[1.1] || The Hidden Treasure (PG)

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This one-shot is dedicated to Poetic_dreamer_. Please vote and comment below what you think. I wrote this for a class task and thought that you guys might appreciate the first edition to the "Erotic one-shots" collection (Though I edited it before handing to the teacher).

*UPDATE:- (06/10/2019)
-I'm in the process of writing Part 2, but I'll edit (this) in the future.

Contains: themes of homophobia, negative discussions of sexuality/(uncertain identity???), hints at depression, ***

-DISCLAIMER: This story is all my own work.

-Plot: Michael comes out as Gay to his family and gets kicked out. After calling his friend 'Alec' to pick him up, they head to his friend's apartment. Along the way, he also comes out to Alec and discovers their hidden feelings for each other.

-Dedicated to: Poetic_dreamer_

The Hidden Treasure

Michael wears a mask every day so that no-one can see who he truly is, acting like everything is alright, that nothing bothers him, that he doesn't feel alone despite being surrounded by people.

Being brought up in a strict Christian family, he was forced to create the mask that he would wear around everyone, including his friends, playing the 'perfect child' for his parents' Christian ideologies, that their eldest son would find himself a good Christian wife and have many kids to continue the bloodline and teach their Christian beliefs. If only they knew.

One Friday afternoon after Michael finished after-school soccer practice, he had a quick shower, got changed and then started the 20 minute walk home from school. Since discovering his sexuality, Michael would constantly speculate what his parents reaction would be if he told them he was gay. He thought of two possible outcomes. The first being that they would accept him, regardless of who he loved. The second would be that they condemn him for his "perversions", call him a sinner and an abomination, kick him out of the house and cut off all connections to him. As he loved both his parents very much and relied on them for many things, he hoped that they went with the first option.

Michael felt the uneasiness in his stomach grow the further he walked up the steps of his parent's intimidating, double-storey house. Using the spare key he pulled out of his pocket, he unlocked the door and closed it behind him before making his way up the stairs to his bedroom. After entering his room, he threw his bag onto his bed and shut the door closed before he began pacing nervously, contemplating his parents' reaction to what he planned to tell them that night at the dinner-table.

Before long, he heard the loud banter of his younger siblings increasing as they entered the house, accompanied by the sound of his mother and father reprimanding them for their childish behaviour. Knowing that dinner was close by made his heart-beat rapidly increase. He was so sure his heartbeat was so loud that they could hear it from all the way upstairs.

When Michael heard his mother call him down for dinner, he took his time walking down the stairs to the dinner table where the rest of his family were already seated; his mother and father on either end of the table and his three 9 year old younger sisters, Eden, Mary and Elisha, along the side. When his father saw that everyone was seated, he closed his eyes, faced down and clasped his hands in prayer.

"Oh Lord our Heavenly Father, we thank you for all that you have given us; the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the love we share with our family," he said looking at his wife and children before looking down again, "and unto you. We ask that you may continue to bless us with these gifts and that when the time comes, that you bless our children with a good Christian husband or wife and that they may be blessed with many children so that they may carry on and continue to teach the right way, the Christian way as you once did when you allowed your son to walk the earth to forgive us of our sins. We thank you in Jesus' name, amen." Immediately after Michael's father finished his prayer, the family began eating dinner. His mother then spoke, asking everyone how their day went. Michael's younger sister, Eden, replied first.

"Today in class we had to do an activity and draw what we want to be when we grow up. I drew a ballerina because they are really pretty and can do lots of dances. And I think I would be good at it because you have to be fle-flexda... full-ex-ahh..."

"It's flexible Ede," his other 9 year old sister, Mary, corrected. "That's right! Flexible. I can do the splits and twirl like a ballerina does too," Eden proclaimed cheerfully and continued to eat her dinner.

"That's wonderful Eden!" her mother cried. "What about you Eli? What did you do today in class?"

"I did a similar activity as Eden, but I had to write instead of draw what I want to be when I grow up. I don't know what I want to be, so I wrote that I want to be really smart and learn lots of things. I heard that there is this place after high school where you get to learn lots! But I don't remember what it's called," she said sullenly.

