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Kim Dokja went up to the school's rooftop as usual, his favorite and quietest place. He planned to eat a rice ball for lunch and continue reading the novel until the end of the lunch break.

However, the first thing he saw when he reached the rooftop was the sight of a student standing on the edge of the rooftop, which was extremely unsafe.

Kim Dokja's eyes widened, the student's body began to move as if it was about to lean forward. Kim Dokja didn't care what he was holding in his hand and rushed forward.

Kim Dokja caught the student and pulled him down. Both fell backwards and lay on the concrete courtyard of the terrace.


Kim Dokja gasped, his heart pounding and his eyes widening at the person below him.

"Are you okay? You look scared." The person below asked.

Blue, Kim Dokja saw the beautiful blue below.

Blue eyes were looking at him, the lifeless-looking eyes of the person below were reflecting his image in them.

Kim Dokja hastily stood up when he realized his strange situation with the person below.

Kim Dokja looked around and discovered that the rice ball that he will had for lunch was lying on the floor because he had thrown it down earlier.

Kim Dokja went forward and picked up his rice ball, luckily it was wrapped in plastic wrap so it didn't get dirty.

Kim Dokja turned to look at the student, he had sat on the bench Kim Dokja used to sit on.

It is also the only bench on this rooftop.

Kim Dokja approached the bench and looked at him. He looked up at him and now had thick glasses over his previously lifeless blue eyes.

"You...are you okay? Just now you..."

"Ah, I scared you earlier, didn't I? I was just enjoying the breeze." He spoke in a monotone as if what just happened was normal and no big deal.

Kim Dokja looked skeptically at the person who was about to fall... Mm, who would go to the wind like that?

Seeing Kim Dokja staring at him, he moved over a bit and patted the empty space next to him.

Kim Dokja simply sat down and watched him pull out a thick black book out of nowhere.

Just like that, he started flipping through a previously marked page and started reading.

Kim Dokja returned with his rice ball. He peeled off the cling film and started to take a bite, pulling his phone from his pocket and reading web novel.

The atmosphere is quiet on the rooftop, normally only Kim Dokja is up here, so silence is also familiar to him.

However, Kim Dokja occasionally heard the sound of flipping books next to him.

The guy sitting next to Kim Dokja has been quiet since pulling out the book. So quiet that Kim Dokja felt like he was just sitting next to the air and not a person without the sound of flipping a book.

From a side angle, Kim Dokja could see his eyes behind those thick glasses. Long and curled eyelashes, the blue eyes that were lifeless before were now bright, soulful and alive.

Kim Dokja wondered what him was reading, when he was about to look down at the contents of the book when the bell rang.

Lunch break is over.

He closed the book and put it away somewhere like when he took it out of nowhere.

Kim Dokja watched as he stood up and was about to leave, but stopped and asked him a question.

"I'll be up here again tomorrow. You'll be here, won't you?"

Kim Dokja nodded.

"Then goodbye. See you tomorrow at noon."

After seeing he disappear behind the door to the rooftop, Kim Dokja also got up to return to his class.

Kim Dokja returned to his class, looking up at the blackboard while the teacher was giving a lecture. His mind naturally recalled those lifeless blue eyes, and those blue eyes when he read that book.

Looks like he saved someone who was about to jump off a building...?

Kim Dokja wasn't sure, he felt the situation just now was strange. So did that guy.


Things in Puzzle City have become terrifyingly tense. An atmosphere of deadly silence enveloped the entire square of the city.


Raon called out tremblingly, breaking the deadly silence.

Immediately after the God of Despair was sealed, red lightning bolts continuously hit the square and threatened to spread further than the surrounding areas.

The dragons and Cale created many shields to counter it and protect everyone below the City.

When everyone thought the red lightning was over, the shields were removed and then a final red lightning hit the ground. Where Cale was standing...

Cale disappeared from that place, along with the red lightning that finally hit him.

Raon and everyone there witnessed it, can't believe what just happened. Raon screamed in panic, his voice cracking as the little dragon tried to find traces of his human.

"H-human! Human!!! Where are the humans!? No way... Human!!!"

"I can no longer sense where humans are, no trace of humans... the ancient powers of man can't be found either..."

"My human... I will destroy the world! Then I will destroy myself!!!"

Noticing the little black dragon panicking, he went on a rampage when he couldn't find Cale. Everyone noticed the black mana exploding through the air as Raon roared to destroy the world and then himself.

Eruhaben and the other dragons, although exhausted, quickly suppressed Raon. Try to calm the rage of the little black dragon.

"Raon! You can't destroy the world or kill yourself! Listen, Raon!"

Eruhaben tried to calm the small dragon that was emitting a large wave of black mana. Raon is extremely angry and could destroy the world if he did.

From afar, Cage rushes to everyone and the raging black dragon Raon wants to destroy the world and himself. Cage shouted.

"Cale... Young master, Death said Young master Cale is still alive!"

Everyone immediately turned to look at Cage, even Raon turned to look at her. Raon rushed in front of her and asked, the black mana fluttering in the air diminishing.

"Humans are still alive? What do you mean, Cage?"

"Mm... God of Death said that Master Cale is still alive right now. However, God of Death is currently looking for Cale... He seems to have been taken to a place far away that God of Death cannot reach."

"So human are still alive... Human are still alive!" Raon flapped his wings, no more rage or black mana surrounding him.

"You mean Cale-nim was thrown to another world after being hit by that red lightning?"

Choi Han was the one to ask, he was very worried about Cale right now.

"It seems so... The God of Death is currently searching for any remnants and looking for Young master Cale as fast as he can... Mm, he said he could wait for him for a while? He just expended a decent amount of energy from sealing the God of Despair. It will take time to find Young master Cale."

Everyone was silent for a few seconds, looking at each other and nodding. "As long as can find Cale... we'll try to wait."

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