👾CH. 38👾

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"How's she doing?"

"Oh Sir, good morning. I was just about to come searching for you! There's news about the girl."

"Oh? What is it?"

"We did an X-ray scan on her and her leg is paralysed. Her left arm, in particular, is showing signs of paralysis, though it hasn't developed completely. The muscles are not receiving signals from the brain. It might be temporary, but I still think you should come to check as well."

"Paralysis?? That's oddly abrupt... okay, let's do a CT scan to confirm this. Or has that already been applied?"

"It has sir. Though, we might also need to increase her nutrient and liquids. Her body is growing malnourished. She's growing weak."

"Then what are you waiting for?? Get onto that immediately!"



"Yahhh," Hoseok gasped as he jolted on his spot when another trap was triggered from ahead of them.

"I'm starting to believe that all the traps from that Snake has been purposely laid out in our path specifically, to stop us from getting out," He scowled irritably.

Wonho sighed, equally annoyed, "I think so, too." He frowned, turning to look back, specifically at Namjoon as he carried Diana.

Turning back ahead, he trudged forward, ushering others to continue on as well, "We're almost out of this density." He announced, determined to find a more spacious clearance outside of the thick vegetation of this forest.

"You said that about ten minutes ago," Jungkook groaned.

The sun was right over-head by now, and the thick canopies was the only thing the boys were grateful for at the moment as it avoided having them directly under the bright beams of the sun, blasting its heat.

The water source was slowly ceasing as everyone consumed some more along the way to hydrate themselves. The food was beginning to lessen as well, however the boys all continued to push through further, reminding themselves that at the end of it, they'll be able to return to the real world and it's worth it.

They'll have to simply begin to strategise how much each of them should consume to save up for later times along the journey.

Everyone came across plenty of traps. Fortunately, they began to grow more accustomed to its sudden appearance upon being triggered and didn't stop long enough before proceeding ahead.


"Oh, Thank god!" Jin hollered when everyone pushed passed the density and stumbled into a more spacious clearing within the forest area.

"Look! A pond!!" Jimin beamed. Wonho hummed, "I wouldn't collect water from there. It has algae and most probably a lot of bacteria just swimming inside." He shot down the building idea planting within the others' mind as their expressions brightened.

He didn't pay much mind for being the cause of breaking their relief as they snapped their head his way to give him a deadpan look.

"Way to shatter our hope for more water." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"It's a good thing we reached here, though. The sun is ready to leave the sky soon." Hoseok pointed out, letting out a small grunt as he plopped onto the grassy ground.

The thick canopies that they were all used to being sheltered under through the journey so far, had broken apart to give a clear view of the sky.

Wonho strode straight towards Namjoon, who held Diana close to himself as he cradled her. The rapper's eyes landed on the elder as he approached with purposeful strides, a confused frown making itself apparent on his features as Wonho came to a stop in front of him.

"You can hand her over to me, now." He mentioned, reaching forward to take the slumbering girl out of his cradling arms. Namjoon scoffed, twisting to the side with a dismal frown, "No, I've got her." He retorted.

Wonho furrowed his brows at the dimpled man with a contemplating brow quirked up, "I can see that. That's why I'm going to take her now." He mumbled.

Namjoon shook his head, "There's no need." He muttered, "I'll be by that tree - over there. Whatever you need to do, you do it with me right beside her." He stated firmly before walking over towards the tree he gestured towards and then he lowered himself to sit comfortable against the trunk, keeping the girl sleeping against his chest and adjusting to make sure she was comfortable as well.

Wonho rolled his eyes, holding back a knowing smirk as he plopped himself in front of the duo stuck glued to each other. He watched expectantly as Joon shook her shoulder gently, murmuring soft wake-up calls and stopped once she stirred awake with a sleepy grumble.

The two males immediately frowned as she only buried closer, intending to fall asleep again, a groan resounding muffled to the others.

"Are you still feeling sick, baby?" He asked softly, patting her back in hopes to sooth her if it were the case.

She muffled out a 'yes' in response, curling closer. Namjoon ignored the urge to coo at her clinginess. Though, the time wasn't most ideal, he couldn't help but bask in the closeness, his heart fluttering as Diana clung to him. He held back his smile by biting his lip.

A set of footsteps soon approached and the two males looked up to find Jin crouching down to examine the sick girl.

"Love, can you look at me, please? I want to just do a quick check-up on you to ensure that this is simply a passing fever of some sort." He explained softly, placing a gentle hand over her caving-in shoulders. Eventually, she parted away, twisting on her spot with a clear dismayed frown, her head spinning to face him.

