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A bell rang and the door slid open. It was that time of day again. Time to head out and mingle with the others. Huffing irritably, Chloe heaved herself to her feet and walked out. Her paws barely made a sound as she padded across the floor towards the table in the center of the giant room. She took a seat just as some fish dropped down from a tube in the ceiling.

"Ah, another glorious day of being in jail..." a voice muttered behind Chloe. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw the mad scientist Ozone coming over. Sitting down in the chair on her left, the cat headed man mumbled, "How was your night?" He received a growl in response from the cat monster next to him. At the same time, the shapeshifting blob Snowball arrived at the table. Overhearing the question, he answered, "Mine was fantastic!"

"Glad you enjoy life here..." Chloe grumbled sarcastically. Grabbing the three fish she had gotten, she stood up from the table and started walking away when the lieutenant's voice crackled over the speakers, "Monsters, I suggest you watch your six. I gotta let him out."

"Oh no..." Ozone whimpered. He quickly climbed up onto the table, making sure he didn't step in his pile of garbage. Hearing the warning, Chloe quickly rushed back over to the table and jumped on it. Eating his carrots happily, Snowball finally noticed that the other two monsters were up on the table. Confused, he asked, "What are you guys doing?"

"Snowball, get up here before-" Ozone hissed urgently. He didn't get to finish his sentence though as a bird like creature suddenly tackled Snowball with a roar. The two cat monsters watched helplessly as the shapeshifting blob was mauled on by the wild animal. Fortunately for Snowball, he was indestructible so he wasn't actually getting hurt. But that didn't mean he wasn't scared. In fact, he had morphed into an Olympic sprinter and was now running for his life. Somewhere unseen in the room, the invisible man Sweetpea called out, "You got this Snowball! Just keep running!"

"What do you think I'm doing?!" Snowball retorted.

"Well, there's our entertainment for today..." Ozone murmured, absentmindedly chewing on a slipper. Glancing over at Chloe while they ate their lunches sitting cross legged on the table, he asked nervously, "Are you okay?"

"I've been locked up here for twelve years. I've been a monster for twelve years. Does it look like I'm okay?!" Chloe hissed angrily, glaring at Ozone. The mad scientist shrunk back at the tone in her words. She clearly was not in a good mood. Then again, she never really was. Sighing softly as he watched Snowball being chased around by the nameless bird monster, he murmured, "Yeah, I feel the same way. I've been here for eight years and I hate it."

"We need to break out of here," Chloe stated, biting off the head of her second fish. Raising his eyebrow in question, Ozone questioned, "I am pretty sure that we tried that. Several times. None of us have succeeded getting out of this room or the cells. It's physically impossible to escape this place."

"Not unless we work together. We've always tried escaping individually but maybe we need to work together," Chloe replied. The cat monster turned to Ozone as she continued explaining, "Think about it. You, me and Snowball. If we combine our skills, we'll finally be able to get out of here."

"True... but what about Sweetpea and the wild animal?"

"Sweetpea will be fine. They'll probably find a cure for him before the end of the century. As for the wild animal... let's be honest, it's best it stays here."

"Okay, so what's your plan for getting us out of here."

"Well, this is where we're gonna need your brain and Snowball's powers. Here's what I want you to do..."

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