Chp.37 Dr.Kyudai Gurakai

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The phone call Naomasa received, was straight from Tartarus, one of the guards said that Dr.Kyudai Gurakai...

Who formerly worked with All Might and also happens to be the chairman of Jaku General Hospital. During Gigantomachia takedown from the vigilante slayer, one of the pro heroes, Mirko had to go through Nomu's to capture Dr.Kyudai, and she successfully did, with some minor injuries, but ended well. Anyways, Dr.Kyudai was "caught and arrested". But to then years later, finding out that somehow the Dr.Kyudai they've captured happens to be the WRONG one. Naomasa drives his way over to Tartarus to see it for himself. As he got there, a lot of guards were scouting the area, inside and outside the prison building, some the guards led him to the chief at his office...

Chief: Officer Naomasa, a pleasure.

Naomasa: Chief, what is going on?! I got a call and was told about Dr.Kyudai! Don't tell me...

Chief: ...I'm afraid so.

The chief turns his laptop towards Naomasa as Naomasa saw a recording video through surveillance camera to see Dr.Kyudai tied up in his cell...and hours later, his body started to act weird, and happens to melt, like some goo and mud too.

Naomasa: What the hell.?!

Chief: Apparently these past years, we've been locking up a fraud one...which means the actual Dr.Kyudai is out there.

Naomasa: B-But I don't understand! Where could he be!? I mean...the hospital he was when we found him is clear, and nothing else!

Chief: Then..he probably is somewhere out there besides that hospital then. So, what we're gonna do is send out lots of reinforcements to scout around the city of Musutafu, and won't stop till we actually find the real Doctor...of not, then we don't know what craziness he might be up....if only the vigilante is still's the girl holding up?

Naomasa: ..Eri's doing good so far.

Chief: Can't bear the sadness she had to go through her own fathers death....anyways, Naomasa, we have to find Dr.Kyudai Garakai, and now.

Naomasa: I'm on it!

Somewhere in an forest, it was night, dark too...we then see an unknown black goo, which happens to be some kind of warping portal, as somebody was coming out from that black warp goo, and surprisingly it was none other than Dr.Kyudai, and two little Nomu's he has with him, Johnny and Mocha...



Dr.Kyudai: Excellent work Johnny. Let's get moving.

Dr.Kyudai and the little Nomu's started walking down through the they did, they walked out of it and to then find the cemetery.

Dr.Kyudai: This has to be it, come on Johnny, do your thing.

Johnny uses his quirk, Warping, to warp them into a black goo and transport themselves over to the cemetery.

Dr.Kyudai: Good, Good. Now, let's find him.

They started walk down, passing graves to search a name they are looking for....until then, Dr.Kyudai has found it, and to then chuckle like a maniac.

Dr.Kyudai: Hehehe! Well Well, enjoying your slumber, Mr.Vigilante Slayer.

The name on that tombstone he found was none other than the Anti-Hero, or as everyone refers him as the Vigilante Slayer, (YN)...and to be Eri's father, one and only father.

Dr.Kyudai: I must say...I was a bit impress how you've handle yourself against the villains, Gigantomachia, The Meta Liberation army and its head leader, Re-Destro,, even killing Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner, Magne...and All For One. But...I will not forget you also took out Kai Chisaki, AKA Overhaul, over a little brat, what a waste. I'm sure that girl is all grown up, missing it's daddy...but don't you worry, she'll get to see you again, and you'll get to see her too...until I turn you into MY Nomu! Hahaha! Johnny, Mocha, dig!

Johnny and Mocha started digging up (YN)'s grave as Dr.Kyudai had plans to use (YN)'s corpse to turn him into a Nomu. Afterwards, Johnny and Mocha were done digging as Dr.Kyudai then leaps and land ontop of the casket...

Dr.Kyudai: I could just think of how useful you'll be as a Nomu, an unstoppable killing machine Nomu!! As soon I get you out of here, I will take you back, and then make you my Nomu experiment and will make sure you-

As Dr.Kyudai opens the casket...
He obviously expected to see (YN)'s dead corpse....but to then find out...he isn't there, nor to be in his own casket at all.

Dr.Kyudai: WH-WHAAAT?!?

He looks inside of it...and yet nothing. The casket is basically empty, and yet to find some blood stains all over...

Dr.Kyudai: N-No!! No! No! No! NOO!! This..This can't be!! It can't!! But how!? Impossible!! But where?! Who!? What?! ...How...How is he not in here!?? What is going on!?! This has to be his grave here, the name says it! B-But his's...gone!?! But how!?! There..There is no way he could've lived and came back out, the casket would've been destroyed and smashed and finding his grave piled up in dirt! And it's just...dry blood stains! ...What could have happen here?! Is ... is he ... alive?! N-No, that can't!-

Sexton: I heard voices! Stay where you are!

Dr.Kyudai heard voices, and to happen to be a sexton, who's in charge of the cemetery as he quickly pick some of the dry blood stains from (YN)'s and leaps out with Jonny and Mocha and Jonny warps them out of here. The sexton come running down and to find (YN)'s grave dig...and to see inside of his casket empty...which made him think that whoever was here, must've taken his corpse.

Sexton: O-Oh No! Holy crap!! This is not Good! I-I gotta call the police! Damn it!!

Somewhere in the city, we then take a look at the abandon bar, where the league of villains use to be their hideout...underneath that bar, there was a secret hidden laboratory...and to be a hunch of capsules, and inside those capsules were nothing but Nomu's different kinds, sleeping, waiting to be awake and create havoc. Then, the black warp appears as Johnny, Mocha and Dr.Kyudai appears out of it...

Dr.Kyudai: That...was close. But in the role is this possible?? His corpse is no where to be what gives?? ...Doesn't matter...I have his dry blood stains...which means I can use his blood DNA on these Nomu's...and have them mimic his quirk! Hehe!! ...But him missing still remains ...

A lot of things is going on, Naomasa has captured the wrong Dr.Kyudai and to turn out to be a fraud, a copy one, Dr.Kyudai wanting to take (YN)'s dead corpse to turn him into a Nomu, but then to find out that he is nowhere to be found in his grave AND his casket at all!?!

What is even going on???


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