~ Diana POV ~

My stomach is bringing me hell, I tell you.

This continuous feeling of queasiness was the worse thing to wake up to. At least when I was asleep, I didn't have a consciousness to pay any mind to it as I slumbered peacefully and without the sickly feeling.

I took a moment to take in my surroundings, my grogginess slowly dissipating to replace with that of surprise as the forest trees were more apart and spaced out through out the land, their trunks seemingly thinner.

I snapped my eyes back in front of me when a small portion dishing some fish was placed before me. With a reluctant gaze, I slowly brought my hands forward to grab the plate, one reaching for the utensil.

I pursed my lips as I gulped, not having an appetite even though the portion was small.

"I-I'm not hungry..." I mumbled weakly, unable to justify any reason for it. I hadn't eaten since this morning, surely I would've felt even an ounce of hunger by sun set. Jin frowned, "What? My dear, you haven't eaten since dawn!" He replied in concern.

I grimaced slightly, "Uhm, I don't think I'll be able to keep it in for long, anyway. I still feel like crap." I grumbled.

I felt Namjoon place a hand over my shoulder, his other wrapping around my mid-riff, urging me to lay against his front. "How about water? We still have some left.." he mentioned. With a small pause, I agreed.

Water wouldn't hurt to have. Just a few sips could make do.

"But the food..." Jin trailed. I gave him a sheepish look, hand reaching forward to give his hand a squeeze, "I'm sorry, sweets... But at least I'm telling you the truth about my lack of appetite. I'll be fine." I assured. He gave me one doubtful look before ultimately giving in with a sigh, "You better be telling the truth." He stood to his feet, looking sadly at the untouched dish before glancing at the younger three boys thoughtfully.

"Extra fish, anyone?"

"NO MEEE!!!"


Now that it's nighttime, and some time has passed since I've stayed awake. I've gradually grown used to the sickly feeling within my gut. It's easier to ignore the queasiness. Though I still don't feel hungry. Is something wrong with me?? I don't want to try anything in case eating something would trigger back that awful feeling in my tummy...

Also, I can't fall asleep...

Go figure - I slept for more than half of the day, I should've expected this much. Namjoon is an amazing pillow- ahem, anyway—

As of right now, I was sitting upright, beside Taehyung. For some odd reason that even he has no idea about, he isn't able to sleep either.

We were both simply basking in the silence of the night and stargazed from where we sat. The stars were scattered all over the black sky and the moon was just emerging from behind the tall stature of trees, moving further up and up.

"Are you sure you're not even the slightest bit sleepy, darling? You've been awake since dawn." I frowned, looking back at him after spending a few moments to observe the sky.

He returned my gaze, shrugging, "I tried to sleep. Though, it didn't work. I just kept waking up." He mumbled with a hum. "You had an extra portion of fish. Surely, you'd grow at least a bit tired." I chuckled, and so did he.

I startled just slightly when Taehyung causally picked my hand to interlock with his, effortlessly bringing me butterflies and pink cheeks. Thank goodness, it was night.

I tried not to squirm on my spot with the way he began to unconsciously fiddle with my hand between the two of his. Feathery caresses along my knuckles, gentle grazes over my palm, they all shot electricity along my arm and to my pounding heart. I bit my lip, very conscious of the way my hand reacts to his ticklish ministrations as my fingers twitch at certain touches.

If this boy don't stop with those caresses, I will actually fall for him. I admit it, okay? This is just too much for me to ignore.

I exhaled as softly as I could after holding my breath for a short moment. I think my hand is the best thing in the existence of my life - It's what I'm going to start to believe. He's just holding it with so much care, it's making me all tingly.

Taehyung was simply examining my hand like it's the most interesting thing he's ever laid eyes on as he used his own hand to bend and fiddle with my fingers.

He seemed to have heard my soft sigh and stopped his gestures, turning to look at me while I pursed my lips, incredibly flustered. Is it weird that this simple curiosity of his is effecting me more than the one time I'd basically cuddled with him through an entire night??

Surely I couldn't have turned so incredibly aware and effected by the actions- the most simple of actions that they do regarding myself to suddenly feel so flustered... no. I refuse to believe that.

Did I say I'd fall for him from this?? Pshhhhh... I-I was kidding.

"Sorry, is this bothering you?" He asked as if he just realised that he was actually playing with my hand on his lap. I gulped and took a moment before shaking my head. "n-No—" my voice cracked.

