❓CH. 48❓

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~ [???]'s POV ~

"W-we get it, man! Please, it won't happen again!"

I scowled, feeling nowhere near done with the bunch before me. To think they'd even get away with the stunt they pulled for "fun" was mildly amusing. I chuffed indignantly, shoving the bastard away from me and onto the wall just behind him, earning a hurt groan.

"The only reason you still have functioning legs is because I take pity for you lot. Or else I would leave you here to call for your own help. See how it feels to have someone mess up their fucking leg for their own entertainment." I stated darkly, relishing in the fear they directed at my presence.

That should keep them away from her.

I don't usually condemn such actions to someone (or in this case, some buffoons) even though they deserve what's coming to them, but to trample on her situation and mess it up even more without even her conscious of mind was a step too far. And all the while, those last few words were an understatement.

I gave the girl beside the guy a piercing glare, feeling so much distaste at the sight of her, feeling frustrated all the same because I stuck to some of my morals by leaving her without a scratch. No matter the circumstances, I would never dare to raise a hand on a girl.

Unless things come to an extreme, I can't be stopped. She's lucky by a hair that I didn't just lash out the same as I did to her beloved lil' boyfriend... or Boy-toy, whatever he is.

However, I must settle with the quivers her body portrayed as she viewed the guy beside her, who was barely able to hold himself together in my presence, (something I can reassure myself with) knowing he'll back off. She was crying all the while, horror on her face as she was directed under the daggers my stare threw her way.

Should keep her out of my sight, too.

With a click of my tongue, I strolled out of the secluded area by the side of the street, feeling my rage burn stronger the longer I stare at them. Any longer, and my morals might even crumble and that girl would end up worse than a wailing little bitch.

After a while of gathering myself and controlling my previously unrelenting and strong emotions, I sighed heavily, stopping in front of the hospital holding her and others that have fallen into the same boat.

Feeling sorrow grow in my heart as the lengthy period of time settled in my mind, I walked in while also bowing to elders on the way before pausing as I take notice of her little brother trying to get a peek into her room as I reached her floor.

A smile unconsciously slipped onto my features as his natural pout - much like her's - turned more prominent as the task of tiptoeing grew tiring and frustrating.

I kept still, my smile growing wider as his determination grew stronger after every little stumble before he huffed and looking around him. I chuckled as his eyes blew wide in surprise upon settling on me.

"Hyung!" He gasped, immediately reaching for my hand before rushing me in front of her room, "The door is locked, so I can't get in. I can see the lights are on but the window is too high! Can you see what's going on? Please??" He pleaded with his dangerous puppy eyes, orbs growing wide and shiny as a layer of tears build up for an added effect and I blinked in incredulity.

"Okay, okay! Stop doing that, you know it's hard to say no when you make that face. "Hi" to you, too, buddy..." I looked away with a pained look, feigning how the thought of saying 'no' to such an adorable sight was fatal. Juno giggled cheekily, "It's why I use it." He snickered.

Rolling my eyes in good nature, I reached forward to ruffle his bowl cut before stepping forward to peek through the circular window only to frown in confusion.

What's going on? Why are they all gathered there??

"- par...... .... ...she........ I don't....... .... but....."

I could barely pick out what those nurses and doctors were discussing, but through observing their forlorn expressions, I was sure it wasn't anything good.

What now?

"Oh? Hey, why're you two gathered by the door like that?" My head subconsciously turned towards the source, a smile plastered on my face again as Yohan hyung approached with a questioning gaze.

"Hyunggg!!! You're here!!" Juno exclaimed happily, rushing ahead to give his elder brother a welcoming hug.

I shrugged at his question, "Hi hyung, the door's locked." I answered, feeling a little uneasy as Yohan hyung's previous easygoing facial expression morphed into a frown.

"What?" He mumbled under his breath, hurrying to step in front of the window and unconsciously pushing me aside. I didn't really mind it, I was growing concerned as well, and if he had any inkling of reason behind this sudden tenseness he sported, I wanted answers.

I watched silently whilst stepping behind to give him some space as he knocked hardly against the single numbered door, gaining the attention of the staff surrounding Diana.

Not knowing what was going on inside as I stood away from the only door window allowing a view inside, I watched as one of the few doctors came to unlock the doors and send a reluctant gaze at Yohan. I frowned at that, feeling the wrongness of his posture as he bared the news.

The bad news.

"Lee-ssi..." he began.

"Your purpose to lock the doors should have a proper reason this time around, Doctor-nim." Yohan sternly interjected, shifting on his spot as he crossed his arms with a firm look on his face.

I held back the urge to flaunt and whistle at his strict display and strong presence. A perfect face, indeed. So handsome to the point of intimidating strangers by a simple glance.

I know I was nervous when Diana introduced me.

