Epilogue: happy ending

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Christine and Prince Erik were happily dancing in the ballroom,
With there servants all watching them relived that the spell was broken and that they were human again, Firmin was especially happy that his master had learned to love, but his thoughts were interrupted when piangi came over to him and shook his hand. "Well Firmin old friend shall we let bygins be bygins," Firmin nodded "of course my friend, I told you she would break the spell."
"I beg your pardon old friend, but I believe I told you."
"No you didn't I told you,"
"You must certinly did not, you pumsus pea brain!"
"On guard you over grown pocket watch."
As they countied to fight, Meg asked her mother if Christine and Erik were going to live happily ever after. "are they going to live happily ever after mama?" Madem Giry' smiled "of course my dear, of course."
Meg then frowned "do I still have to sleep in cuboard?"
Madem Giry and Gustave laughed as the countied to watch the two dance. For a spilt second the two stoped dancing so they could kiss,
"Tale as old as time, rising in the east tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme Beauty and the Beast. Tale As old As time song as old as rhyme beauty and the beast.
As the castle starts to come out of view you can hear the Entrancess
sing, "winter turns to spring, famine turns to fame nature points the way, nothing left to say Beauty and the Beast."

The End

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