It had to be done.

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* Star was chosen to be the one to run down with the bomb and matches. *

Dream: I love you Star...please make it out ok.

* you say you'll try your best, and with that, you run all the way down. *

--- Few minutes later---

* Star saw that it was the end of the museum when she saw a large metal wall a little bit from her. There was a large X on the ground, and also what looked to be a letter. Star walked up to the X, and placed the bomb down, took the matches and lit one. She then kneeled over, and slowly put the match to the stick of rope, and then when it was burning she blew out the match. *

---With everyone else---

* Dream and Thunder were still ecstatic that they both made it out, and everyone was just waiting for Star...when there was sudden loud stomping. *

Dream: ?!

* Suddenly, looking back, the T-rex was rampaging towards the group. *


* Everyone looked to the T-rex, and suddenly gasped and jumped to the sides, including Dream. The T-rex was still running down however...if Star didn't do something or if ANYONE didn't do something, she was going to be mincemeat. *

---With Star---

* She looked back down at the match, she would then just have to run back before the rope stick burned out. Star quickly decided to glance down at the letter and see what it had to say. *

" Duck. "

* Star looked confused, and then she heard the footsteps, loud thundering footsteps. And then heard her name being called out by a familiar voice. *


* Star looked behind her, to see the giant T-rex racing towards her. She quickly jumped to the side, and just in time too...the T-rex smashed right into the metal door. And suddenly, the T-rex looked right down at Star. *

* was time to run. *

---With Everyone else---

Dream: D-Do you think she's ok?

* There was a sudden loud scream, and guess who was running down back towards everyone with a T-rex chasing right behind? *

* STAR! *

Dream: WHAT THE-

* Star screamed at everyone to run. Immediately, Blue, Thunder, and Zoey started running for it. Charlotte followed next, and Dream sort of just stood there for a minute but came back after Star ran past him. *

* The bomb would go off in 1 minute...Dream looked back, and being the last one, the T-rex was gaining on him. *


* The T-rex was getting closer each step to eating Dream alive, and Dream was just running at the same pace, at this rate Dream was going to get eaten... *


* The bomb would go off in 40 seconds. The T-rex inched nearer to Dream, slowly it began to open its mouth. Anticipating the bite of Drema. *


* The bomb would go off in 35 seconds. 30. 25 *

* Dream looked around for anything that could help him, anything at all. Then he looked at Star, who was decently close to him, still running. *

Dream: ...

* 20. 19. 18. The world seemed to spin for him. 17. 16. 15. He didn't want to do it...14. 13. 12. But if he was going to survive...11. 10. 9. The T-rex was right behind him. Time almost didn't matter, all that mattered...was him making it out. *

* 9.8- *

* Dream jumped close to Star, to the point of grabbing distance. He grabbed her arm, with a blank stare. *

* Star turned around quickly, confused as to what was happening...all of a sudden she felt like she was going to opposite way. And that was because it was true... *

* Dream threw Star back towards the T-rex, giving him extra time to run towards the entrance. However, Star wasn't so lucky, right behind him he could hear a sickening crunch of her bones. The T-rex bit into the back of her head, throwing her around like a ragdoll, and then another sickening snap. The body was flung to the right side of the wall, with the head of Star still inside its mouth. The T-rex gulped it down, before roaring a final roar.*

* 7. 6. 5. He could see the entrance, everyone was already outside. 4. 3. 2. Dream looked behind him, he felt sorry for Star, but like he said to himself. If it needed to be done, it HAD to be done. Dream jumped outside, landing on the ground. *

* 1...0. *

* In a loud bang, the whole museum started to explode, all anyone could see was orange and red, there was nothing left...just orange and red flames, smothering the remnants. Embers were all over the sky, and pieces of debris were landing around everyone. Everyone was covered in what looked to be black stuff, it covered their faces, their clothes, everything. *

* Dream was laying on the ground, but he was alive...he looked back towards the museum. *

Dream: ...

Dream * muttered *: I'm sorry, Star.

* It had to be done. *

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