Oh my god... don't do this to yourself pls

I cleared my throat, "No, I doesn't b-bother me." I assured him, fairly aware that how I delivered my response wasn't quite convincing as I turned away, avoiding his piercing gaze.

God damnit, moon, you just had to enhance his already out-of-this-world beauty by shining your light onto his stunning features, huh? Thank you so much but also, why?? Is this the game's way of saying 'die'?

"Your palms are sweating." He chuckled breathily.


I snatched my hand out of his grasp and furiously wiped at my lap, turning more red. And they're freaking cold. Way to give yourself away, body.

I heard him shuffle slightly and glanced down in surprise, watching as he adjusted his head on my lap, a charming smile on his features as he peered up at me. I hovered my hands over his figure, unsure of where to place my hands before I decided to place them by my sides on the ground.

I heaved out a soft giggle as he crunched his nose, twisting his body inwards, "Comfy?" I asked playfully. He smiled his boxy smile, making a sound of agreement before his hand reached for mine placed awkwardly by my side and then placed it over his fluffy hair.

I grinned widely at that, growing giddy and elated while combing my fingers through his hair and loving the silky fluff under my touch. His hum upon my ministration only encouraged me to continue. My other hand placed itself tentatively over his chest.

I tried not to think too much into the following motion of his own two hands placing themselves over mine on his chest, covering them and holding them there whilst his eyes fluttered closed.

I don't blame him. I love when someone plays with my hair, too. If I were as sure as he was, I'd also go grabbing the others' hands and shove it on my head so they play with my hair.

I fiddled with a few strands on my fingers, twisting it around and awed at the length it has grown, realising that everyone else's hairs were growing longer as well. We didn't have proper scissors to proceed with providing haircuts either, so they all basically sport mullets and long hair.

Long, fluffy, silky hair.

I watched with a warm smile as he began to struggle to pry his eyes open and keep himself awake. I gave his scalp a light, gentle scratch with my nails, grazing it over his head in a random pattern, holding back a chuckle as he sighed in bliss.

"Don't stop doing that." He whispered audibly, twisting his head into my hand, silently urging me to continue to give him more. "And if I do?" I asked with a cheeky grin, stopping just as I asked and laughed softly when his eyes snapped open.

My mouth fell shut and my eyes pried wide open when he sprung upwards, his head propped right in front of me, far too close for me to handle as his breath just faintly tickled the tip of my nose.

"Diana," he breathed out, making me shiver with the sudden deep husky tone he took on as his gaze dotted my own fiercely.

I forced out a laugh, flustered by the close proximity as I twisted my head to the side, "J-jeez, I was just kidding." I stammered, fisting my hand lightly against his chest, where one of his hands held it in place. The other reached forward to twist my face back towards him.

"Can I... can I ask you of something?" He licked his lips, growing a bit nervous at what I assume to be the question he was going to voice. "Yes, I'll continue to give you head scratches, I won't stop this time, I'm sorry." I blurted out, watching as his eyes grew wide for a fraction of a second before he giggled in realisation, "No, no, I have something else to ask." He clarified before returning to that unreadable expression that freaks me the hell out. The close proximity, in this case, does nothing to stop me from freaking out even more.

I pursed my lips with a sudden feel of anxiousness, wondering what his question could be. The swarm of butterflies invading my stomach began to go wild and wouldn't calm down.

What the hell. What the hell. What is it? What is he going to ask??

Then just as he opened his mouth to voice his question..

"Can I—-"

..another voice piped in slyly.

"Are you two about to kiss?"

I flinched in surprise alongside Tae as he jolted on his spot. We both simultaneously spun our heads to see Jimin grinning like a Cheshire Cat, a mischievous glint in his eyes as it peered at my hand that was being held close to Taehyung's chest.

Pulling away almost bashfully before clearing his throat, Taehyung shook his head, "You scared me." He mumbled quietly. I squirmed on my spot, "C-couldn't sleep?" I decided to ask, gaining the blonde's attention.

He was just a few feet away, leaning cunningly by a tree trunk before he nodded in response, answering my question and then he hopped to his feet and plopped by my side on the right.

I gulped, not trusting the devious grin he sported before he leaned forward to grab ahold of Tae's vacant hand and then he used his other hand to grab mine by his side.

"What are you-" Taehyung's question was abruptly cut short when Jimin less than subtly winked his way. My eyes drifted in between the two as they silently communicated through their eyes, leaving me to watch cluelessly and with a hint of fear.

