Chapter 11:Rin's True Feelings

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Last time Erma and the Twins ended up getting attacked by three teenage Yokai! Lucky between they're quick thinking and Xander showing up to help things turned out okay in the end! Now the search for Rin continues!

Xander walked through the complex web of bridges with is daughters and niece in hopes of finding his soon to be sister-in-law. "Dad are you okay? That lady did shoot that icicle into your leg." Mitsu said in worry as she looked at her dad's bandaged leg with worry written on her face. Xander smiles before scooping his daughter up into his arms. "I'm fine Mitsu! My leg is just a little sore." Xander said as gave his daughter a reassuring hug. "How did you know we left the house anyway?" Momo asked in a curious tone as she looked at her father in confusion.
                           Xander placed Mitsu back on the ground before turning to look at his other daughter. "Well myself, your Uncle Sam, and Uncle Kentaro were looking for clues at a locale bar you Uncle Kentaro frequents." Xander began to explain as both his daughters laughed at their father's words. "That does sound like Uncle Kentaro." Momo said with a giggle as Xander noticed Erma giving him a worried look. "Don't worry Erma, your dad is safe and sound with your Uncle and Haru." Xander said as he tried to put his niece's mind at ease. The group continued on their way as they looked for Rin.
Xander felt someone tug on his pant leg, Xander looked down to see it was Erma. "What is it Erma?" Xander asked as he looked at the girl in confusion. Erma pointed towards the large forest that seemed to go on forever. "You wanna search there? I guess it is the one place we haven't checked yet." Xander said as he and the girls started to make their way towards the forest. "Hey dad, where did you get that lighter from anyway?" Mitsu asked her father as they walked through the trees. "A Yokai at the bar wanted to test me by having me try to put this lighter out." Xander said as Mitsu and Momo both grew horrified looks on their faces.
                        "Dad that's a soul cremating lighter! If someone possesses a wicked soul, the lighter will devour them!" Momo explained as she gave her dad an angry glare. "What were thinking doing something so risky?!" Mitsu added as she also glared at her father. Xander looked down at his daughters with a smile on his face. "Don't worry girls I'm not going anywhere!" Xander said as he scooped his daughters up into his arms. "You better not dad!" The twins said in unison as they hugged their father. Xander chuckled at his daughter's actions before returning the hug they were giving him.
They continued to walk through the forest until finally coming upon a clearing by a lake. The group spotted Rin looking out over the pond as they thought about their next move. Erma started to approach Rin as Mitsu and Momo followed, but were stopped by their father. "Dad we can't let Cus face Aunt Rin alone! You know how she gets!" Momo whispered as she tried to get past her father. "Have faith in your cousin girls, she can handle this." Xander whispered back as he patted both his girls on the head before turning back to see that Erma was listening to what Rin was telling her.
                Erma felt bad as she listened to her Aunt Rin speak, she shouldn't have to feel like her family doesn't love her. Erma was also really starting to hate her grandfather and what he has done to this family! Erma did the only thing that felt right, she hugged her Aunt Rin, just to let her know she cared. "Your Father seems very kind, so does Xander. I guess I've just been so lost in my own pain and hatred to accept genuine kindness." Rin said sadly as Erma tightened the hug. The two stayed like that for some time before Rin decided it was time to return home. Rin was surprised to find Xander and the twins waiting for them to finish up.
               Erma and the Twins flew through the trees as they played tag while Xander and Rin followed behind them. "Xander, listen I'm sorry about my behavior. I guess I have a hard time letting past grudges go." Rin said meekly as she expected Xander to go off on her. "Let me stop you right there Rin, you don't have to apologize to me. Although from now on could you possibly give your family a chance to help you?" Xander said in a calm tone as he looked over at Rin with a smile on his face. "That's why I wanna propose an arrangement for you." Xander said as Rin gave him a look of complete confusion.
"You didn't want your family to break apart like it did, right? So why don't you come stay with Yori, me, and the girls in Blairwood? I have a free guest room you know." Xander said as Rin's eyes widened in shock at his words. "Xander I can't do that! After everything that's happened between us, I couldn't possibly just live in your house." Rin said as she tried to turn down the offer. "Hey you don't have to give me an answer right away, if you want you can talk about it with Yori when we get back to the house." Xander said as they continued on their way home to turn in.
Yori was not happy with her daughters right now, they had used that damn trick her mother showed them on poor Kenji before sneaking out. Suddenly Mitsu and Momo walked into the room as Yori marched right up to them. "You little brats are in big trouble! What were you even thinking?!" Yori said angrily as Mitsu and Momo looked down sadly. "Sorry mom, we were just worried about dad is all." Mitsu said meekly as she refused to make eye contact with her mother. "Yeah and we dragged Erma into our little plan, please tell Aunt Emiko that it's our fault." Momo added sadly.
                 Yori's eyes widened at her daughters words, they would normally never apologize or take the blame for something. Yori let a gentle smile spread across her face as she crouched down and pulled her daughters into a hug. "Well you both made it back safe and sound, just promise not to pull a stunt like this again okay?" Yori said as her daughters returned the hug. "Girls where's Erma?" Emiko said in a panicked voice as she looked at the twins. "Don't worry Aunt Emiko, we promised Dad we would look after her and we didn't break that promise." Mitsu said Erma walked into the room.
Emiko rushed to her daughter before pulling her into a tight hug as if she would disappear. "Erma you scared me half to death! Where have you been?" Emiko said in a relieved tone as she held her daughter in her arms. Erma pointed towards Rin, who looked at her sisters nervously. "Welcome home Emiko. Sorry for attacking your husband, I just let my anger get the better of me." Rin began, but was interrupted by Emiko hugging her before the rest of her sisters joined in. Xander finally entered the room to witness the touching family moment. Yori turned towards her boyfriend with a slightly annoyed look on her face.
"Xander Arons, what's this about you having a Soul Cremating Lighter?" Yori said as she glared at him angrily. "Some Yokai at the bar wanted to test Sam and I to see if we were trustworthy. Given that we were surrounded, I really couldn't say no." Xander said defensively as he tried to calm his love down. "I swear to god I'm going to kill Kentaro when he gets back!" Yori growled as she turned away from Xander. "On the bright side, the lighter let's me summon a purple fire dragon." Xander said as Yori shot him another glare before sitting down on the couch with the twins to calm down.
Xander entered his bedroom as he spotted Yori and his daughters getting changed into their sleepwear. Xander got changed as well before getting into bed next to Yori, who was facing away from him. "You still mad at me?" Xander whispered as Yori turned to look at him. "No, I just wish you would be a little more careful." Yori said as she wrapped her arms around Xander as he did the same. "Don't worry I don't plan on dying on you." Xander said as he gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "You better not!" Yori replies before both of them drifted off to sleep so they could be ready for whatever tomorrow may hold.

Sorry this one took so long, between college and Monster Hunter World Iceborne, I've been kinda busy. I also wanted to answer this before anyone points it out, why are the twins acting nice all of a sudden? I believe they're bratty behavior is caused by their father running out on them, so with Xander being back in the picture the girls are trying to turn over a new leaf! Anyway what exciting adventures await the family next? Find out in the next chapter of Erma:Family is Forever!

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