Chp.24 Gigantomachia

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A year has pass now....the league of villains were deceased, All For One was deceased, and now Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai clan member have been deceased as the hands of the one and only person, who he is known to be better called as the vigilante slayer...(YN) (LN), who is know to serve justice to kill villains in the name of the law himself...and not only he's just a vigilante slayer...he is also to be a kind and lovable father, who found and adopted an innocent angel girl from the sick twisted Overhaul, Eri...Eri is now is good hands with the right person, and to be with an actual father...both have bond more than ever, Eri cared more to (YN), and (YN) will do anything, and I mean anything to protect his one and only thing he has the most in his life....alongside with their pet dog, Daisy...
One day, somewhere at the woods, a huge chaos was happening there, one of the officers, Naomasa, and the retired pro hero, Gran Torino was in that chaos...who they are dealing with something big,no,something HUGE...and this something is a someone, and this someone happens to be dangerous, so dangerous, he is part of the league of villains, moreover, he is know as All For One's most loyal subordinate....Gigantomachia....He lives in the woods, and yet to have a radio around his neck, and in the radio, plays a voice of All For One, to keep the giant calm....but, now that somehow when he found out All For One is no more alive...he is now on a rampage, causing chaos around the woods, and that is why Naomasa and Gran Torino are there, to stop him...but they can't, Gigantomachia was too powerful and uncontrollable, he can't even be put down, not even Gran Torino can do it...

Gran Torino: Damn it all!

Naomasa: Th-This isn't looking good!

Them and other officers began running away, as we see Trees falling down and to see Gigantomachia rushing down, chasing them...

Gigantomachia: My master!!! Where is my master!!!

He yells with rush emotional rage, knwinf he can no longer believe his master his gone...he kept on chasing Naomasa and Gran Torino and the other officers...then, they arrive to their vehicles and to come up with something...

Gran Torino: It's no use! We gotta call more of the pros to help us out here!

Naomasa: Yeah, done that!

Gran Torino: What really?!

Naomasa: Yeah! When we were being chase and you tried attacking him!

Gran Torino: Good! Maybe the pros would manage to take them down and-

Naomasa: Actually...I only made one call, and It's only one coming to help us out!

Gran Torino: What?!? Naomasa, what in the world would make you think ONE help can take this monstrous thing down!?

Naomasa: Gran Torino, you have to trust me...I got a guy! And trust me, he'll definitely be able to take him down or do more than taking him down...and besides, I think you may know him pretty well! He's been on the news lately back then and now!

Gran Torino was a little confused at first who Naomasa was talking about...and then it clicked his brain to realize who he is actually talking about...

Gran Torino: don't mean-

Gigantomachia: MY MASTER!!!!!

Gigantomachia kept on charging as he then was close to then ran over Naomasa, Gran Torino and the others....But then suddenly....something Hit Gigantomachia straight to his face, like some big bullet hit him and caused a huge explosion, and yet managing to do bit of damage to him....

Naomasa: Heh, he's here.

They all look to the left...and to see the recruit Naomasa made a call...and they seem to feel surprised and yet trembling a bit knowing this recruit is far more dangerous than Gigantomachia, and more brutal....he is none other than the vigilante slayer, (YN)...

(YN): Easy there big guy.

Gigantomachia recovers, and to get his attention to (YN)...

Gigantomachia: You...You're not my master!!

(YN): Master??

Gigantomachia: Where is he!?! WHERE IS HE!?! MY MASTER!!!! ALL FOR ONE!!!!

(YN): Ooh, he's your master...heh, sad to say but...he's gone.

Gigantomachia: WHAT!?!

(YN): Yep, sorry...well, not sorry at all since heh...I was the one that put him down 6 feet under and the rest of villains.

Suddenly, Gigantomachia couldn't believe what he heard from him...hearing that (YN) was the one that killed All For One...his master, his one and only master...Gigantomachia then sheds couple of tears..and then tor growl and gave out one loud roar...and then to starting to charge at (YN)...

Gigantomachia: ILL KILL YOU!!!!

(YN): Oops, seems I made him more angry...*grins* good.


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