3: she wanted to protect this kid

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Chapter Three
she wanted to protect this kid

3rd person pov

blake wished she could say she was shocked about the kid showing up at cobra kia but she wasn't. she wasn't shocked at all, it felt like she was staring the past in the face and it wouldn't go away. this was where it all began for hawk and blake. being bullied and treated badly to a point where they needed to join karate and defend themselves. she looked at kenny and saw hawk.

she saw the boy who let others walk over him for being different and being himself. she saw herself and who she used to be before cobra kai. she wanted to protect this kid, make sure that he stayed under her wing and she kept him safe from the world.

"mr.keene, you have a visitor"they all heard and they turned to see the boy standing there with kreese and blake clenched her fist. she couldn't let him be corrupt the same way they were, she couldn't let that happen.

"my brother shawn payne said you could help me" kenny said and blake looked at robby who looked at her and then at kenny.

"i didn't know shawn had a brother, is he out?" robby asked

"no, that's why Im here. these a-holes keep hassling me , one of them knows karate so" kenny began but kreese interrupted him.

"this is a dojo, you are interrupting my class" kreese said and blake made eye contact with tory as they listened to the rest of the conversation. kenny got in the middle and kyler got up and blake looked at the others

"ill do it" she called out and he turned to her

"what heartley? you protecting a kid you don't know?" he asked and she nodded

"yeah of course i am. the reason he's here is because of some bullies and let me remind you that you are a bully. you used to be one, you beat the shit out of me, demetri and eli one too many times. I'm not letting you hurt this kid the way you hurt us, try again" she told him and he stepped towards her and she stepped closer too

"I'm not scared of you" he exclaimed and she stepped closer and looked him in the eyes.

"i know you arent but god you should be, now get off the mat" she told him and he scoffed as he got off and she looked at kenny. they shared a look and she remember that fearful look, she used to have that look in the eye but now she didn't.

"ill go easy on you" she said to him and he nodded as kreese made the sound and she stepped forward as he stepped back and she nodded. she knew that fear.

"its okay" she told him and she looked at robby and they shared the same look in their eye. they wanted to keep this kid safe and they would do what they could.

"go again. ais!" kreese said and she let him step forward and then she stepped forward and he ran back making them laugh but blake didn't. she simply sighed as she walked over and looked at him

"I'm not going to hurt you okay. I'm not them" she said and he stared into her eyes. he felt some sort of comfort wash over him and he liked it. he liked the feeling of comfort that blake gave.

"okay I've seen enough" kreese said and she backed away from kenny as she looked at the others laughing.

"we don't have time for losers or cowards" kreese said and blake sighed as kenny left the dojo. she shared a look with robby as he got up ,changed and grabbed kennys stuff. training was over for the day and they all were allowed to go home except blake didn't go home. no she went to the one place she needed to, the park.

she sat down on the swing and she heard someone clear their throat as she turned and looked to see hawk.

"hey" he said and she looked at the ground

"hi" she exclaimed and he looked at her shocked. he didn't expect her to say anything.he didn't know what to say.

"ya know i met this kid today, his name is kenny. he reminded of us, he's getting bullied bad and i know that we went through that. i felt some sort of way , i felt like i had to protect him and i don't know him at all" she explained.

"you miss us that way?" he asked and she shrugged

"i miss the way it used to be, when i didn't hate the way everything was and when it was all normal, its all gone to shit now and i don't know what to do" she stated and he nodded as he stared at the girl.

" i know and i take all the blame , ill see you around b" he said and he walked off and away from the girl. she stared at him as he walked away and she didn't know what to say. she didn't know what to do but she missed sitting and talking with him that way. she missed it more then anything.

she went home and the next day , she woke up , got dressed and went to the dojo. she didn't know what to expect when she walked in but when she did, she saw robby with the others and she smiled at him softly as he smiled back.

"where'd you go last night?" he asked her and she sighed.

"the park, needed to some time to think" she exclaimed and he nodded. the door opened and in walked in kenny. she looked at robby and made eye contact

"i helped him a little bit" he told her and she smiled at him as kenny got on the mat and kyler got on it too. at first, kyler ran at kenny and he stepped back before robby looked at kenny and nodded. he ran at kyler and punched him in the face.

"where are you going, Mr. payne? take your spot" kreese said and he smiled at robby and blake who smiled back at him.

she just didn't know what was going to happen when he joined them.


i love mom blake, shes so sweet and caring.

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