"I think it is called a college. Or university, I'm not sure," Mary added and continued eating. Their mother looked up to see everyone eating except Michael, whom had not touched his at all and was simply staring down into his lap fidgeting.

"Are you alright dear? Is there something wrong?" his mother asked worriedly. He looked up at her, turning his nervous gaze to his father and younger sisters when he noticed that everyone was silent, waiting for his response.

"No. Actually... uhh.. I have... um... I have to tell you guys something." His father placed both his knife and fork on his plate before urging him to continue.

"I... I-I'm... I'm—"

"Stop stuttering Michael," his father instructed. "Now I demand that you tell me what it is or I'll—"

"I AM GAY!!" Michael yelled loudly. Everyone dropped their utensils and looked wide-eyed in Michael's direction. His mother began laughing and his sisters looked shocked, while his father had a dark look on his face. Once his mother had finished laughing, his father spoke.

"Michael, please tell me that what you just said is not true." Michael looked at his father with tears in his eyes and replied.

"It's true father. Mother. I am gay." His mother looked at him with contempt, a new found hatred in her eyes at the discovery that her eldest child and only son, was a homosexual. His father's eyes were shadowed as he slowly got out of his chair. He looked across the table at Michael with cold eyes.

"Get out," his father instructed. Michael's hopes of being accepted were instantly crushed. He had hoped that despite their beliefs, they would still love him and accept him for who he is. He knew that he couldn't change who he was. It only upset him more that he wasn't the perfect child that his parents always wanted. Even so, he still attempted to converse with his father about his decision to kick him out of the house because he had nowhere else to go.

"I SAID GET OUT!! I want you out of my house immediately! Pack your things and go! I don't want your tainted soul sinning in this house any longer. I will give you 10 minutes to pack everything and go before I drag you out of the house myself," his father growled. Michael ran up the stairs to his room and started packing everything that he though he needed and shoved them into his school bag and a small suitcase that he had dug out from the bottom of the cupboard. Once the ten minutes were up, Michael walked down the stairs with his bag on his back, dragging the suitcase behind him.

When he was within sight of his family, he saw that his mother and father as well as his three younger sisters, Elisha, Mary and Eden, were standing together at the bottom of the stairs. Although his parents looked at him with hatred and disgust, his sisters appeared to have disheartened expressions. While his sisters didn't quite understand the concept of homosexuality as two boys or two girls being in a romantic relationship, they knew that the relationship between two people of the same gender wasn't considered normal, nor accepted in Christian society.

They looked forlorn as they watched their older brother walk down the stairs dragging a suitcase behind him and a bag on his back. They now knew that their father was serious when he told Michael to pack his things and leave. It became known to them in that moment that he wasn't going to come back. Upon gazing at their sorrowful expressions, Michael gave them a look, one he hoped was assuring, saying that it was alright. That he would see them again one day.

As he walked passed his family to the front door, his parents continued to glare with contempt and disgust. What they discovered that evening was not at all what they were expecting. They now had no-one to continue that bloodline as they had no other sons and their grandchildren that would be born from their daughters would have the name of her husband. They figured that they would try again for a boy. This would solve all their problems and help them forget the "sinner" that their son was.

Upon walking out the front door, he turned around to look at his family one more time, only to be met with the door slamming into his face. Disappointed, he rubbed his face before gazing at the door one last time.

Unknown to Michael, his three younger sisters were watching him sadly through the window as he walked away. Though they were heartbroken that their older brother was leaving, they were also relieved and a little excited for the time when they would meet their older brother again. Still, watching their brother, which they've had a close relationship with and known for the entirety of their lives, walk away from their home was upsetting. After walking for roughly 30 minutes around the neighbourhood, he fished out his phone from his pocket and called the person that was at the top of his contact list.

After feeling the vibrations of his phone in his pocket, Alec took it out and looked at the Caller ID. When he saw that it was his best friend he accepted the call.

