It's a Whole New World

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Violet woke up three days later on a sidewalk. A male Eevee was looking at her.

"Whaaa!" Screamed Violet. "Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" She asked at once.

"Whoa!" Said the Eevee. "Too many questions at once!"

"Who are you?" Repeated Violet.

"I am Lance the Eevee." The Eevee answered. "Who are you?"

"I- I don't really know," Violet told him.

'Do you remember anything?" Asked Lance, concerned.

"No, not really," Violet said.

"Come with me," Lance told Violet. "I may be able to help you,"

So Violet followed him.

Lance brought Violet to a house in the woods. "Lay down," He instructed her.

Violet obeyed. Soon after, two other Eevee came down the stairs.

"Lance!" Squeaked a smaller male one.

"Who is this?" Asked a female.

"Coral! Pyro! Hello!" Greeted Lance.

"Who is this creep?" Asked Coral.

"Yeah, who is she, Lance?" Pyro agreed.

"She's just someone. Lance told them.

"Lance!" Coral whined. "I thought we were finished letting strangers into our house,"

"Yeah!" Pyro agreed. "Last time that happened it didn't go too well."

"Oh, come on you two!" Lance whined at them. "She doesn't remember a thing!"

"At least that's what she tells you," Coral mumbled under her breath.

"Coral,..." Lance gave her the evil eye.

"Okay fine!" Coral looked at Lance sternly. "But once she gets her memory back, she goes!"

"Okay. I promise." Lance told her.

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