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-The Next Day-

The next day, at the city of Musutafu Japan, (YN) and Eri were out to go shopping, (YN) bought her new sets off clothes for him and Eri and also buying Eri some coloring books too...afterwards, (YN) drives off back home, and then to talk to Naomasa on the phone...

(YN): So did everything went well yesterday?

Naomasa: Yeah, we manage to take down the person who's been making the Nomu's, Dr.Garaki Kyudai, or known as Daruma Ujiko as his alias.

(YN): Mm, good to hear, seems like everything turn out good then?

Naomasa: Yea, except Mirko, she's badly wounded from fighting off the Nomu's, but at the end she's alright, just needs to heal up couple of days and should be good to go.

(YN): Good. Well, that's all I wanted to know, take care.

Naomasa: You too, and tell your daughter I say Hi.

(YN): Heh, I will, later.

He hangs up...

Eri: Who was it daddy?

(YN): Naomasa, just wanted to check up on him.

Eri: Ah.

(YN): Damn, gotta put gas before heading home, Eri, want something at the gas station?

Eri: Peanuts!

(YN): Heh, alright then.

And so, (YN) arrives at the gas station as he quickly goes and puts money for his Mmm to put gas in his car and buy snacks for him and Eri....Eri stood in the car, doing her coloring and waited for her father to come back...
Suddenly, a black car then arrives at the gas station as two men in suits and three other subordinates got out from the car from the back...the two me in black suits, one had glasses with slick back hair, and the other has long black hair with no eyes showing as the other two subordinates then goes in the store...and then, one of the black men suits then notice (YN) car...and yet to see Eri in the car...he approaches and Eri noticing him getting close as she then trembles nervous and doesn't know what to do...

Trumpet: Hey there.

Eri: U-Uhm...h-hi...

Trumpet: Why alone here?

Eri: I-I'm...waiting...for

Trumpet: I see...well your daddy sure does have a nice car.

Eri: ...

Trumpet: Hey, it's okay, no need to be scared, I won't hurt you, here, I'll prove it to you and-

Suddenly, Eri then quickly leans forward and then to suddenly bite Trumpets fingers and let's go and him backing away...

Trumpet: AAGH!!

Eri: G-Get away from me, stranger!

Trumpet: Nrgh!! Why you little-

the black suit man, Trumpet, reaches his arm to Eri, until suddenly, someone grabs and gets a hold onto his hand...and it was (YN) as he holds his hand tight and doesn't let go...

Trumpet: H-Hey! What the hell are you-

(YN): Back away from my daughter, and my car, now!

(YN) shoves Trumpet away from Eri as he holds his wrist and felt that it was almost to be broken...then, the subordinates, and the other black suit men, Skeptic approaches to Trumpet...they tried to fight (YN) as he then clenches his hand, ready to defend his daughter...

Trumpet: No! Back off!

(YN): ...

Trumpet: you realize who did you lay your hands on?!

(YN): I really don't give a damn, and I don't care at all. You better back away from my daughter, you're scaring her!

Trumpet: Nrgh!

(YN) then looks at Eri...

(YN): You okay sweetie?

Eri: *nods*

(YN): Good, don't worry, we're leaving already.

Eri: O-Okay.

(YN) then walks over to pull out the gas hose as his car is filled up already...and as he even gets in his car...


(YN): *sighs* What now?

Trumpet: You sir, have mess with the wrong people! So let me remind you who we are the next time we meet again!

Suddenly, Trumpet, Sceptic, and the three subordinates form a line position, and then to use their hand, pointing their thumb towards their forehead and lifting their finger up, shaping it like the letter L...

Trumpet: We are from the liberation army, don't you forget that.

(YN) stood if he heard that name before...but doesn't really care at all...

(YN): Whatever.

He gets in the car and drives he does, Trumpet then felt "disrespected" and ignore as he got irritated...

Trumpet: Nrgh! That bastard! Who the hell he think he is!?

Sceptic: Let it go, we gotta head back already.

Trumpet: ...No.

Sceptic: What??

Trumpet: ...I'll show that bastard not to mess with, and I know a way how to, hehe.