"Yo Mike, what's up?" Alec yelled through the phone over the music that was blaring from the speakers a couple of rooms away. Even though he was at a party and was busy, he always made time for his friends and did whatever he could to help them. Especially Michael.

"Hey Alec. I was just wondering... could you come pick me up?"

"Sure man. Where you at?" Alec asked.

"I've been walking around for about half an hour, but I am currently at the park on "___" street, in "____". Could you come pick me up?"

"Sure! No problem. Jus' let me get ma keys and I'll be on ma way."

"Alright, cool. I just wanted to say thanks for this man I really appreciate it," Michael said to his friend graciously. His friend Alec just shook his head.

"S'alright. I got you. Now, I'll try to be there as soon as I can. Now I make no promises, but I might be able to get to you in 20 minutes, dependin' on traffic. S'that alright wit' you?" Alec asked. He would get to his friend as soon as possible but he didn't want him waiting in the cold for too long.

"No problem. I'll just be here."

"Alright. Jus' wait there. I'll come pick you up." After saying their farewells over the phone and hanging up, Michael sat down on one of the park benches to relax for a bit. He was grateful for his friend's kindness and willingness to assist. He wasn't so sure that Alec would continue to be his friend if he found out the truth. The winter cold winds felt like they were biting his skin, making him regret not putting on a jacket or jumper before leaving the house.

Before he opened up his suitcase to get out a jumper, Alec pulled up at the park with his car and unlocked the car door to let Michael in. After making sure that Michael's door was shut and that he had his seat belt on, he took off down the street, driving a bit over the speed limit in attempt to get home faster. To start up conversation before they got home, Alec asked why Michael was stranded at the park with his bag and suitcase stuffed with clothes and other possible belongings. Michael wasn't sure how to answer. He didn't want to lie, but he was also afraid of telling Alec the truth about why he was kicked out. He trusted his friend though, and hoped that he too, wouldn't discriminate him for his sexuality.

"My uhh... my parents kicked me out of the house."

"Why? Whatchu do?" Alec asked before parking out the front of his apartment. Michael was silent for a few moments before he mumbled.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't catch that. You gotta speak louder. No ma'er what it is, I'll be there for you. No worries." Agitated as Michael was about the situation, he couldn't bring himself to hate his friend if the outcome turned sour. And so he told him. He told Alec everything that he'd been feeling and doing to avoid confrontation with his family on the subject, up to the point of that night, when his parents had kicked him out for being gay.

Alec's worries about his friend washed away at the news that he was gay. He was ecstatic. He had been crushing on Michael for a few years now, but didn't say anything for fear of rejection. In his excitement he unbuckled his seatbelt and reached over to Michael in the passenger seat and kissed him.

Michael was frozen in shock. Out of anything, he expected his friend to be filled with disgust like his family at the discovery of his sexuality. Not reach over only to kiss him. While it came as a shock to him, it was not unpleasant. Alec's lips were soft and he tasted like peppermint. Michael imagined what it would be like if he were to hold Alec for a night like a man would hold a woman.

Sadly though, it stopped almost as quickly as it started. Alec shot back to his seat, horrified at what he'd done. He knew that his friend was gay, but that did not dispel the still existing possibility of rejection. What was on Michael's mind however, was nothing of the sort. The kiss was, while brief, held great importance to him. It shared the hopes of another teenage boy, the attraction that he had towards him and the hopes of being with him. Through the entirety of their friendship, Michael had no knowledge of Alec's affections towards him. He was not ignorant of those thoughts now. As he looked at his friend, he saw that he was facing down with his hands on his lap, slightly shaking.

As he continued to look at his friend, he realised that part of what made them such close friends, was their mutual attraction for each other. There had been times both in the change rooms and at school where he would have this feeling inside him every time he looked or spent time with Alec. Butterflies would flurry up a storm in his stomach making him feel uneasy and nervous, but it never showed on his face. He always appeared confident in front of his friends and peers.

