Chapter two

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Toka pumped his fists for once. " Yes!" He cheered, shaking Vesuvius a bit. Vesuvius's smile wavered. That's a horrible place to go! That's where one of the most vicious villains lurks. There may be more as well!

He didn't express that, though. He found his smile once again: " It will be nice to finally go somewhere different." He states as Cearc chirps with agreement.

At least he didn't completely lie. It would be nice to explore a place they haven't gone to yet. But Vesuvius still couldn't help wondering what the teachers and school board were thinking.

Probably got bored like me, but there are tons of other dungeons to explore that aren't dangerous, like Quilt Hills. The three approached the school; Vesuvius, being the kind gentleman he was, opened the door for his friends.

They both graciously accepted the act of kindness. One after the other, the three walked inside. A seemingly innocent Sobble hopped over to them. Moja! Vesuvius thought, quickly putting Toka behind him.

He bared his fangs at the Sobble. The Sobble snickered, " Aw, poor Toka! Having to be protected by a shiny more powerful than you! How pathetic!" Moja insulted, sun glasses covering his eyes.

He instantly shoved Vesuvius; he fell to the floor. He waltzed past a practically squawking Cearc, winking at her. Disgust lit all three shinies gazes. Moja was strong for a Sobble. He surely didn't sob to get out of anything, either. He was mean!

He would bite you if you tried to get in his way. Of course, Vesuvius always got in his way. Protecting Toka was always the best thing. Toka only had him and Cearc.

His mother, if you could call her that, didn't care if he was a shiny. She would brutally abuse him, drunkenly. She was a black Typhlosion who didn't give two shits-er pokepuffs about her son. His father?

He was dead. That was why his mother was always drunk: to get rid of the knowledge that her husband was drunk. She would beat up Toka, claiming he was not perfect like her. He needed to be the rarest thing of all: a special color of Cyndaquil. His family was known on his mother's side to have different colors starting the great-great-great grandfather.

Vesuvius thought of it as a sad thing. But back to what was currently happening. Moja held Toka up. Toka has tears at the edge of his eyes. " What an ugly thing." Moja laughs, harshly flinging him into the dirt.

He started to laugh. Vesuvius's paws clenched. He growled. If anyone's an outlaw sometime soon, it will be him. I know it. " How about you fight someone else!" He snarled, smoke coming out of his nose in disgust with this bully.

The Sobble smirked, turning to him. He pushes his sun glasses down; he was attempting to be menacing, but he was failing at it. " How about you?!" He questioned, dragging on the you.

" What?!" Cearc exclaimed, then added: " Fuck yourself, Moja!" She yelled at him. " Anything for you, my sweet." He tried to be flirtatious, but it failed. It also made all three almost throw up.

Mew! He's obsessed with her! Vesuvius nodded, anything to get rid of this brute. He stepped up to the bully: " I accept your challenge, Moja." He commented.

Moja creepily laughed. " You, me, after school!" He growled, pushing past Vesuvius. Vesuvius wasn't threatened by Moja. Moja always thinks he can out best me, but he can't. I'm the Starter Squad leader's son. He knows he can't mess with me without me having a few tricks up my sleeves.

I must be careful, though. Moja fights dirty. Well, maybe this trip to Starter Squad Cave will get my mind off the fact that I might get humiliated after school. My father's name will be ruined if I get defeated. As always.

Vesuvius sighs as he slinks into the classroom, collapsing practically into his seat. He was tired of all this. Why can't we all be friends? Why must we make rumors and start fights that gets others killed?

Vesuvius took a glimpse over at Toka. Because if we don't...we would be bored to death, but do we really need to do all this just to survive? What is a social status without friends? What would be the point anyways?

" Is everyone here?" The teacher asked, taking out a list and began to call out names. " Say here when I say your name." He told them.

The teacher was a male Burmy. How he was holding that list was a mystery to everyone, but the Burmy. Maybe he secretly had a troop of Burmy in there, trying to hold on with their mouths.

There's something more. I wish....I wish there was some way to get more out of the world. I wish we all don't have to hide from others; not that I do.

I wish there could be someone who understands what I'm going through. That would be nice. " Vesuvius! Vesuvius! Vesuvius! Vesuvius wake up!" The teacher squealed, moving back and forth in anger.

It was more hilarious than scary. Vesuvius came back to reality. " O-oh. Sorry. Here." He mumbled. The teacher nodded with happiness. " Was that so hard, now?" The green Burmy asked.

Toka leaned over. " It will be okay. Moja might be a nasty fighter, and a sore looser, but you will win!" Toka tried to soothe. If only he knew what was I really upset about.

" Now, get up class. Someone grab me, too! I have to go!" The teacher said. " We are going on a trip to Starter Squad Cave!" The Burmy confirms.

How Cearc got that information was unknown. Most of the class cheered. Vesuvius had a knot in stomach. I think I should tell them, but they won't take me seriously....well, at least Moja. He will claim I'm lying about the dangers, and then they will go in and faint.

All the class left without the poor Burmy teacher, leaving Vesuvius and his friends with the task of grabbing the Burmy. Why the school hired a Burmy was really not a secret.

They had low funds ever since the outlaws started to steal the funds. Well, most. There was a point where they stopped because of a Drapion stinging all those who got close to the school.

It was madness. Vesuvius was glad that the school could keep some of its funds. Most of the funds nowadays came from the Squad. The Starter Squad was really paying itself. Vesuvius's mother was unsure with marrying the leader, but apparently true love won in the end...whatever that is.

The kids were eager inside the bus. Vesuvius carefully walked in with the teacher, placing him where he told him to place him.

Vesuvius took a seat; his friend sat next to him. That left Cearc to sit with either Moja, of which no one really liked sitting with the bully, or a Popplio. It was the easiest choice: she picked the Popplio.

Moja just needed a friend, but no one was willing. Poor dude. Maybe I can be that friend. But Vesuvius didn't have any more time to think about because the bus took off for the most dangerous place: Starter Squad Cave.

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