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And so, Eri and (YN) both left alongside with Chisaki in the limo as the driver heads over to Chisaki's location, it took at least 20 minutes to arrive at his they got out fo the limo, Eri holds into (YN)'s hand as he too holds onto her as the two started following Chisaki as they head inside his household...and yet they were walking down the hallway as their frames hanging, and pots of flowers as well...Suddenly, Chisaki (Overhaul) then takes a little glimpse at Eri as she felt safe with (YN) holding his hand...but she won't feel safe no more once she gets separated by him...and see his true colors...and so Chisaki lead them knot a room, where it happens to be a living room as (YN) and Eri took a seat at the sofa and Chisaki heading back to the door and was going to leave for some reason...

Chisaki: Excuse me, I'll head over and grab some "documents" for Eri.

(YN): Yeah...take your time.

And so, Chisaki exist the living room and he does, he then approaches to some mask men, his members....

Chisaki: Seems like everything is according to we to get (YN) do some killing.

Meanwhile in the living room, (YN) and Eri were in the room as Eri was hugging her teddy bear and (YN) patting her head...

(YN): Don't worry, once me and Chisaki talk about this, I'll tell him about me taking care of you still...there's no way I'll let someone take you away from me.

Eri smiles...

Eri: Okay.!

As they wait...suddenly, Chisaki's aide, Chrono, has appeared in the room, and tries not to make any suspicious at all and acts some normal employee, and wearing a white mask as he says to (YN)...

Chrono: Mr.(YN), Can you and little Eri come with me to Chisaki.

(YN): Oh, okay yeah. Come on Eri.

Eri: Okay.

(YN) grabs Eri's hand as the both were about to exit the room as Chrono left the room....
And as soon the two exited the room and arriving in the hallway...Chrono was not to be seen at's like he suddenly vanished quickly and was there a second...

(YN): What the??? He was just here a second ago, and he suddenly vanished??? Where could he be???

And suddenly...the hallway started to move around slowly, like if it were a fun house and the floor moving...

(YN): Wh-What the hell?!?

Eri: (Y-YN)..!! What's going on..!?! I-I'm getting scared...!!

(YN): H-Hold on tight, I'll-

But suddenly, the walls and ground started to shake around even more, causing them to collapses to the floor and letting go from their (YN) suddenly started rolling away due to the floor moving up and down and leaving Eri alone...

Eri: (Y-YN)..!!!!!

(YN): E-Eri!! Hold on tight...!! I'll come after you..!!

The walls continued to roll (YN) away from Eri...until he then Burt's through a door and yet to arrive in some dark room, where he can barely see as he stood up and yet the room he's in is dark and can barely see like I said...he then gets up...

(YN): Sh-Shit! What the fuck was that all about?!? No! I have to get to Eri, and go after Chisaki as well to know what the fuck is going on now!

But as he even tries to leave the room, suddenly a knife was toss beside his head and smirk see the knife landing on the wall...he then turns around quickly...and yet to see a group of mask men approaching, leaving from the the lights turned on and yet to see a bunch of them, 30 of them I should say....and with plague mask...

(YN): Wh-What the?!? Th-These bastards...have those masks...!! What the hole their doing here..?!?

Mask Man #1: Hehe, we won't let you leave this room!

Mask Man #10: Yeah! We're gonna kill you here and be taking that girl away from you!

(YN): N-Nrrgh!!! I don't know where or how you fuckers came from...but if this has to do with Eri, then ima gonna have to kill you all bastards here and now!!

Suddenly, five of them started to charge at (YN) with weapons in their (YN) charges at them as well, two of them try stabbing him, but (YN) grabs both their faces, and smashes them to the ground as he then stomps on their faces after wards, another one try rushing at him as well, but (YN) then punches him through his mouth and ripping his tongue out and then cracking his neck afterwards...and then the other two try stabbing him as well, but (YN) then gave one of them a brutal uppercut, as the other he then grabs his whole face, popping his eyes in with both thumbs and braking his neck...and afterwards, he ended up killing 5 mask men...and was already bloody...the other 25 were starting to surround (YN) and not to let him leave the room...and suddenly...(YN) looked he suddenly gives a grin on his he then picks up the knife from the floor...and emits his quirk to change that knife into a weapon...and as he did...he combine that knife into a weapon as well, a weapon that he can shoot, and stab at the same time...and so...some of the mask men charge at him as (YN) gave a loud yell as he charges at them as well...5 of them charge at (YN) as (YN) blasted three of their Brian's out, and stabbing two of them, ripping their guts out and chopping off their heads as well...3 of them rush at him as one of them manage to stab (YN), but did not do no affect to him as (YN) punches one of them in the face and shooting their guts, as two dozen them rush at him as (YN), (YN) swings a brutal punch towards one of them through the face, and the other shooting his brains out as he takes his hand out off from the head and ripping his brains out too...7 of them we're gonna Team up and take down (YN) at the same time, but (YN) drops his weapon as he goes with hands as he spears on down, cracking his neck as he charges another, throwing brutal punches towards his face and then ripping one of there jaws off, he then goes to another one as he grabs their mouth, and opening it, ripping his face off, and then he then jabs a brutal punch towards another one's chest, ripping their heart out and squashing it with his bear hands...and yet there were only half of them (YN) picks up both knives on the ground...and grinning still as he goes charging at the rest of them and continues to kill them...
Meanwhile in the hallway...Eri was making a run for as she was calling and looking for (YN)...

Eri: (YN)...!! (YN)..!! Where are you..?!? Please answer me..!! ...Wh-Where could he be..??!! (YN)!!

As Eri still kept on running down the hallways...she suddenly heard loud screams from a room she's close too...and yet those screams were pain and agony...

Eri: Wh-What...What is that...????!

Eri was slowly walking towards the room, holding her teddy bear...and as she gets closer...the screams got louder and louder...and yet...she can see pits of blood spilling out as she trembles in fear...and yet...she wanted to see what it was....and as she takes a look at the room....she can see (YN)...killing and murdering those mask men, she see him killing them with knives in his hands...and she can also see him grinning, and seemingly like he was liking it...Eri's eyes widen with fear and shock...

Eri: (Y-Y....(YN).....????! *H-He...H-He-H-He...He's...hurting them......a-and he's smiling....!?*

Eri was picturing the sweet, and kind (YN) in her mind, of how nice, sweetie, and thoughtful he is when he gets to know him...but seeing him smiling like some lunatic person, killing, murdering those mask men without hesitation was different from her....and she...she didn't like it at all...and was now scared of him....

Eri Mind: N-No...No...! Wh-Why...Why would he do that...?!?

Afterwards...(YN) was done killing then he was covered in so much blood...his arms and hands as well as he heavily pants...Eri was now scared of him, of he is is right now...she slowly started to back away...but trips and makes a sound as (YN) turns around and sees Eri...

(YN): E-Eri!

(YN) quickly drops the knives at rushes to Eri...

(YN): E-Eri! Thank goodness I've found you, and you're okay! Are-

Eri suddenly started to shake in fear, and was  backing herself away from (YN)...

(YN): E-Eri??? Hey what's wrong?? Are you okay??

Eri: ...G-Get...Get away from me..!

(YN): Wh-What??? N-No wait Eri! It's me (YN)! Hey, are you-

(YN) try to get closer to Eri...but she kept on backing away, not even try to get close to (YN)...

Eri: G-Get away from me...!!

(YN): E-Eri...???! What's wrong???!


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