~Chapter Two~

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You're worthless.

You aren't even the strong person that people think you are.

How did you make it this far?

The cold air stings my face, the covers on my bed twisted around me.

Had I gotten another nightmare?

I throw the covers off of me, grabbing my pick axe off the floor.
I think about the girl I met yesterday.

I don't even know her name.

But she was nicer than any of my other friends were- and that was sad.

I climb down the ladder, my stomach growling.
I reach the bottom, looking around briefly.
The tall oak trees were letting in soft glowing light, the air crisp and cold.
The leaves crunched under my feet as I walked through the forest, smelling the autumn air.
My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out, seeing a text from Lukas:
Jesse and I are going with the others to the town again. Hope you could come. Meet us in front of the pizzeria.

Maybe I should go.
It'd be better... Hanging out with my friends.

I make my decision, walking in the direction of the town.


"Hey, Petra..." Jesse smiled, welcoming me.

"Hi..." I muttered.

Olivia gave me a weird look, seeming skeptical.

"So... Are you guys hungry?" Asked Axel, crossing his arms. "Because I sure am."

"Good idea, Axel..." Smiled Olivia. "Let's get pizza."


I looked down at the pizza in front of me, my stomach growling.
The others were enjoying their food, talking amongst themselves- not including me.

Jesse turned to me.

"Petra, don't starve yourself." Joked Jesse. "You'll make people think you don't eat."

I looked back down at the pizza, remembering my last meal...

"You're fat."


"Leave it to the guy to come and take all the food."

"I'm not hungry." I muttered, pushing my plate to the center of the table.

"Oh! Pizza!" Gasped Axel, taking the slice.

Lukas looked at me, concern clouding his bright eyes.

"I've got to get back to the mines..." I sighed, getting up. "I'll see you guys later."

"Petra, wait-" started Olivia.

"No. What part of 'I've got to go' do you guys not understand?!" I growled. "You guys might sit around all day, but I actually work for my money- I don't accept it from the people that hate me anyway."

I walked away, feeling tears gather in my eyes.

I wasn't actually going back to the mines.
I was going to the park.


I love nature.
It's one of the only things that makes me happy anymore.
I'm slumped on the grass, my back against the tall maple.

"Hello?" Asked a person.

I turned my head, readying myself to yell at another townsperson.

But it was the girl from yesterday.

She was wearing a green plaid shirt, her hat, and shorts.

"What are you doing here?" I muttered,  looking at her sparkling blue eyes.

She sat down next to me, not giving me an answer.

I had looked away, enjoying the silence.

But I looked back at the girl-

Seeing the cuts under her sleeve.

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