"It was a matter we wanted to look more carefully into... No one wanted to jump to conclusions, sir. Not until we can bring some sort of conclusion or definite answer... Uhm," he paused as he noticed me and Juno watching by the side.

Yohan turned to us at the pause, quirking a brow before turning back to the reluctant Doctor, "What is it? They're family. Go on." He urged, growing slightly restless as the suspense filled the air.

The doctor bit at his lips tentatively before sighing defeatedly and urging all three of us inside the room.

"Wait!" Juno butted in speedily, eyes wide as he gazed at the doctor who was moving swiftly to close the door behind him. The doctor came to a halt halfway through the process of shutting the door for good.

"Eomma is not here, yet. Shouldn't we wait for her??" He mumbled, growing slightly anxious as all our stares remained on him. I nodded then - right, of course. We can't keep Mrs. Lee out of this. It feels serious in the air itself, I'm sure the news holds the real impact.

"I'll fill her in, Juno-yah. Where did she go?" Yohan chimed softly, placing one hand to rest on the younger brother's head in affection and consolation. Juno huffed softly, "She went to get snacks for me... and water." He answered. I couldn't help but send a fond smile his way, knowing he felt sheepish but he can't help it if his body is begging for some light foods to quench his momentary hunger.

"Okay. Did she just leave or..?" Yohan asked again, wanting to know where she went and how long she'll take to get back.

I tuned out of the conversation as the murmurs and whispers coming from the other few doctors and nurses grew just slightly in volume, distracting me in the process as I looked their way warily.

They were all tensed...

"Her........ how do.......... .... so long......."

My eyes narrowed as I payed close attention to what they were saying.

"H-how do we get to resolving this?? It's absurd!" A man whispered just loud enough for my ears to pick it up. My frown grew as I listened in, needing to fill in the gaps of this conversation.

"We might need to make this confidential... there's no way we can let this be seen... or heard, no less." Another male piped in with a hushed tone before gesturing for the first one to quieten more.

"Ahem..." The doctor by the door cleared his throat, a grim look plastered on his face before he heaved out a heavy breath and motioned for Yohan hyung and I to come closer to Diana.

"This phenomena occurred at six-thirty five, in the morning." He began, ushering the other nurses and one other doctor to back away to give us room whilst he reached forward to pull away the thin white sheets covering her to display something completely unnatural.

"What the fuck?!" Yohan shouted in a gasp, lurching forward towards his little sister with a flabbergasted look conveying all the emotions he felt at once at the sight.

My own hand subconsciously lifted from laying limply by my side to cover my gaping mouth in disbelief and mortification.

"Please... Lee-ssi, we'd prefer to keep this a secret. It would put the public into a frenzy upon this information and that's the last thing we need; A follow up of reporters and paparazzis trying to capture it for the world to flaunt over." Doctor Choi pleaded.

"All of us in this room will be signing an NDA soon after we shift her to a private, secluded room. Just to ensure we don't have a listening ear or peeping eyes to breach this event to others." He continued, glancing at the door as he speaks before pursing his lips as his gaze faltered onto Diana's torso.



~ Diana's POV ~

I wake up with a startle, feeling incredibly numb on the entirety of my bottom. My eyes flew open with a start and my breath grew uneven as the feeling felt too alienated and my brain couldn't register it well enough to stay settled. As a result, I was beginning to panic as I leaned away from the chest I was resting on, jolting Hoseok as a result.

"Woah, woah, why? what's wrong?" His startled tone caught the attention of the others surrounding us. I couldn't bring forward a response as my head darted side-to-side in a hurry whilst my hands left Hoseok's shoulder in order to get a feel of my thighs... any part of my leg really.

"My legs! I-I can't feel anything! I can't feel my- my legs!!" I finally blurted out, unable to bring my good foot to throw a soft kick in the slightest as it remained limp, out of my control.


I felt tears spring up in my eyes as the feeling was too frightening and horrid.

I was plopped down in a haste, and Hoseok brought one hand ahead to pat my back to console me while my own hand touched all parts of my legs; patting, squeezing, pinching and still, I felt nothing. As if it wasn't mine anymore and didn't exist anymore. It was a sickly feeling that left me feeling completely unsettled and anxiety stricken.

"You can't feel them? At all??" Jin probed worriedly, his own hand moving to position my legs to lay flat forward. His knuckles began to press with measured pressure around my knee.

I wasn't sure what he was trying to get out of this but as he gulped and moved to do the same to my other leg and was left without any outcome, he seemed to have come to a possible conclusion.

"Could it be paralysis..?" He mumbled to himself under his breath, but I had heard it crystal clear and as my eyes flew wide in despair, his own grew wide in panic upon realising I heard him before he was spluttering to reassure my racing mind and heart.

"No, no, it was just an assumption!! Just a guess!!!" He rushed his words, hands hovering in front of me unsurely as if I was a toddler ready to burst into tears for being told no.

