A Trip With Erza

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(Y/n) POV

Mom and I walk into the Guild Hall one morning and Mira gets breakfast ready.

Erza: (Y/n), wait here. I'll just be upstairs.

(Y/n): How come I can't go up there?

Erza: Because it's for the S-Class ranked wizards only and because Master Makarov said so. I'll be right back.

Mom goes upstairs, I saw Natsu try to go up there a couple times but Master Makarov always swatted him away like a fly. Oh well, I start eating and almost finish when Mom returns with a job bounty in hand.

Erza: Master. I'd like to take this job.

Master: *looks over job request* Alright then. Be careful out there.

Mira: I can watch (Y/n) for you if you like?

Erza: It's okay, I'll be taking him with.

Makarov: I must strongly advise against this course of action. He hasn't even unlocked his magic yet.

Erza: *turns to me* (Y/n), I will only allow to accompany me to strictly observe and not act. You must do everything I tell you without question, if I say jump, you say how high, understood?

(Y/n): Yes Ma'am!

Erza: *to Makarov* It'll be fine. He's gotta figure out how wizard jobs work at some point. *to me* Let's pack a bag for you and we'll get going.

(Y/n): Okay.

And that's what we do, though I don't know why Mom had a large wagon of seemingly useless crap. We head out of town and board a horse drawn cart.

(Y/n): So what's the job request?

Erza: Some pirates have been terrorizing the people of Hargeon, a port town on the coast.

(Y/n): Well that doesn't sound very hard. Why is it considered an S-Class request?

Erza: There's something about this job that makes it more dangerous than others of it's kind, I just need to figure it out.

It was a few days before we reach Hargeon, I've never been here before but I had heard it was a wealthy place since a lot of trade comes through here.

(Y/n): I still can't figure out why a bunch of pirates would be considered this dangerous.

Erza: Let's head to the local tavern first.

(Y/n): Why?

Erza: It's a good place to hear gossip. People like to talk when they're drunk.

(Y/n): *deadpanned* They also like to punch people.

Erza: Point being, it's a gathering place for all kinds of people, maybe we'll figure out more about these pirates if we just sit quietly and listen.

After Erza talks her way past the bouncer at said tavern, saying I was with her and would only drink water or soda, plus she wasn't planning on getting drunk, we sit at a two person table and Mom orders drinks.

Erza: *whispers* Remember, just be quiet and listen.

(Y/n): *nods*

I listen and a lot of fhe conversations were, well, they're not worth a kid repeating. Anyways, I was starting to get bored after an hour, but I kept quiet because I didn't want to upset Mom. Until-

Man: We should drive those Pirates out of our waters?!

Man 2: And how do you suggest we do that, their ship is equipped with the latest of eanchanted cannons always pointed straight at the town. Plus their crew are too dangerous for us tackle, but worse is their captain who's never been beaten.

I look at Mom and almost grows a smirk on her face.

Mom: Well, at least this will be interesting.

(Y/n): So, what do we do?

Mom doesn't say anything, but gestures for me to follow her as we exit the tavern and start wandering the streets towards the harbor.

Erza: We find the ship, scout it for a way aboard, then I invade and take out their captain.

(Y/n): Why not take out the entire crew by a long range blast and destroy the ship?

Erza: 1: There is a chance that some of the pirates will survive and want revenge. 2: Most of these people used to be civilians before getting roped in by the deception that the captain saved them.

(Y/n): Huh?

Erza: I surmised from the conversation that the crew were following this Pirate out of fear rather than reverence. If I defeat the Captain, then I will give the remaining crew a choice. Leave or die.

(Y/n): Oh. You really want to kill them?

Erza: No. I want to avoid bloodshed if I can. There's an old saying, "A wise man never seeks out conflict, but he must always be ready for it."

(Y/n): *confused* I'm not sure I get it.

Erza: *chuckles* Don't worry, you'll understand someday.

Throughout the rest of the day, Mom and I try to discreetly get a load of the massive ship with it's many cannons and can't find a feesible way to get her on there without raising suspiscion.

(Y/n): *yawns*

Erza: I think that's enough for one day, young man. *picks me up as I yawn again* Come on.

Erza POV

I can definitely feel the weight (Y/n) has gained since I took him in and that makes me feel happy that he's getting better physically. I find us the inn I checked us into earlier and carried (Y/n) to the room we were given. I walk into the single bed room and lay him on the matress, I gently pry his off my neck and cover him with the blankets. I then sit next to him on the bed, remove my gauntlet and gently stroke his hair until I'm sure he's asleep. I replace my gauntlet and walk out of the room locking it behind me.

Erza: Alright, let's deal with these pirates.

It's a little bit before I reach the harbor and see the pirate ship still anchored offshore. I borrow a small rowboat and row out to the ship, but as I approach-

Pirate: Hey! Wench in the rowboat! Go back to shore, you know the curfew!

