Kiss For Good Luck

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One of the few things Espio would love to change about his life is Eggman.

He cannot complain, all in all; Sonic fights the madman most out of everyone, and all things considered, the Chaotix tend to only get swept up in an Eggman attack if they either are around by coincidence or if a job happens to put them on the genius' path. But that does not mean Espio particularly likes needing to risk his life on a fighting-torn battlefield with robots all over and his friends retaliating against Eggman's ploys with the sheer desire for peace keeping them all going, even if it does make good training. But still, in such fights, there is always the chance they lose...

And, though he and Silver stumbled upon this particular already-long-lasting battle by accident and thus have no idea what is going on except various of their friends are fighting tooth and nail in an utterly wrecked area, Espio cannot help but feel worried at the absolute giant robot in the sky getting battled by Super Sonic amidst hundreds of smaller ones dotting the stormy heavens black. With even more robots bound to the ground making their flightless friends' lives miserable, Eggman clearly has not spared himself any expenses towards his attempts at victory. Considering what the environment of the battlefield looks like, or rather what is left of it, Espio figures he and Silver are lucky they haven't arrived a second later.

But even with the two of them as back-up, everyone can only last for so long.

"Bah," Silver spits, whirls of psychokinesis grabbing a few missiles from above and flinging them back to a hulking hunk of junk. Its metal exterior creaks as it gets struck by the explosion, though Espio has long learned to no longer startle at how noisily it crumbles onto the heavily-damaged ground. "Eggman really went all out today, huh?!"

"It does not help that he can't reach the Emeralds from up there. He is probably seething," Espio calmly responds, a mere invisible shadow amidst the chaos and torn-down trees as he strikes a robot lumbering closer to the seven magnificent gems he and Silver carefully protect between them. The Emeralds that Super Sonic had flung down beside the duo, Espio presumes once Tails in the Tornado above had managed to relay the chameleon and psychic hedgehog had joined the battle. Which is... an interesting move, all things considered. If there is anywhere the Emeralds are safe, it would be within Super Sonic, not so open on the charred, war-torn ground... and considering the fact Espio is well aware the chance of losing these fights is always presents, that strange action does not instil any good feelings in him.

With a huff Silver turns himself into a cyan-hued ball, barrelling right against some other adversaries that similarly get felled. "Is Sonic able to handle it all, at least?!" follows muffled amidst the sounds of tearing metal... and the chameleon's eyes dart up, to where Sonic and Eggman are locked in battle far above them.

"...So-so." At least, the golden spark in the sky is burning like a falling star still, though Espio knows well enough what happens when a falling star has finished its journey. And if the same were to happen to Super Sonic... "He might need support. He didn't throw the Emeralds down for no reason," the chameleon adds, rushing towards one of the robots trying to make a mad dash to the patch of ground he and Silver are defending and swiftly ensuring that was the last thing it could ever do.

Silver smashes the last ones around as well, leaving this part of the battlefield relatively quiet as the hedgehog turns around. "Rats. We're in trouble, then," the hedgehog hisses, shooting over towards Espio. A handful of tiny cuts and scrapes mar the chameleon's body, Silver's fingers ghosting over them and his breath warm on Espio's scales. "Es, are you okay? How long can we hold out for?"

"Long enough," the chameleon responds, both because he has to and because he trusts it to be true. With Silver's psychic might and Espio's ninja prowess amidst the many skills of their friends getting rid of the robot army hopefully faster than Eggman can replenish it, there is no doubt in his mind they can at least protect the Emeralds long enough for Super Sonic to lay down the finishing blow. Though...

The golden spark in the sky has not faltered, per se, but Espio knows a Super form is not to be maintained forever.

Silver's hand presses against a particularly nasty bruise on Espio's chest, the chameleon's own drifting up to clutch it close and tenderly intertwine their fingers. He must remain positive; none of the Emeralds have been touched by evil so far, their friends distracting Eggman's forces in the rest of the area and Sonic still holding out above them. And besides, the issue of the Emeralds being so in reach can be resolved easily enough... Espio can think of only one reason why Sonic would send them down, once he learned Silver and Espio were here.

"Silver," the chameleon murmurs, thumb brushing over the other's dorsum. "It is up to you, too."

His beloved freezes, just for a moment. "You think Sonic wants me to turn Super as well? It's that bad?"

"It doesn't matter if he wants you to or not, we know you can. And I would say two superpowered beings fighting against that massive robot and all its cronies stand a better chance than just one. Sonic sent the Emeralds towards us for a reason," Espio hums back. It's as if the Emeralds agree, with the way their shimmer only becomes brighter as he and Silver draw near. Espio's eyes squint by instinct, so luminous is their glow, even more strongly when contrasted against the pure destruction around them. And even if the ninja knows he cannot do the same as Sonic and Silver and Shadow can, he can still revel in the overwhelming power of miracles that having all seven gem together elicits onto the world.

His beloved's fingers tremble as they reach for the radiant stones, alongside the hitch in his chest. "They call to me...!"

Espio can feel it, too.

