Chapter 14: Wolves

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Christine ran down the stairs as fast as she could, and didn't look back, she was going to leave. She couldn't stay here anymore, piangi and Firmin saw her running towards the door, "where are you going?" Firmin asked, "promise or no promise I can't stay here another minute."
"Oh no please wait," piangi begged. But Christine didn't hear him she was already outside and riding away on Caeser. As Caeser ran though the snow storm, Wolves picked up his scent and came closing in on Christine and Caesar, practily spooked Caeser ran off fast, but the wolves chased him and kept attempting to jump on his back, eventually Caeser ran into frozen lake with thin ice, and him and Christine slipped into the cold water, Caeser did his very best to climb out quickly, but the wolves where still on their tail. And when three wolves blocked Caeser way of escape, he reared in fear and Christine fell of his back, Caeser bridle then caught into tree. And wolves began to attack, Christine did her best to protect him, but there where so many she was over whelmed, and when she was sure that it was over she saw a figure of black and white pick a wolf and threw it into the frezzing snow . Christine then reconized the figure as the phantom, the rest of the wolves charged at the phantom but he threw them of his back and they landed in the snow, but their where so many that he had to use more force. He threw the alpha female of his back, and pinned her agisant a tree, Christine watched in horror as the Alpha male in furry jumped on and scratch him in different places and did as much harm as he could. The phantom growled in furry and threw the alpha male into the snow, and he landed on his back and whimpered. The remaining wolves attacked him again, but he was ready for them, he pinned a wolf that was about to attack  him agisant a tree and he whimpered, and threw another  in snow. In fear the rest of the pack ran off, the phantom looked at Christine and then fell face first into the snow. Christine was hesitate for a moment, but the she went over to him and said. "You have to help me , you have to stand," Christine helped him back to the castle and into a bed . His servants helped Christine tend to his starches.
"Here now, no do that." She said holding a wet colth, and trying to keep him from picking the  scratchs on his back and arm, "just hold still," she said trying to clean his wound, but all she got was yelling, "THAT HURTS!" He said  very angrily, "if you hold still it wouldn't hurt as much!" Christine said angrily.
"If you hadn't run away this wouldn't have happened!"
"If you hadn't frighten me, I wouldn't have run away!"
"Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing! " the phantom said, "well you should learn to control your temper."
Everyone in the room fell slient, "now hold still this might sting a little. " the phantom growled abit but then stopped when Christine looked at him with pity.
"By the way thank you for saving my life." "Your welcome,"
He said smiling a bit.

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