Chapter 13: Targeted

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A/N: Starting my first day at Amazon today and I'm both excited and nervous since I'll be working night shifts. I've been training my body to be staying up until 3:00 am since that's the time I finish work at Amazon. Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of the night shifts but their day shifts were cutting into some days that I need off, but luckily I'm adaptable to various scenarios and changes. Anyway, enough ranting from me, onwards to the next chapter!

(Normal pov— Washington DC, 5:30 pm)

Madison was on her way back to her house to get some much-needed rest, the weeks after the attack on the Agency's HQ in New York had drained her both physically and mentally, and since then she hasn't gotten sufficient sleep. While driving back to her home, Madison decided to contact Henry Haddock, she then summoned her AI. "Elijah, would you please call Agent Haddock on a secure line for me?"

"Yes ma'am," Elijah said, "activating communications encryption protocols." Soon enough, Henry answered Madison's call and spoke politely.

"Hello Director, what can I do for you?"

"Hello Henry, I'm calling to make sure that you and your team are about to secure the defector who was part of Pitch's inner circle," she then continued, "this defector has valuable information we need to ensure our complete and total victory. According to our intelligence, the target worked at a Brotherhood weapons compound in the Costa Rican jungle, the target's name is Alejandro Hernández and all we know about him is that he's Pitch's main weapons handler; providing his criminal organization with enough firepower to rival the United States military. But now our intelligence says that he's still in Costa Rica and that he's in hiding in San José, the capital city. How soon can you and your team take off?"

"I'll contact Ashley and the rest of the team and inquire what works for them," Henry said, "but rest assured we'll acquire the target and bring him back to DC.

"Excellent," Madison said, "well then, I will let you go and get prepped for this mission." With that said, she ended the call and came to a red light. Stopping at the red light, Madison noticed a police cruiser stopping at the red light as well, turning to look at the cruiser, she could see the two officers inside were eyeing her and her vehicle thoroughly. "Officers," Madison said in greetings, "what a lovely evening we're having, wouldn't you say?" Instead of answering, the officer on the driver's side raised the window and drove off just as the light finally turned green.


Just as Madison began driving again, she was rammed from the right side of her car by another police cruiser, the impact caused the airbag to deploy and hit Madison in the face. The police cruiser that was beside Madison's car at the red light then drove backward and hit the front of Madison's car, and then another police cruiser rammed into the back of her car; boxing her in.

"I'm detecting a fracture in your left arm ma'am," Elijah said in a serious tone, "I recommend using an anesthetic injection." Madison moaned in agony as she was not only reaching for the injection in the glovebox but also shaking off the pain that enveloped around her; throbbing skull, vision blurry, broken nose, and the bone fracture in her left arm. Looking outside her car window, she could see an armored SWAT van pulling up and offloading dozens of officers armed with AR-15 assault rifles and semi-automatic pistols strapped to their thighs. As Madison used her still functioning right arm to inject the anesthetic into her injured arm, Elijah gave her horrifying news. "Ma'am, DC Metro Police dispatch shows no units in this area!" Seeing both SWAT and standard "officers" surrounding her vehicle, Madison groaned out.

"Time to go!"

Soon enough these "officers" lit up her car with gunfire, thankfully her car was armored and withstood the barrage of gunfire, but the armor would wear down and they would either blow their way in with thermite or perhaps use a battering ram against the windows. Either way, Madison knew that these "officers" were Brotherhood operatives and if she doesn't come with a plan, they will kill her and leave the Agency leaderless. Looking at her dashboard, Madison could see that her vehicle's armor integrity was down to 79% and they would continue to drop unless she could pull a clever trick up her sleeve.

That's when Madison saw her attackers pulling out thermite charges and a tow cable while also attaching the cable to one of the charges they placed on the driver's door. They were going to rip the door open once the thermite did its job. Wiping the sweat off her brow, Madison spoke up. "Elijah, once they rip that door off, deploy countermeasures!"

"Acknowledged ma'am," Elijah said, "stand by."

The thermite cut through the door in time and the door was then yanked off. "Now Elijah!" Madison cried out, and from the center console emerged a hand-operated turret which was also equipped with a grenade launcher. Using her good arm to launch a counterattack, Madison gunned her attackers down without compassion or mercy, and when she noticed one of her attackers pulling out a rocket launcher from the SWAT van, she used the grenade launcher and it caused the armored van to be consumed in fire and smoke.