And thus he knows what Silver must do.

"Then go," he murmurs, letting go of his beloved's other hand so Silver can hold both of them out towards the gems. So the hedgehog does, a hesitant step flowing into a more certain one into a full leap, and Espio fights to keep his eyes open against the glow of light that floods the psychic's fur as the Emeralds spin around them both. It burns, it is too bright, but he can't look away until the light has died down again into a warmer, gentler glow...!

Super Silver turns around, floating just a bit above the ashen-black soil, his smile radiant in a way the Emeralds could never be.

"Es. It's so nice," follows in a whisper. And Espio can understand why; any injury that had marred Silver's beautiful form has disappeared, and from what he knows from Sonic, any exhaustion has left for a temporary boost in energy. Exactly the thing they need in this long, arduous battle.

With a nod towards his beloved Espio readies himself; there is no way Eggman won't have noticed a new superpowered adversary on the battlefield, though Super Sonic is keeping the madman and his various creations busy enough up in the sky. "Up with you, then," the chameleon adds, ever practical. Every second spent here is a wasted one, even if the way Silver's pelt burns in gold and light red eyes stare at him with so much love makes it hard to even speak.

"I'll be careful," his beloved murmurs back, a shimmer of his psychokinesis nuzzling against Espio's cheek. "Promise me you'll be too."

"I doubt Eggman will have much interest in what is happening on the ground after you join the fray in the sky." But still, Espio presses his finger against the spark of power and smiles. If there is one of them who needs to be careful, it is him; Silver is all but untouchable in this state, they both know, yet his promise of being careful is exactly what the chameleon needs to hear. "Of course I will be too, tenshi. If there is anything, I will call for you."

"And I'll be there before you know it," Silver beams, the tips of his boots brushing over the ground and making small blades of grasses and tiny golden flowers rise up wherever they touch the scorched earth. Turning his back towards Espio the hedgehog draws a deep breath, fists balled... before he freezes, head flicking around and red eyes peeking over his shoulders. "Kiss? For good luck?"

And Espio can't help it; he laughs, because Silver is so adorable and innocent even despite the might and power more grand than the largest stars rolling off his whole being in waves, and the chameleon opens his arms for the other with no hesitation. Scorching heat and burning love hit him like a meteorite, and Silver's hands dig into the back of his head as Espio's fingers press themselves into golden fur and their lips mash together so hard it makes Espio's body reel, for a moment that could well be eternity.



So much, all around him, bliss and infinity.

So much power he holds in a tender embrace, turning his whole world gold and bringing everything that has been lost here back to life, and so much love Silver feels for him and he feels for Silver.

Espio figures the only reason they break the kiss is because of a very impatient "Silver, get over here!" from high above, the younger golden hedgehog's eyes shooting up guiltily.

"I think Sonic needs me," gets mumbled against Espio's mouth, the chameleon drawing his head away away with great regret. They are absolutely wasting time with this, the heavy thuds and gashunks of robots that must have evaded their friends slowly but surely nearing their position. For Silver or the Emeralds, possibly both; his beloved has a task to fulfil now, and Espio knows he will do so marvellously.

"Then go," the chameleon repeats, overheated hands pulling themselves out of Silver's raised tuft of fur and smoothing out his beloved's prickly quills by instinct. "I'll handle things here."

A final kiss gets pressed to his brow, making his scales tingle and burn. Any injury on his own body has all but faded away, a quick look-over reveals alongside a quiet laugh from within his embrace. "For good luck," Silver grins... before drawing a deep breath and pulling away as well, and Espio has to shield his eyes after all as golden light floods his vision anew and his beloved blasts up towards the sky, where the first golden spark is already madly dashing around Eggman's giant robot with black smoke wafting from it at multiple places. With a second spark of light joining, Espio is certain the battle won't last long anymore, nor will it end in Eggman's favour; but until then, he himself has a promise to fulfil here on the ground to give his beloved all the support he can provide.

Espio spins on his heels and grabs his kunai, and robot after robot falls in an endless sea of golden flowers.

Author's notes:

This chapter has a kill count of one (1) glass bowl and one (1) knuckle on my right hand, woops

Hi everyone! ^-^ Yesterday I was daydreaming while cleaning out the dishwasher, wondering what it was like to be kissed by someone in Super state because that gave me the perfect layout for this specific chapter prompt.... and then, in my distractedness, I smashed a bowl against the cabinet instead of inside the cabinet, woopsies. Once I had cleaned everything up again I dove behind my laptop to write this fic, and I must say, this is definitely one of my Flufftober favourites!! What is presented in this fic, namely that Super forms can make flowers grow around them, is based on an artwork I saw on Tumblr once with that premise, and I found it very suitable. And in Sonic X, Super Sonic could heal Chris' injuries after Shadow beat the crap out of him, so I added that here as well. Originally the premise was entirely different, with Silver having cut his hand while doing the dishes (also based on real life...), but I didn't feel 100% certain about it and I couldn't put in the prompt that well. I'm glad that I came up with another, more suitable idea! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it, and have a great weekend!🍀

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