Saving him.

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Eren is a high schooler at Maria Highschool. His life is pretty normal until one day he finds himself in a terrible situation with the school bully Levi.

Eren woke up the next to morning to the sound of Mikasa ramming on his door. "Eren if you don't wake up, I swear I will break down this door!" She yelled. "Calm down! I'm up!" Eren yelled back. He jumped out of bed and started to get ready for school.

"Come on Mikasa!" Eren yelled, "We're gonna be late!" The siblings ran out the door, and began the walk to school.
-Timeskip to Lunch-

Eren walked over to his table of friends after he had gotten his lunch. He sat down beside Armin. "What?.." He said, staring at Sasha and Connie, who were mimicking, very badly, doing Kung fu. "Don't ask" said Armin in a bored tone. "Whatever you s-" Eren was interrupted by the arrival of Levi and his squad. Levi was the school bully, and accompanied by Jean and Erwin. "What's up losers." Jean sneered. "Shut it Horse Face" Eren sighed. "Levi what do you want?" Eren had always sort of had a thing for Levi, despite the fact that Levi probably hates his guts. No one knew that Eren was gay, but Levi had already come out. "Tch. Brat. I came to do this." And Levi promptly smashed Eren's lunch right into his face. "You bastard!" Eren yelled, as Mikasa screamed in outrage from the other side of the cafeteria. Eren grabbed Connie's sweet potato and sent it flying like a missile to land squarely on Levi's nose. All of a sudden food was flying everywhere. The delighted screams of students mixed with the demands to settle down from the teachers. Once the cafeteria had calmed down, Professor Hanji asked, "Who started this?!" Her voice shaking with rage. All hands pointed to Eren and Levi. "Both of you, detention, this Saturday!" She barked. "Now all of you, get cleaned up and then off to class!" Eren sighed, this was going to be a long week.

All through the week, Eren suffered the torment of Levi and his gang. They would ambush him in the hallways, in the bathroom, they even pushed him down while he was walking home alone one day. On Friday night, Eren decided he need some fresh air, and decided to go for a walk along his favorite route. It was already dark by the time that he had reached the large bridge over looking the river. He walked along until he was about halfway across the bridge when he saw a man standing on the waist high concrete railing that prevented people from falling of the bridge. The man looked ready to jump, and Eren could hear sobs. Eren ran over to the man, and pulled him down from the wall and pinned him down, as the man was putting up quite a fight. "L-Levi?!" Eren gasped, as the man's face came into view. "Tch. Should have let me jump brat." He snarled. "Come on, we're going back to my place." Eren said, picking up Levi bridal style, and carrying him in the direction of Titan apartments, where he and Mikasa lived alone. After their mother had died, their father ran off somewhere, and even though they weren't actually related, the pair were forced to live on their own. Things were ok though. Mikasa worked as a manager at the grocery store and Eren worked part-time at coffee shop down the road. Together they managed the bills and the food. They were both going to school, and life was ok for them. "Put me down!" Levi barked, snapping Eren back to reality. It wasn't hard to keep a hold of Levi, because he was quite short. "No" Eren said quietly and continued on to his apartment.

"Mikasa!" Eren shouted, knocking on the locked door, knowing she was home, as her car was in the parking lot. She opened the door, and a look of disgust appeared on her face when she saw Levi. "Eren w-wha-" "Hold on, give me a moment" Eren said, pushing past her and dropping Levi on the couch. "Stay there" Eren said. "I'm going to get help."

(I hope you all liked this, I'll write more soon!)

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