The one chosen was...

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(( The voting that happened right now, is what actually happened. ))

* Once everyone was done, one of the people in the straitjacket came up. *

Crazy guy: I'll shuffle...and choose three times...most votes...die.

* The crazy guy kinda of shifted them with his nose, before he picked one, and turned it over with his teeth. *

Crazy Guy: ...Star.

* The guy then kneeled down and continued shuffling, he then picked one up with his teeth and turned it over. *

Crazy Guy: ...Space.

* The guy then kneeled down once again, and continued shuffling, and then picked one up. And looked at it... *

Crazy Guy: ...Thunder.

Dream: B-But those were all different people!

Crazy Guy: We' one last one...the person drawn...will die.

* The crazy guy shuffled the deck around, everyone was on edge, Dream was practically crying that everyone didn't die, he didn't want to saw NO ONE'S parts. *

* The crazy guy kneeled back down and picked one. He then slowly picked it around with his teeth...and said the name. *

Crazy Guy: is...

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