He would dispel those feelings immediately, thinking that those moments were just a brief lapse of judgement. He would tell himself that it was just the devil trying to invade his thoughts, trying to send him down the path of sin. But after speaking with the counsellor online through e-mails, he made the discovery that it was normal to feel this way. While it wasn't necessarily common, it did happen. There were people all around the world from different cultures, different religions, different beliefs; and all whom were gay.

So as he looked across the car at his friend whom was staring into his lap, he reached over and kissed him on the cheek. Alec perked up instantly and stared at Michael shellshocked. He never, not in a million years, thought that Michael would accept him. Michael, at seeing the reaction on his face, smiled and laughed.

"Come on, Alec. Let's get inside. I'm bloody cold and I don't want to freeze my ass off when we could be inside eating a hot meal and cuddling on the couch watching some crappy show on the T.V." Michael got out of the car and shut the door. As he made his way up the path to the apartment building, he noticed that Alec had only just got out of the car and was still staring at him in a daze.

"Come on Alec, are you coming or what?" At the mention of his name, he slammed the door shut, locked the car and bolted down the path to catch up to Michael. When he got to his friend, he used his long arms to pull him into a hug and squeezed him tight from behind. Michael could feel Alec's chest moving on his back and his breath on his neck as he cried softly. Michael never asked Alec about it. He only turned around so that he could hug him, Alec holding Michael even tighter in an attempt to keep him from getting away.

But Michael would never do that. He'd finally found what he'd unknowingly been searching for his whole life. Someone that he could love and would love him back, someone that the he could spend time watching crappy movies and going to parties with, someone that he could rely on to take care of him, someone that was special to him. A 'someone' of his very own. A treasure so hidden in his life he didn't know it was there until he found it. Everyone has their own special hidden treasure. And Alec was his.

Word Count: 3001

When writing this short story and coming up with names and characters for the story, I did a little bit of research. The names of the characters below will have the source from which I got the definitions/meanings from. As Michael comes from a Christian family, I tried to keep the names that I used for the characters related to Christianity in some way.

Archangel 'Uriel':- (Although Michael's father's name is never mentioned, the intended name for his character is Uriel).The name means "God is Light." He takes you out of the darkness and into Divine truth and light and helps you to embrace your inner wisdom. Turn to Uriel when you are confused about what God's will is for you. [SOURCE: http://psychiclibrary.com/beyondBooks/archangels-for-healing/]

Aanya:- (Just as Michael's father's name was never mentioned, neither was his mother's). The name 'Aanya' means "A woman graced with God." [SOURCE: http://m.prokerala.com/kids/baby-names/christian/girl/]

Archangel 'Michael':- (When picking a name for his character, I simply chose the name Michael because I liked it. I decided to put the meaning behind the name anyway). The name means "He Who Is Like God." He is the leader of the Archangels and known for his leading the battle against Satan. Michael is the one to turn to if you are need of guidance in the areas of career and life aspirations. [SOURCE: http://psychiclibrary.com/beyondBooks/archangels-for-healing/]

Eden:- Derived from the Hebrew 'ēdhen (delight). The Garden of Eden was the name of the paradise where Adam and Eve were created and lived before eating from the Tree of Knowledge. [SOURCE: http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/eden]

Mary:- Anglicized form of Maria, which is derived from the Hebrew Miryām (sea of bitterness, sea of sorrow). There is much debate over the meaning of the name, however. While "sea of bitterness or sorrow" seems to be the most probable, some sources give the alternative definitions of "rebellion," "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea." The name, borne in the Bible by the virgin mother of Jesus, has become one of the most enduringly popular names in the Christian world. [SOURCE: http://www.babynamewizard.com/baby-name/girl/mary]

Elisha:- Elisha is a simple, yet classy Christian name. It means 'the salvation of god' in Latin. [SOURCE: http://www.momjunction.com/articles/beautiful-christian-baby-girl-names_00329836/#gref ]

Alec:- The name Alec (an abbreviation of Alexander) is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Alec is 'defender of mankind.' [SOURCE: http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/alec]


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