"Oh." Taehyung blurted out.

Oh god. What are they planning?

That was all that ran through my mind as soon as Taehyung began to mirror Jimin's expression. Then to top it all of, they gazed at me slyly before closing in on me. Leaving me no room to escape. I spluttered, blushing furiously under the moon's light as they both each took a spot by either side of the crook of my neck, snuggling purposefully as a way to grow cozy.

I was as still as a statue- all, but my heart as it pounded away in a dangerously fast pace, giving away the internal mess of a girl I was being at this very moment.

"What is the meaning of this?? Are you two trying to kill me?? Is this a new tactic to suffocate a person???" I squeaked out, blinking rapidly as their hot breaths fanned my exposed neck, causing an unholy amount of goosebumps to break out and make me shudder.

"No kissing if I'm not getting one either." Jimin brought back, brushing off my question and instead, turning my turmoil of emotions into a more intense fiasco of fluster and embarrassment.

"W-we weren't going to k-kiss???" I stammered back, trying my very best to fight the shudder working its way down my spine as their breaths continued to torture my neck.

"Uh-huh. Let's sleep now, this position is comfy." Jimin grinned into my neck, making me hold back a gasp as his lips brushed against my skin as he spoke.

Easier said than done, Park.

"Quit torturing her, Chim-Ah. She can barely relax." Taehyung piped in, "Her heart's hammering in her chest. Give her a break." He pointed out.

He didn't sound an ounce bit concerned, his voice acting needs work.

"As if you're helping her any." Jimin shot back.

"You both are going to be the death of me. How am I supposed to sleep in this position???" I finally voiced in, gaining back a little bit of my composure.

"True, that tree trunk doesn't seem all that comfy for your back. You can sleep on me instead." Taehyung agreed, and then followed the sound of my muffled screech of shock as his hands creeped around my waist and lifted me to lay over his body, leaving Jimin alone and me-less.

"Yah!" Jimin gasped in betrayal, "Just when I began to drift to sleep!" He huffed before rolling his eyes and scooting closer to the two of us. Taehyung showing him some form of mercy and gave in to the fellow 95-liner's forming pout,  turned to his side and making me slide in between the two of them.

Oh no.

"EEK—" I squeaked out when Jimin hummed happily, snuggling back into the crook of neck and placing a less than discreet kiss to my nape, bringing a new array of chills to run up my spine at the sudden gesture. "W-what has gotten into you two?!" I gritted out in a fluster, realising that the latter had yet to move away from my nape.

Has nighttime possessed them??

Taehyung grunted as he adjusted his position before flinging one leg over my hip and sneaking his hand over my waist, koala-ing my form whilst his head ducked away from my eyesight as he made himself comfortable below my head, snuggled against my chest.

(A/N: not the b00ba balloona y'all)

"Am I supposed to sleep like this?" I questioned, stiff as a thick stick. I blinked some as Jimin's hum sent vibrations from my nape as a way of saying yes.

"I c-can't!" I whisper-yelled. With two of these men breathing down my neck, how was I supposed to relax?!?!

I choked on my saliva, mid-gulping when a second lips placed themselves delicately on my neck in a sweet, short kiss, making me jolt in my spot and as a result, making the limbs wrapped around me to tighten.

It's hot - Way too hot. My cheeks will light up in flames. I can't handle this!! Since when did these two join forces to bring me an early death?! Timed during the middle of the night no less!!

If it truly bothered you,
you would've said so.

Shut up bRAIN!

You didn't deny it

Oh.. ffs...

"Relax, baby. We just love cuddling with you."

Oh my stars, please just take me already.

Taehyung's voice whispered huskily. Trying my best to follow his word of advice- actually... I found no way of following it.

I physically cANT, OKAY???

Two hot ass men sandwiching my unprepared ass is not something I was expecting. AND THESE OCCASIONAL KISSES???

"You're so warm..." Jimin's voice mumbled into my nape and I had to physically clench my fists and shut my eyes to suppress the urge to scream. I couldn't even move away, for goodness sake!! Taehyung was in front of me and being the Koala-like cuddler he is, there is no room left for me to move at all! Not to mention how his own freaking lips are occasionally brushing against my neck.

That very night, I realised just how sensitive my neck really is.

I'm not getting any sleep tonight...



So let's stir up emotions into these characters hehe, I suppose occurrences like these will get Diana to realise she feels something more to not just one of them 🤭🤭😉✨

Hope you liked this chapter! 🥰 see you next week! 😘❤️💕✨✨

~ Ada

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