25. hell an ex girlfriend

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Chapter Twenty-Five

hell an ex girlfriend

3rd person pov

the next day, blake stood with the others as they all stretched and started to talk about college again. blake stood next to eli as demetri admitted that he got into MIT and he turned to him.

"its a really hard school to get into, especially when you don't apply. right,eli?" he asked and blake scoffed as she made eye contact with him and stared him down

"i will beat you down a second time, demetri. i swear" She stated and he stared at her and then he looked down at the ground as hawk nudged her and shook his head. he was glad that she was so protective but sometimes he wished that he could stand up for himself without her being there for it but she was just doing what she thought was right. 

 then daniel walked out of the dojo and looked at the others

"the sekai taikai needs our final roster in three days and now that we know whos going, its time for us to name our male and female captains. the captains are not just the leaders of the team, theyre the ones that will be fighting in the finals if we can make it that far" daniel told them

"plus, they get to fight on live tv. who knows what comes after that? wheaties boxes, cop-socky, flicks, zz top videos, skys the limit" johnny said 

"you'll all get the glory if we win, but yes the captains will be in the spotlight. they need to represent the best that miyagi do has to offer and sensai lawrence and i want to assure you that the decision will be completely unbiased" he told them

"thats right, in two days, sam will face tory for the female captain spot, robby and miguel will fight for male captain" johnny said

"we all know you fought plenty of times before but now that we're on the same side, this is still the best way for us to see who's progressed the most" daniel said and they all seperated as they started to train and the captains went together as they trained. they all went home and went to bed only to return to the dojo the next day.  The next day, blake showed up with hawk on her side , she hadn't heard from tory and she was starting to get worried but as she looked at the others, she saw miguel and robby looking at each other and she sighed as she watched johnny give them the same speech and she laughed under her breathe 

"same words, different person?" hawk asked her and she nodded as she watched miguel and robby get onto the mat together to fight. daniel would be reffing them and johnny would be refing sam and tory. blake watched with hawk as she held his hand and watched the two of them fight each other. blake kept looking around for tory but she didn't see her anywhere and she was starting to worry. soon enough though tory was walking in and she stood next to devon and blake before blake made eye contact with her 

"hey" blake said to the girl and she led her away from the others as miguel and robby finished their fight and it was announced that robby had won and blake sighed before she turned to the girl and hugged her as tory hugged her back and cried into her shoulder 

"i don't know whats going on but i do know that im here for you and i always will be. if you need a break, or time im right here and im not going anywhere" she told the girl and tory nodded before they seperated and walked back to the sparring deck where tory got on and she started to fight sam. blake held hawks hand as they watched to the two girls with baited breathe all for it to end when amanda interrupted the fight 

blake watched as tory finally said that her mom died and blake sighed as she watched and daniel tried to tell her to not fight and so did the others but blake knew that johnny would agree with tory and blake watched with tears in her eyes and tory kept trying to fight them. Blake watched as tory ran off and away from them and blake ran after them because she couldnt let her leave, not like this. 

"tor, hey wait a second" blake called to the girl and tory stopped as she turned to the girl and looked blake in the eye. blake hugged her and tory cried to her as blake let her. Blake ran her hand over her back and held her closely 

"whatever you have to do, whatever youre feeling, im here and im not going anywhere. if you need a place to stay, someone to take care of you and your brother, if you need me as a home or a friend or a sister or hell an ex girlfriend, im here for you and im not letting you go through this alone. i don't know what youre feeling because ive never been in your spot before but i know that being alone isn't going to help and you need someone to be there for you and thats what im here for" she told the girl and tory stared at her and she nodded before she told the girl about kreese and his approach. 

"they'll always choose sam over me but kreese wont and maybe thats what i need" tory said and blake nodded 

"whatever you need to do, im right behing you and im supporting you along the way" she stated and tory nodded before she walked off and blake watched. a few days later, they all got onto the plane together and went to barcelona together, they got off the plane and walked into the sekai taikai standing there together. Blake stood next to the otehrs as cobra kai walked in on the other end of the mat and one spot was empty, tory walked into the spot and looked at them. 

there blake stood with the others and she stared at tory but she didn't blame her, not at all. she wouldn't blame her for this. 


the end of part 1 and theyre not destroyed i promise

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