Chapter 5:You Two Are What?!

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Okay so last chapter Xander and Yori reunited with each other and had a less then successful first meeting with Mitsu and Momo. Now the two families just have to wait until the invitation to the Parade arrives! What type of antics will they get into until then?
Xander woke up to find that someone was tightly gripping onto his chest. Xander looked down and found Yori hugging him like he would disappear. Xander smiled down at his girlfriend before planting a kiss on her forehead. Yori woke up with a gentle yawn as she stretched before smiling at Xander. "Morning Beautiful." Xander said as he gave her a quick peck on the lips before trying to get out of bed. Yori refused to let go as she clung to Xander like her life depended on it. "No! Can't you just skip work and stay here with me?" Yori asked in a mock sad tone.
                  "As tempting as that is, it wouldn't be good if I started skipping work after two and a half weeks." Xander said as he wiggles out of Yori's grasp, much to her dismay. Xander headed to the bathroom as he started to get ready for the day. After that Xander headed downstairs to find Yori sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Hey see you when I get home alright?" Xander said as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek before grabbing his travel mug. As Xander approached the front door he noticed Mitsu and Momo sitting on the couch again watching T.V.
               See you girls when I get home!" Xander said as the twins turned to look at him with slight glares on their faces. "Try not to die in a fire you failure!" Mitsu sneered as she and Momo laughed at her comment. Instead of getting upset with them, Xander just smiled at them. "Aw my little girls are worried about me!" Xander said happily as Mitsu and Momo blushed in embarrassment at his response. "J-Just g-get o-out of here you failure!" Momo shrieked as she and Mitsu looked away in embarrassment with blushes still plastered on their faces.
                Xander chuckled at how cute his daughters were when they get embarrassed before heading out the front door. Yori saw the whole thing go down by stretching her neck into the living room. "Xander was right! The girls are just scared of letting him in because they think he'll disappear again." Yori thought as she brought her head back into the kitchen so she could continue her morning. Yori's thoughts were interrupted by her cellphone ringing. "Hello?" Yori said as she answered her cellphone. "Hey sis! How are you settling in over there?" Emiko asked her big sister about how her meeting with Xander went.
"It has been absolutely wonderful!" Yori said with a sigh of content as she smiled to herself. "Wow I wasn't expecting you to be this happy." Emiko said with a small chuckle at her sister's enthusiasm. "Yeah I just wish Mitsu and Momo would just try and give their father a chance." Yori said completely forgetting that Emiko didn't know the truth about Xander. "Wait......WHAT?!" Emiko shouted before hanging up on Yori. Before Yori could even react, a black portal appeared on the floor of the kitchen. Emiko crawled out of the portal as she glared at her older sister with her hair swaying dangerously behind her.
                       "You better explain yourself right now Yori!" Emiko screeched as she glared at her older sister in anger. "O-Okay E-Emiko just calm down! Yes Xander is Mitsu and Momo's biological father." Yori started as Emiko calmed down slightly. Emiko's hair fell back down as she started to cool off from her initial freakout. "Back before you ran off because of dad, I happened to be in the human world. That's when I met Xander, I don't know what it was about him we just sorta hit it off." Yori explained Emiko nodded for her to continue her story.
                            "So we started to hang out more and more and one thing led to another, next thing you know we're dating." Yori explained as Emiko started to crack a small smile at her sister. Yori also gave her a smile of her own before her face returned to a frown. "As you know dad had to take a good thing and ruin it! He threatened to kill Xander if he didn't leave and never return!" Yori growled in frustration at her father's cruelty. Emiko let out a sympathetic sigh at her sister's words of their father's cruelty. "So I wasn't the first one that dad tried to ruin the love life of? Sorry to hear he got you first Yori." Emiko said as she patted her sister on the back.
Yori let out a watery laugh as she felt tears starting to prick her eyes as she tried to find the right words. "The worst part is that about a month later I found out I was pregnant with the twins! If only I didn't send him away, the girls would of had their father in their lives." Yori weeped out in a broken tone as she placed her head in her hands. Emiko started to pay her sister on the back in hopes of calming her down. "I remember how reclusive you became when you got the news, now I know why." Emiko said as she continued to rub her sister's back. Yori started to whip her tears away before taking a deep breath.
                            "If you think that's bad you should have heard the argument Fumiko had with dad because of it!" Yori said as she let out another sad chuckle. "Wait Fumiko defended Xander, a human?" Emiko said in surprise at her oldest sister's actions. "She would never admit it, but Fumiko did end up liking Xander after she got to know him." Yori stated as they continued to catch up with each other after being apart for so long. "Wait, where are Mitsu and Momo?" Emiko asked her sister as she looked around for the two girls. "They're in the living room watching T.V." Yori said before they went back to their previous conversation.
                            Mitsu and Momo were in fact not watching T.V., but were instead listening in on their mother's conversation with their Aunt. "Mitsu maybe we are being to hard on dad, it sounds like grandpa forced him to leave." Momo said to her twin as she looked at her with a hopeful expression. "Okay so he didn't abandon us because he wanted to, but that doesn't change the fact he could have stood up to gramps!" Mitsu whispered back to her sister in a slightly annoyed tone. "B-But sis you heard what mom said, gramps threatened to kill dad!" Momo tried to reason with her sister with the same hopeful tone present in her voice.
Mitsu shot her sister a glare that immediately shut her up. "So? He should have been there for us! If he really cared about mom he would have come back!" Mitsu whisper growled before storming off towards the couch in a huff. "Oh sis, I know dad not being there hurt you, but maybe you should let go of your anger." Momo thought before going back to they're room to think for awhile. "I could just talk things out by myself with dad, but then sis will feel like I betrayed her. I'll go along with her behavior for now." Momo decided as she continued to mumble to herself in the privacy of her room.
                        Xander walked through the front door after another long day at the Firehouse. Before he could even put his bag down, Yori already pulled him into a deep kiss. "You need to talk to your boss about getting shorter hours! I don't think I can get used to this." Yori growled through the kiss before the two of them broke apart. "Well hello to you to babe! So what did you do all day?" Xander asked with a large grin spread across his face. "Nothing much, had to calm down Emiko after she found out you are the girl's father." Yori said with a nervous chuckle as she smiled sheepishly at Xander.
                     "I can only imagine how that went for you." Xander said with a chuckle as he finally put his bag back on the ground. Xander spotted Mitsu and Momo sitting on the couch once again watching T.V. "Please tell me they haven't been watching that thing all day." Xander whispered to Yori in slight worry. "Don't worry I had them help around the house." Yori said as she put Xander's mind at ease. "Hello girls! How was your day?" Xander asked as he waved to his daughters. "It was better without you around failure!" Mitsu shouted as got up from the couch and went upstairs to her room. Momo followed her sister, but not before giving her father a sad look.
"I guess this will take longer then I thought." Yori said in a downcast tone as she hugged Xander for comfort. "Longer then you thought or longer then you wanted?" Xander asked as he rubbed Yori's back gently. "I think Momo might be coming around slightly, she hesitated when she followed Mitsu out of the room." Xander said in hopes of cheering her up. "I guess that's a start. I just hope we can be a real family someday." Yori said in a quiet voice as she looked into Xander's eyes before pulling him into another kiss. "Let's not focus on that right now. So how does dinner sound?" Xander asked as him and Yori made their way to the kitchen.

So Yori explained her relationship with Xander to Emiko! Mitsu and Momo also learned the true reason behind their father's disappearance. Now the parade is looming closer, what will these two family's do? Will Xander be able to patch things up with his daughters? Find out in the next chapter of Erma:Family is Forever!

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