Chp.1 The Backstory

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-(YN) POV-

Ah yes...I remember back then when I was just a kid, 9 years old, elementary school...when quirks was something when I was born in that era, my parents had quirks, so they had responsible hero duties to use their quirks to fight off evil. I've always love my parents...but most importantly, I always love my very best dog friend, daisy. My dad got me daisy when I was 7 for my birthday,
even if I had friends at my school, but daisy was always my first one.

(YN): You're my best friend Daisy, always and forever will be.

I remember the time of how daisy was caring, kind, sweet, and protective as well when it comes danger.
Until one day...that one very...tragic day...everything parents and a whole family of mines gathered together for a party we've thrown, we were enjoying the hell out of it, the food, drinks, bonding, and the music...and I was with my cousins and daisy as well...until...until it happen....I heard scream coming from the porch....and to see one of my family members, shot and dead on the ground...and suddenly...out of nowhere...a bunch of villains appeared and started raving our house, and yet...they started to kill my whole family without hesitation at all...!! I was scared, shaking in fear, until of of my family members and my father had quirks to fight off against them...and yet...I didn't knew what to do, all my cousins started to run away, scattering with fear and tryin got hide...but...they were all killed by the villains, stabbed and shot....I witness to see it in person....and suddenly, one villain approach to me...and was ready to kill me..until luckily, my pet dog Daisy come to the rescue...and yet to pin the the villain and bite and chomp out his neck....afterwards, my mother took me and daisy inside the house, rushing upstairs as I can hear my mom panting in fear, shedding tears as well of how scared she is. Soon, we arrive to my room, as she shit my door, locked as well and to rush to my she then puts me and bringing daisy with me in the closet as she looks at me, with a little smile and kept on shedding tears and remembering her telling me...

Mom: (Y-YN) sweetie...mommy is gonna leave you here for just a moment...if I...*sobbing* if I somehow don't come back to you...just remember...mommy and daddy will always love you...and if I somehow make it...I'll come for you and daisy, and escape here for good...!

After that...she gave me and daisy one last hug from she then backs away slowly, sobbing still as she shuts the closet door on me and I can hear her leaving and closing my room door...
Everything was quiet...until I heard my moms scream, and shots too....afterwards...everything was quiet...I kept as quietest as I can, Daisy as well...until suddenly...I heard several footsteps coming from the I can hear them closer and closer, and louder and louder...and can hear my doorknob, as if someone was coming in my room...and then...they kicked down my door...and I knew it wasn't one of my family members, nor my mom and I took a peek on the closet...and to see villains, grinning, looking for me somehow...I sobbed quietly, and couldn't kept myself quiet...Daisy tried her best to keep me quiet by cuddling me...but then...the footsteps came closer and the closet door was the villains stared me down, grinning Daisy started to give a growl, and yet to charge one of the villains and manage to bite one of their arms...
But...then it of them grabbed Daisy by the neck, slamming her to the ground, I try to get her back, but one of the villains just slap me on the face as he dropped down to the ground...I slowly looked at Daisy as she was hurt really bad...and to see a villain...crouching down...and yet to stab my dog several times as I can hear her whining and the villains kept laughing and grinning still...and I....I just lay there, hurt, and to see my very best friend killed and stabbed by theses motherfuckers...after pet dog...Daisy...was brutally killed, and stabbed by these fuckers....and I...I suddenly had my eyes widen with shocked....
Suddenly, that's when it hit me....this...feeling, growing on me, my blood pressure was rising, I felt like...I felt like...I wanted to kill the villains for what they did to Daisy and my then grab my flashlight that was on the floor....and I looked at it and I'm having to think I can use it as a weapon to kill these I did...the flashlight suddenly turns into a sharp knife...and yet the villains notice me standing up, holding the sharp knife that I suddenly mange to turn into it...and eyes widen with such anger and I gave a horrific yell out of my lungs...and rush at one of them...and brutally stabbing and slicing the villains with just one anger grew on me so much, that I rip their throats, their guts, and spilling their blood everywhere....I consult stop killing them, I stabbed, rip, tearing them apart...until I was for sure down with them....
And then after...I looked at my bloody hands and the I dropped the knife, and went back to an ordinary I witness to see the massacre I did to those bastards....and I regretted nothing at all...and I looked over to Daisy, my one and only best friend....stabbed, killed on the I slowly walked over to on my knees....and cry for her, hugging I lost my best friend....and my whole family on that very day.....
On that day....I left my ver own I left my family, my parents, and Daisy I was leaving my house....and can see police cars rushing to my house....all one police officer notices me on the street, as one of them took cared of me...and took me with them to the station.....
At the station, they cleaned me...and asked me what happen...and I told them everything...after I did, they also asked about the blood I had all over...and I told them...

(YN): ....I...I killed them....I killed the ones...that took everything from me....villains...villains...they...they tear them...apart...until it is....done...!!!!

The police officers were quite shocked after what I told them...they knew my parents were heroes due of seeing their records at the station...but confused on my their own son, like me killed the villains....
But long story short....I had no one else anymore...not even my family....not Daisy at all...all I ever think kill villains...every single one of them!
And after...they manage to get me a foster parents, and they did, as I got a new mom and dad, who took cared of me really well....but aren't like my real parents, but were good people....and also...I realize that I manage to awaken my quirk already....somehow...I learn that I can turn any small object I hold, concentrate and focus on it and turn them into any weapon I want....even guns as well....
And now...all I can ever think about in my to kill villains...every single of them....
And that's how I, (YN), became as the villain slayer....the vigilante, anti-hero...ever since I got older once I moved out on my fosters parents...and now...I'm alone, and alone to kill villains, and became a vigilante, and fight for justice, and not following the law, but I have every right to do so.....
So my main mission: Kill Villains that I run up to/find...and rip and tear them apart....until it is done.


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