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As we left off, Ryukyu, Nejire, Ochaco and Tsuyu burst down through the ceiling alongside Rikiya, Rikiya was knocked down...

Ryukyu: Seems like he won't be waking up for a while.

Tsuyu: H-Hey look!

They all realizes to see Nighteye and Mirior wounded badly and need help in need...

Ochaco: Nighteye!

Nejire: Mirio!

Izuku: Take care of them!

Izuku rushes towards Chisaki as Ryukyu and her teams go after Mirio and Nighteye, Overhaul suddenly emits his quirk as he touches the floor, and yet to cause the floor to be controlled by him, and yet to spread the floor around...

Overhaul: You filthy heroes screw everything up! And (YN), give her back!

Suddenly, the floor started to create spikes as they're rushing at (YN)...

Izuku: Oh no! He's only going after him...and Eri!!! (YN), you have to run and take Eri!!!

(YN): Thats what I'm planning to do!

(YN) started running away as the spikes were catching up to him...he then started forging them from not to get hit, especially not to let Eri get hit by one of them...suddenly, Eri was still afraid of what's going she started to hold on tight to (YN)...and looks at him as he was saving her from Overhaul...

Eri Mind: You came back for me...I knew you would come back for don't realize how scared I was...and how much I missed you...I was scared, and alone...and couldn't do anything without you...until these people came to rescue me...and you came back to rescue me as well....a-and I'm happy you did!

(YN) suddenly started to get cut and scratch by the spikes, and yet was about to drop Eri, but he kept strong and kept on holding on Eri onto his arms...

(YN): Don't worry sweetie, I got you! I won't let you go, nor I'll leave you alone ever! Remember that, and just like I pinky promise!

Eri started to get yet to give out a soft smile, to gladly hear that from (YN), her guardian, her one and only....and yet, (YN) started to see a path to exit up to the streets, knowing Overhaul created some hills and didn't know, (YN) started to rush down towards them and leaping one them one by one...
And as he does...suddenly, Something was popping out from Eri's forehead...and yet to start to glow all of the sudden...and suddenly, (YN) felt like the wounds from the cuts and scratches from the spikes started to heal up all of the sudden and out of nowhere...

(YN) Mind: What the??? The scratches and cuts earlier somehow...aren't in my body no more...they somehow...healed up??? No that can't be.

And so...he arrive outside of the streets, he was still holding on Eri...and suddenly now his body started to feel weird...

(YN): Woah. My body feels it's on fire-no wait, it's cold now. Suddenly wounds are intact and healed up all of the's gone all of the sudden.

Suddenly, he started to see the glow from Eri's forehead...and what's glowing on her forehead was one horn she has...and he now realizes that he remembers what Iranaka said about Eri having a quirk of her own...

(YN): * this...Eri's power???! Is that how my wounds were were healed up...*

(YN) puts Eri down...and gets on his knees and to see her horn glowing, her power we should say...

(YN): this your power?? Are you...a healer?

Eri: *nods*

But suddenly, his insides started to hurt him and to torture him all of the sudden...

(YN): A-AAUGH!! Damn!! What's going on?!? It's like my insides is being pulled apart!

Overhaul: She has no control over it.

Suddenly...more spikes were going after Eri, as (YN) quickly saves her and moves out of the way with her...and suddenly...Overhaul, with a new transformation, using Rikiya's body as a mutation of his own...

Overhaul: She may have activate her quirk, but the only problem is she doesn't know how to turn it off. Isn't that right, Eri?! She has the power to rewind people, that's her secret. Use it right and she may even might be able to turn someone into a monkey. Keep carrying her like that, and you'll be annihilated! Everyone who touches her is rewind into nothingness! Didn't I told you you're curse, Eri?! Now, hand her over! The only way to stop her is to disassemble her, or do you want me to wipe you out of existence?! Your choice!

Suddenly, (YN) takes off his shirt, and has Eri behind him, giving her a piggy back ride as he rips his shirt and makes it longer and thinner to tie Eri from behind so she won't fall and for her to hang onto him tight...

(YN): Hold on Eri. *So that's it, not only she healed my wounds up, but she suddenly rewind skin back to normal, she rewound it back, and never felt the pain at all.* Eri, don't listen to him...your quirk isn't a cursed, seems to me your power is such a blessing! *Now I know how her quirk works, and how it affects to me. Now...all I have to do, is take Overhaul once and for all, and if I get wounded, Eri's quirk can heal me up quicker. Alright, here goes!* Eri, will you lend me your not only me, but the two of us can take down Overhaul?!

Eri started to feel that her quirk is not a cursed at all, it's actually a good thing after all...

Eri: Y-Yes!

(YN): Good, now hold on tight, cause it's going to be a bumpy ride here!

Overhaul: I won't give her back? Well, I'll just do it by force then!

(YN): No you won't! You'll never take her away from me!

Overhaul: Ha! You think you can stop me?! I ain't scared of you! But, Eri will get scared she realizes that you're gonna die cause of her!

(YN): Hehe, that's a load of BS overhaul, you see, Eri might be scared of you, well a little...but as for me..I ain't scared of nothing...and the only thing you will be feared, is me!!! And I will...Rip...and tear you apart, until it's done!!!


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