asked uninterested.

Appearing on their monitor was Mozar, "Mozar?!" Traximus gasped.

"Terrans, observe," Mozar revealed the generator completed, "The Black Hole Generator is complete. We are soon to test it on a planet you know all too well. A planet called Earth."

Everyone gasped, until Princess Twilight stood up and called him out, "Mozar, this has gone far enough! I'm giving you one last chance to see reason. Call off your plan before you destroy an entire civilization! Do you want the destruction of millions of innocent lives on your shoulders?!"

"If it means the destruction of the Kraang, it must be done." Mozar answered with no remorse.

"Mozar, don't be a fool!" Traximus shouted.

"Farewell." Mozar ended transmission.

Everyone was left in shock knowing their planet was about ready to face annihilation a second time. Princess Twilight turned to Fugitoid bearing a serious expression, "Fugitoid, floor it!" the ship took off.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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