The Birth

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"Today, as the sun rose and a new day was born, my daughter, too, joined this sweet world. In keeping with the traditions of the royal family, I have decided to name her...Zelda. I am not a man accustomed to frivolous musings, but now seems as good a time as any to begin my royal memorandum."
-King Rhoam's Diary

Hyrule Castle.

The sun was just peeking above the horizon when a knock came at King Rhoam's study. He was stressed, as his wife had been in labor for nearly more than nine months now, and he was expecting the news any day. But every time he heard the knock on the door, it would be some patron congratulating him, or the doctors giving him a needless update on his wife's condition- so he had become used to hearing them at least three times a week.

Rhoam sighed in frustration, and said, "Enter."

As expected, it was one of the royal doctors. But there was something off this time- he was sweating, breathing heavily, and his glasses were slightly crooked- he looked as if he had just sprinted from all the way across the castle.

"It's here!" he said hurriedly. "The baby's coming."
Rhoam stood up quickly, bumping his knee against his desk as he did, causing him to curse under his breath and rub his knee slightly in pain. "Right now?" he asked.

"Almost six minutes ago." The doctor answered "It took me longer than expected to get here from the Royal Medical Wing."

The Royal Medical Wing was a special medical center in the castle used for members of the royal family only. As it was rarely used, (Royal family members never put themselves in situations where they might be injured) it was placed an inconveniently long distance away from the royal family's chambers.

Rhoam followed the doctor through the doctor and back to the wing- where Rhoam could already hear his wife's labored moans, until-
He arrived to silence, and before he knew it, he was standing in front of his wife, who was lying in bed, while a nurse placed the bundled, crying newborn into its mother's arms.

"What is it?" Rhoam asked in an excited tone.
She looked at him. "It's a girl!" her smile beamed brighter than the sun itself. "A Princess."
Rhoam made his way to his wife's side, and she held the baby out for him to hold. The infant had calmed down since his initial arrival, though Rhoam doubted it had anything to do with his presence, is was more likely due to the naturally calming presence his wife seemed to carry with her.

"What shall we name her?" she asked, tilting her head.
Rhoam looked out the nearby window at the grassy hills surrounding the castle moat, pondering the question. As he looked, he could barely make out the colorful flowers dotting the field, but his eyes landed on one solitary flower, of a deep blue color...

A silent princess flower.

"How does Zelda sound?" he said finally, turning back to her.
She smiled again. "It's perfect."
He handed the baby back to her, and put a hand gently on her shoulder. "I imagine she will grow up to be just as strong as you, my queen."

Goron City.

"Ahh. Nothin' hits the spot like a good ol' rock roast!" Daruk chuckled as he gobbled down another handful of the steaming rocks. The other Gorons nodded in agreement, chowing down on their own plates full of stone.

While still being a bit young for the roll, (at least by Goron standards) Daruk was starting to get used to being the chief. Of course, his beard was much bigger than any of the other candidates, so surely he was qualified.

He was about to take another bite when suddenly a small, rocky ball rolled at high speeds, before stopping at the foot of the table. It sprouted legs and arms as the Goron unfolded, revealing a miner's helmet on his head.

"A Miner?" Daruk asked. "What're ya' doin here, brother? Little early to be comin' in for a feast, don't y'think?" he chuckled.

"Chief Daruk!" the Goron said, terror in his voice. "A Talus! It's attacking the southern mine!"
Upon hearing this, Daruk sprung into action. "A Talus?"
"Yes, sir! It's bigger than we've ever seen before!"

Daruk looked at the other Gorons sitting at the table with him. They all stared at him, looks of concern on their faces. Daruk frowned to himself. They look up to me.

"With me." He said, stepping away from the table. "Let's show this rock that where we come from, they're on the top of the menu."

It was a short trip from Goron City to the southern mine, especially when travelling in boulder form. When he arrived, he saw the enormous rock beast wreaking havoc upon the mine, swinging its mighty hands about, sending debris flying. Daruk watched as the Talus grabbed a single Goron in it's clutches, before throwing him to the side with a sickening crack.

Daruk growled. He looked around, grabbing a small boulder before throwing it at the Talus, hitting it on the back. The creature buckled, before turning to him. While it had to eyes, or even a face at all, Daruk could feel it glaring at him.

Daruk let out a thunderous battle cry, and charged at the beast, which began lumbering quickly towards him in return. As the two neared each other, they both raised a fist in the air, preparing to strike. Finally, they collided- Daruk's fist slammed directly into the enormous club of the Talus, creating a massive shockwave.

For a moment, all was still and silent.
Suddenly, the stone monster's hand cracked. It tilted its head and made a grinding sound. Then, the cracks widened, spreading up the monster's arm and across it's whole body. With a massive lurch and a thundering boom, the monster collapsed into nothing more than a pile of rocks.

The Gorons cheered on as Daruk pounded his chest triumphantly.
"Looks like we're havin' a feast tonight, boys!"

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