Later that day, the sun was already going down and go night any minute home, (YN) was done fixing his car, and to wags his smog up afterwards. As he does, he walks down the hallway...and to then pass Eri's room and to see in her room, to find her, covered in her blanket, with Daisy...and to seemingly look a bit scared somehow...he goes checking up on her...

(YN): Hey honey.

Eri: O-Oh, hey daddy...

(YN): Everything okay?

Eri: U-Uhm...not really...

(YN): ...Is it about back there at the gas station?

Eri: *nods* ...That person...he was about to hurt me...I-I was scared...

(YN) the sits down with her and hugs her...

(YN): Hey now, that's over already, he's not here nor gonna try hurting you anymore, that's over. did good on fighting back, I mean, biting his fingers, heh, that was good of you, Eri.

Eri: *softly smiles* Yeah...thanks to you.

(YN): Heh, you know I'll do anything for you, Eri.

Eri: I know you will...that why I love you, daddy.

(YN): I love you too sweetie.

The two hugged each other with a soft smile...and then Eri yawning, and to feel tired...

(YN): Tired already.

Eri: Mhm.

(YN): Well, I'll let you rest then-

Eri: Daddy.

(YN): Yes?

Eri: Can you...stay here for a bit...until I sleep.

(YN): Of course.

And so, the two lay down on the bed together as Daisy join as well, Eri then gets comfortable and hugs her father's arm, and to then sleeps...and (YN) softly smiling at her, giving her a soft kiss to  her  forehead and to rest his eyes

Later on that day, it was night, 11pm, (YN) was asleep, with Eri and Daisy...and then, Eri suddenly wakes up and to see her father still with her...she slowly and quietly gets off the bed and covers him up as Daisy woke up as well...she whispers to her...

Eri: Come daisy, let's go to the kitchen, I want some juice.

So Eri and Daisy exited the room and to walk down the hallway and to arrive at the kitchen. Eri opens the fridge and to grab a carton of juice and a cup at the counter and pouring some......but suddenly, she then realizes the door slightly she approaches to it and then to shut it and locking it...

Eri: Why was the door open?

And then...Eri hears Daisy growling...and to see her growling at the other direction at the living room...

Eri: What's wrong daisy??

She then looks to the living room where Daisy is looking and growling at, and then to barely see from the darkness and can almost see silhouettes....

Eri: ...Daddy???

Back at the room, (YN) was still asleep...and then...he wakes up and to hear glass broke...which slowly woke him up...and as he does, he notices Eri and Daisy not with him...

(YN): Eri?? Daisy?? *what was that noise??*

He gets up and to then exit the room and to head over to the he does...he then notices the fridge open, and to see the cup glass broken in pieces on the floor, and juice everywhere...

(YN): Eri?! Eri! Where are you-

Trumpet: We meet again!

(YN): Wha-!

He turns around and see the man in the suit back at the gas station, Trumpet, appeared behind him and punching him straight to his face, (YN) recovers from that punch and then to try attacking, but then, one of Trumpet's subordinates attacked (YN) from behind with silver metal bats, hitting him behind his head and knocking him down to the ground...he can barely see and was losing consciousness...he then sees Trumpet approaching to him and to get in his knees and grabbing (YN) by the hair...

Trumpet: Don't ever mess with me!

(YN): Y-You..Bastard-!! Where's my daughter-

Trumpet then slams his whole face to the ground several times, and then to see Eri being held by Sceptic, mouth covered and crying....Daisy on the other hand came out of no where and to attack Trumpet by biting his leg...

Trumpet: ARGH!!! Stupid mutt!

Trumpet then gives a brutal kick towards Daisy's head, and Daisy gave a yelp and collapse down to the ground...Eri cries more to see her father and dog beaten up...she then bites Sceptic hand, letting her go as she runs up to Trumpet...

Eri: Leave my dad alone you meanie!!!!

Trumpet: Quiet brat!

Trumpet then slaps Eri, as Eri then falls to the ground and hitting her head and to knock herself out...
Afterwards, Sceptic picks Eri up Trumpet cleans himself up, as he and them walk away, taking Eri, kidnapping her of course.....killing Daisy.....and leaving (YN) beaten up and "killed"....


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