Chapter 2:First Day on the Job

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So last time Xander moved into Blairwood and met it's local Ghost girl and her family! Now it's time for Xander to start his first day of work at Blairwood Fire Department! How will his first day go?
Xander pulled up into the Blairwood Fire Department's driveway as he parked his truck before stepping out and making his way towards the building. "Ah you must be Xander! I'm Jonathan the chief of the station!" Jonathan introduced himself in a friendly manner as he shook Xander's hand. "Glad to be here sir! I'm looking forward to getting to work as soon as possible." Xander said as he returned the Chief's smile. "That's what I like to hear young man! You'll be locker 19 so get used to that number." Jonathan said as he walked into his office.
Xander got changed into his firefighter overalls and blue undershirt as he went upstairs where his coworkers were. Xander spent the next hour or so getting to know his coworkers as he got better acquainted to his position. Although the peace was interrupted by the sound of the alarm blaring through the firehouse. Before anyone could even react, Xander was already sliding down the fire pole. Xander quickly threw on his fire jacket and helmet before running to one of the fire engines and climbing into the driver's seat.

            He was joined by the rest of his team a minute later as they all climbed into the fire engine. Xander pulled out of the station and onto the street as he drove off towards the emergency. "Not a bad hustle there new guy! Name's Rusty! What's yours?" Rusty asked from his place in the passenger seat. "Xander Aarons, nice to meet you Rusty!" Xander said as he continued to speed down the street towards the emergency. Eventually the Fire Engine pulled up along the side of the burning house. After putting it in park, Xander jumped out of the vehicle and went to the back.
"Xander from what the police tell us there are still two children trapped in side the house! You game to go in with me?" Rusty asked as he ran up to Xander. "You kidding? Let's get it done!" Xander said as he strapped on an oxygen tank and breathing mask, along with fire proof gloves. Xander then grabbed a Fire Axe before he and Rusty went to the front door. Xander chopped the front door down with his axe before entering the building with Rusty right behind him. "Okay you check downstairs, I'll check upstairs." Xander said as he and Rusty split up to explore the burning house.
Xander made his way up the stairs as he checked the hallway for any sign of the the two kids. "Is anybody in here?!" Xander shouted as he walked down the hallway with a sense of urgency. Xander was stopped by the sound of crying as turned to face the door he just passed. Xander tried to open the bedroom door, but found that it was sealed tight. Xander hacked away at the door with his axe before finally kicking it off its hinges. "Hello? Where are you?!" Xander called out as he frantically looked around the room for the crying child. "H-Help m-me!" Xander heard a small voice choke out as he turned towards the closet.
              Xander opened the closet doors before looking down to find a little girl cowering in the corner of her closet. "Don't worry sweetie, let's get you outta here." Xander said calmly as he picked the little girl up before exiting the bedroom. Xander made a b-line for the stairs, but was horrified to find Fire was blocking their path. "Okay new plan." Xander mumbled to himself as he looked around for another option. Xander spotted a window at the end of the hall that led to the overhanging roof. Xander broke the window before gently sticking the little girl through the window before climbing out after her.
                A few other Firemen got the safety net so the little girl could be safely caught and brought to ground level. After the little girl was safely reunited with her parents along with her brother, Xander jumped down into the safety net. Xander took off his oxygen mask as he turned off the valve on his tank before meeting up with Rusty. "Hey buddy! You know the front door was open right?" Rusty said jokingly as he walked up to Xander and slapped him on the back. "Tell that to the burning staircase." Xander fires back as he takes off his oxygen tank before removing his helmet and wiping the sweat off his forehead.
Xander looked back at the house to see that the fire was almost completely put out. "Excuse me sir." Xander turned around to see the little girl's mother approaching him. "What can I do for you ma'am?" Xander said as he put his helmet back on his head. "Thank you! Thank you so much for saving my children! Both of you!" The mother practically wept as she thanked Xander and Rusty for their service to her. "Just doing our job ma'am, no need to thank us." Xander said gently as he patted the woman on the shoulder. The mother walked back to her husband and children as Xander and Rusty helped finish up putting out the fire.
Xander was putting his gear back in his locker as he just got finished changing back into his normal clothes. "Hey Xander you wanna go out for a drink tonight?" Rusty asked as he approached his coworker. "Maybe some other time Rusty, I still gotta a lot of stuff to unpack when I get home. Xander said as he closed up his locker before waving goodbye to his coworker. Xander made it outside to his pickup as he climbed into the driver's seat and drove off towards his house. Xander couldn't help but let his mind wonder on his drive home. "Babe I know how you feel, I don't like this either. I just don't want you to get hurt, so please do it for me?" A feminine voice said in Xander's head as he continued to drive.
                    Xander finally pulled into his driveway as he locked up his care before heading towards the front door. Xander walked through the front door as he placed his backpack down. Xander suddenly felt a new weight on his back only to look over his shoulder and see Erma clinging to him. "Do your parents know your here Erma?" Xander said as he pulled the little ghost girl off his back and placed her on the couch. Xander finally noticed that Erma was wearing pajamas with little skulls on it. "You know it is kinda late, your parents are probably worried about you." Xander said as he patted Erma on the head.
              Erma grabbed his hand and led him into his kitchen, where a tray of food sat on the table. "Is this for me?" Xander asked as Erma nodded at him before giving him a quick hug before entering the living room. Xander watched as Erma climbed into the T.V. most likely on her way home. Xander smiled before placing the food in the microwave for three minutes. Once the food was heated up, Xander sat down and began to eat his dinner. Xander's mind once again began to wonder to that feminine voice that was ringing in his ears earlier. "I love you Xander Aarons! Nothing will ever change that!" Xander sighed at the memory before continuing to eat.
Xander just got done unpacking another couple of boxes as he looked around his house. "Well this place is finally starting to feel like home." Xander said to himself as he got up and made his way to bed "life has been pretty good for me lately, but I wish you were here with me.......Yori." Xander thought to himself as he did his best to get to sleep despite his painful memories. Xander eventually drifted off into a deep sleep as all thoughts of his past disappeared and were replaced by dreams about them. Xander didn't get much sleep that night and it didn't go unnoticed by his coworkers the next day.

So now we've gotten to see Xander in action as a Firefighter! Although his adventures in Blairwood are just getting started! What type of crazy antics will he get into with Erma and her family? Who else will he meet in the town of Blairwood? Find out in the next chapter of Erma:Family is Forever!

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