Chapter 25: Scarring Swords- Part 1

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"Who did you choose, Oli?"


Gear's POV:

I've just realised; we've been here for 7 hours. 

And we have 3 more to go before we either survive or die because we failed to save this place.

And now, here's the problem... 

Whoever Oli brought back- he still hasn't told us who- hasn't entered the lounge yet.

"Honestly, this is just a waste of time. We should kill each other and we're just sitting ducks. I told you, if we weren't bringing back Megan, we should have discarded the advantage." Zach fumes, acting like we just killed somebody in front of him.

This guy is seriously acting like a teenager from a high school movie.

Bitch, get yourselves some balls, a dick and some morals and maybe then, I'll talk to you.

Lia: 'So, not only am I still infatuated with Gear- and I'm probably gonna ask him out at the end of all of this- Zach's being a little shit about us not bringing back Megan. Listen, it was Oli's choice, not yours; get used to it!'

"The only reason we didn't bring her back is that she was useless when she was still alive and she's only just going to be even more useless and probably die immediately." Lia rants, nearly whacking Lana in the face with her hand as it flew outwards.

If she hit Lana, I'd have hit her; no joke.

I don't care if we got taught to respect women as kids, I'm disrespecting someone if they hit Lana!

"That's actually a great point, Lia," Val chimes in,

"We need the strongest people moving forward closer to the end of the night and until then, we need to make wise decisions. Bringing Megan back wouldn't be a wise choice."

"Just shut up, will you?" Zach mutters, his head dropping into his hands.

And the conversation ended there, which you know I'm grateful for.

But then, this golden light fills the room.

And... Lizzie walks out? Wait...


"LIZZIE!" Me, Val, Lia, and Lana shouted as she walks into the lounge.

She honestly looks like she'd just ran into a wall and got knocked out, but what are you supposed to look like when you come back from the dead?

We all just race over and hug her, Oli included.

She hugs us back and Oli explains what the hell happened between 3 hours ago and now.

Lizzie: 'So, Oli explained that whilst I was dead, we found these two keys that opened the box we found when we were fighting the Un-named Bandit and they could bring somebody back from the dead. Oli got voted as the chosen one and brought me back. But the fact he chose me over all the other people that died just makes me so happy that I have another chance to get out of here.'

"OK, finally! It took you long enough to get here. Now we can start the seventh murder plan." Zach mocks, his sarcasm very obvious.

"I'm not even gonna ask how he's still alive." Lizzie retorts, looking around.

Next thing you know, we're actually doing shit again; I'm still trying to seduce Lia- I'm not gonna go into detail about that again- and be a normal human being, Zach's moping in the corner like the privileged bitch he is and Lizzie, Lana and Val are working together to find stuff. 

"Guys, there's a sun here!" Val calls out. waving it in the air.

Valentina: 'I'm not sure what this sun does, but the good news is that there is a note with it so we can figure out what the fuck we need to do.'

There's also this note, which she reads the note out loud to the group. 

It reads:

'Somewhere in this room is my horizon. However, there is a problem; it is hidden where seven stand in wait.'

"Wait, wasn't there a painting with seven people over there?" Victor hints, pointing to one of the nearby walls.

"Huh? What do you know? It is there. I'm assuming that's where the horizon is, but obviously, none of you are going to listen to me because you hate me." Zach complains, pretending to be sad.

Ladies and gentlemen, how to fail at guilt-tripping for Dummies.
Step 1: Make the group hate you and fake being sad.

And... that's it. That's the point. Moving on...

"Val, can you pass me that sun real quick?" I ask, holding my hand out.

She gives me it and I jump over the couch in the lounge, take the painting down, and put it on the horizon I find behind it. 

And that part of the wall falls down like a drawbridge.

OK, what the hell's happening now?" Lizzie sighs, running towards the gap in the wall.

We all peer over and saw there was a whole unfamiliar room in our lounge. Inside said room is a sword with five holes in its handle.

Lizzie: 'So, part of the wall in our lounge falls down to reveal another room and in it, there's a sword. I'm assuming the sword is our next artifact, but I don't know for certain.'

Oli: 'And I'm assuming our next monster is a sword swallower or a sword juggler. Either way... this is going to be terrible.'

"Wait!" Heidi shouts, causing us all to turn around.

What did we do wrong now?

"Before you move forward, something has changed on the map."

Oh, we just forgot to check the map. That's not that bad, honestly. 

Heidi puts the map on the table, and we all look at it. 

There's now a 'Sword Swallower's Games' area, a church and cemetery. 

Next to the Sword Swallower's games area, there's this note that reads:

'The Sword Swallower has a series of games she forces others to play. If you can beat them without fear, it may save your life.'

"Oh, hell no!" Lia shouts, backing away from the table.

"That is not our next challenge. This is just turning more into Saw."

"Yeah, this is definitely unnerving to a very high degree." Lizzie trembles.

And now's the time to change the subject.

"OK, so, back to the artifact..." I trail off as we head back to the hole in the wall to read the note that is beside the sword.

Lana grabs it and reads it. It reads:

'This is the Sword Swallower's Sword. She was once known as Callie or Sword Swallowing Sally, a travelling sword swallower who wanted the best for herself outside of Delamont. Inside of Delamont, however, she was known for only showing five emotions; happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, and a love for murder and death.

To cleanse the Sword Swallower's Sword, you must find the source of that emotion and face it to claim the jewel for the sword's handle. The first jewel, the jewel of her disgust, hides in a box covered in a million hands.'

"Callie? Victor, that's our childhood friend! We saw you-know-who turn her, but you made us run away!" Heidi mewls.

Wow, is she OK or is she going crazy?

"I only did it because we would die otherwise," Victor reassures, hugging Heidi.

"The only place I thought had a million hands is the Inventor's Shop. A lot of those inventions had hands. Lizzie just stay with us; you'll know what we mean, eventually." Val says, placing her hand on Lizzie's shoulder.

Everybody nods, and we all head outside. 

However, we're stopped in our tracks when we see somebody in red and black.

At this time of night? Really?

We look at the person and see... 


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