Erza: Oh, I'm sorry.

I suddenly jump from the boat and onto the pirate ship and kick the man off.

Erza: You'll have to speak next time. *winces* Why did I suddenly feel old saying that?

Pirate 2: Intruder! Wake the Captain!

I see three more pirates join the one sounding the alarm.

Erza: Requip! *summons swords*

I work on disrupting the pirates individual attacks before disarming them and kicking them away. More and more kept coming until-

*gunshot into the sky*

Captain: What's going on here?!

I don't see the Captain because he is obscured by the shadows.

Captain: Well, well, well, a wench trying to play the warrior hero. A useless occupation.

Erza: No where half as useless as Piracy. *demanding* Show yourself, Scoundrel.

The Captain steps into the torch and moonlight and I was a little surprised what I saw, the captain appeared normal until the moonlight shined on him and his clothes turned ragged, and what flesh I could see was green and rotten, even some of the bones were visible. Like a-

Erza: Zombie. Resurrected by forbidden Necromancy.

I immediately start glancing around to see the Dark Wizard responsible, then my attention is called back by the cocking of the Captain's flintlock pistol.

Captain: I came to this shore for it's rich pickings and lack of security from the kingdom or wizard guilds.

Erza: You didn't think your heinous actions wouldn't get my attention?

Captain: Well, the others before you never even made it this far, before I sent them to their watery graves. *chuckles*

Erza: Well, today your luck changes. I, Erza Scarlet, will ensure your reign of terror ends here.


Finally, target spotted, but the Captain shoots his gun, I dodge to the right.

Erza: Requip!

Erza: Heaven's Wheel Armor!

I then summon a multitude of swords and launch all of them at the Captain, to which he deflects all of them, not bad for a dead man. But, I wanted him to do so, because I recovered one of the swords and as I clashed swords with the Zombie Captain, I sent the one left to the Dark wizard and destroyed his staff with a orb atop it eminating a green light.

Dark Wizard: No!

I then run the Pirate Zombie through the chest with one sword and cleaved off it's head with the other, the head drops to the ground and I stomp on it to destroy any chances of that Zombie getting back up.

(A/N): End music here.

Pirate 3: Whoa. Did she just defeat the Captain?

Pirate 4: This must be the legendary Titania of the Fairy Tail Guild.

I revert back to my Heart Kruez armor and marched towards the Dark Wizard, who was trying to sweep up the remnants of the orb I just smashed. I grab the Dark Wizard and drag him into the light.

Erza: *to Pirates* You've all been decieved! Your Captain was nothing more than a reanimated puppet for this pathetic excuse for a Dark Wizard! *to Dark Wizard* Tell me the truth. Now!

Dark Wizard: *intimidated* Ahh! O-Okay! I was cast out of my guild because I wasn't strong enough. I was laughed at and humiliated, so I wanted revenge and used the dead legendary Captain to build up my army to kill the ones who laughed at me.

Erza: ....... It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says, they do not define who you are or want to be.

I handcuff and contact the Magic Council to pick up a prisoner.

Pirate 5: We apologize for the trouble done to this town, we didn't want to do this, but-

Erza: I know. Disable the cannons and live honestly and we won't speak of this again.

Pirate 5: Yeah, you've got a deal. If you need passage anywhere, look us up.

Erza: I will.

The pirates do as I instructed and I recieve my payment from the Mayor of Hargeon, of all people, he paid quite handsomly and I went back to the inn. I walk into the room and see (Y/n) still fast asleep, I change into my pajamas and join him on the bed and fall asleep as well.

Timeskip Next Afternoon


(Y/n): I still can't believe you went and took care of those pirates without me. *pouts*

Clearly, (Y/n) was not happy about being left out last night, but-

Erza: You still haven't unlocked your magic yet, so I couldn't put your life at risk since you can't defend yourself, yet.

(Y/n): *depressed* I've been trying.

Erza: *ruffles (Y/n)'s hair* I know. I can sense a lot of Magic Power within you even more than Natsu and Gray put together when they were your age. It probably just means it's gonna take a lot more work to draw it out.

(Y/n): *sigh*

Erza: We'll get you there, and I'll be there every step of the way.

Messenger Bird: Erza Scarlet of the Fairy Tail Guild?

Erza: Yes.

Messenger Bird: I have a message from Master Makarov.

Erza: Very well.

I take the message and read it, as I read it I grow angry very fast and crumple the paper as I clench my fists.

(Y/n): Mom?

Erza: We're taking a detour before going home. We're headed to Galuna Island.

(Y/n): What are we looking for there?

Erza: Some idiots who broke Guild rules.

We approach the Pirate ship from last night and I demand they take us to Galuna Island, because Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Gray took a S-Class request without consent from the Master.

(A/N): And, CUT! Great take everyone. So- *stomach growls* what's on the catering menu today? Heh.

Love all of you really wild readers out there. Hope you have a good day/night and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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