Despite his attempt to brush off his presumption, I had that lone word echoing in my mind, a distant and blurry vision resurfacing to reveal Namjoon mentioning something along those lines just once.

I sniffled, holding back my building tears and trying so very hard to lose the stiffness bringing my muscles a slight ache in its wake.

Nodding, I took a deep needed breath, "Okay... okay.. I-I'm sorry, let's just... keep going." I ushered weakly, turning to Hobi with a tight-lipped and wobbly smile.

His features visibly softened and he sighed, returning my smile with his more prominent one before he cooed and scooped me up back into his arms, a swaying motion following along as he stood before he showered my face with chaste kisses, bringing my mind the needed distraction as I grew flushed.

"We're just a bits away from that cave, Sunflower. Everything will be back to normal." He ensured before he nodded towards the others as they tentatively began to resume their walk in response.

"It's true, beanie."

Wonho spoke up soon after a beat of silence, making me blink as a sense of deja vu struck me with force.

He smiled, "In ten minutes or so, we'll be standing just in front of that cave." He grinned more widely upon the glimmer my eyes surely displayed at that news. "Really?" I gasped, before I paused and took a look around me.

Oh damn... the sun is rising.

"You slept like a baby! I can guess you just realised the time," Jungkook laughed, lightening the mood further as he skipped along beside me and Hoseok.

"Yah, you'll trip if you skip like that." Hoseok chuckled heartily. Jungkook shrugged, remaining unfazed before he yelped as he lost his balance right after that before he caught himself with wide doe eyes.

"Just like a deer. Bambi boy." I giggled, unable to stop myself from comparing the sight as he finally walked more normally and became mindful of his steps. He simply rolled his eyes at my remark, "No, I just absorbed a little of Joon hyung's clumsiness just then." He replied, catching the attention of the said hyung who sent the maknae boy a ridiculed look, "Should I feel offended—"

"Watch your step, Joon-Ah." Yoongi mumbled slyly before stifling a laugh as the taller male still managed to stumble as his foot hit a rock. An embarrassed flush covered his cheeks and ears as he quickly recovered from the stumble.

"Aish..." he groaned, holding back the urge to cover his face to hide it from view.


"We're really here..." I mumbled out loud, gaping at the sight before me with my eyes as wide as saucers. Standing grand and enormously was our final destination in all its golden glory. As the sun's body shone its beaming rays over the tree's towering heights, it lit up the picture in front of me. And despite the increasing brightness of the sky whilst the clouds vanished to leave no room for any shade, the depths within this giant cave remained ominous and eerily dark.

Where is the physics?

Then again, I have to keep reminding myself that this game world must be old as heck, considering the fact that the entirety of my time here has involved a singular season and repetitive circle of day and night. Then, the existence of just two beasts that alone didn't even make an appearance often.

But I had to give it to this place; their design is horrid and ruthless. I can imagine struggling even as I play through a screen and a controller because of how hostile they are.

I still have that one Olfstin in mind... the one that had left me and Jin soon after I had revealed myself as something harmless.

"What about purple lights?" Hoseok frowned in confusion, gazing at everyone to seek an answer.

I shrugged and naturally, my eyes landed on Wonho, who's eyes bulged at that question.

"P-purple lights? Did you say purple lights?" He asked to confirm and immediately, we all grew tense and worried. Nodding, Hoseok frowned more prominently as a hint of fear began to settle at the clear troubled look displayed on the buff man's face.

Wonho's eyes flickered back to the cave and I watched as the colour drained out of him.

"Wonho..?" I probed anxiously, feeling an uneasiness settle over my form watching his throat bobbed as he gulped thickly. He then began to compose himself, shaking his head as he smiled restively.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you all. It's not anything bad, I swear... it's just.." he swallowed thickly, "This world.. it has no such thing or mineral that produces a coloured light. At least not naturally." He revealed.

I shuddered, eyes shooting wide at the information as my mind trailed towards the possibility that some players have been here way before I have. Is this why I've come to find such unusual notes and hints that help us towards a possible escape from an exit-less game? Is this the work of previous players who figured out a way to leave this fictional world?

"People have been here before us?"



Ah!!! I'm so sorry for the wait guys! I got quite literally absorbed with my college life. And it's a terrible excuse because I hardly have any work that would take up my time 💀let's not jinx it💀

That aside, I've brought to you a chapter gaining us a step closer to our exit! ✨✨
It seems Diana really can't forget about that single incident, despite having this whole amnesia fiasco still working against her hard and stronger than ever 😣😣

Hope you liked this chapter! 🥰🥰
Any guesseson whose POV we got in the start? Seems like it's someone close to her.. 🧐🧐

See you next chapter! Love you!🥰😘❤️💕✨

~ Ada 🫶

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