"Ma'am, propulsion systems are now back online!" Elijah announced.

"Full acceleration, now!" Madison barked out while still gunning down many of the Brotherhood operatives taking cover behind the vehicles they commandeered from the nearby police station. Elijah took control of the vehicle as he backed the car out while moving the police cruiser behind them and then stepping on the gas to get away from the still heavily armed Brotherhood operatives shooting at the rear of her vehicle. Once they were out of their firing range, Madison put away the turret until it was placed back in the center console, and she then slid back into the driver's seat and made sure to buckle back up. "Give me the wheel!" She said to Elijah, soon enough she was driving again and trying to lose the persistent Brotherhood who was right behind her in their commandeered police cruisers.

Zipping past nearby cars and buses, Madison took deep breaths to calm her racing nerves and hammering heart; the rush of defying death flowed through her veins, but she needed to get off the grid and inform the president of the attempt on her life. "Elijah, get me the president!" As her AI assistant tried calling the president, there was nothing but static filling Madison's ear and she cursed under breath. "They must have a jamming field in this entire area," she murmured to herself, "cutting me off from all communication."

"Ma'am, I'm detecting traffic ahead—"

"Find me an alternate route!" Madison hissed out in pain while doing her best to not only shut out the pain but focus on the road as well.

"Traffic alert on Roosevelt Bridge, all vehicles have stopped," Elijah informed, "however, 17th Avenue is clear in three blocks, directly ahead." Acknowledging her AI's words, Madison regrettable rammed into a truck in front of her, causing the vehicle to spiral out of control while also hitting her pursuers, but the enemy operatives continued their pursuit. Madison growled at the sight and then slithered her way past two cars and they both came to stop and successfully blocked them from pursuing her. But the operatives got out of their vehicles and pulled out their automatic weapons, the sight caused Madison to curse under her breath as she tried moving pedestrian cars out of her way. Some of the Brotherhood's operatives climbing on pedestrian's cars and began shooting at Madison's car, the gunfire caused any nearby pedestrians to run away, to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

As Madison continued plowing through the cars in her way, she could see an enemy operative through the windows of a nearby bus that had stopped to pick up those who needed public transportation. That operative then began shooting, and Madison leaned back to avoid the incoming gunfire that would've surely killed her had she not leaned back. She then ducked as three enemy operatives were shooting up her back window, Madison then snarled lightly and put her vehicle in reverse, and backed into them with enough speed to send them flying and crashing into nearby cars. Putting her vehicle back in drive, Madison punched the gas and slammed into another abandoned pedestrian's car, and successfully sent another Brotherhood operative crashing into a nearby phone booth.

Getting out of that traffic, Madison took the route Elijah suggested and made a run for it, but two more commandeered police cruisers were right on her tail. As one of the police cars was close enough, a Brotherhood operative stuck their body out of the window while also pulling out a submachine gun and shooting at the driver's side of Madison's car. After passing by several cars and trucks, Madison's anger was now through the roof and she was quite tired of getting shot at today. She then took a sharp left towards the commandeered police car that held the operative shooting at her, Madison was able to disarm that operative and then gun them down from head to torso until their corpse slid out of the window and rolled over on the pavement.

"Warning. Approaching intersection!"

Elijah's voice caused Madison so slam on the brakes of her vehicle, slowing down and watching as the Brotherhood operatives cars were hit by a semi-truck. Their cars rolled around violently and collided with a nearby building and exploded violently; sending shrapnel and debris flying in all directions. Madison then barked out. "I need you to get me off the grid!" While Elijah acknowledged her command and began searching for a secure location, Madison noticed a man standing in the front of the road. Narrowing her eyes, Madison recognized the man and saw it was Shard, one of the Brotherhood's most elite operatives and bounty hunters. The enemy operative then pulled out a TR/9 trip mine which was attached to the small of his back and threw it like a frisbee, the mine slid on the pavement and then attached to the bottom of Madison's car and exploded, sending the vehicle high up in the air and sliding down the street on its roof.

After what felt like a lifetime, the car finally came to a stop, much to Madison's relief. Moaning in agony, she could see Shard approaching fast, she needed to get out of her disabled car before it either exploded or die a grisly death by Shard. "E-Elijah," she groaned out, "I need schematics of the city's sewer systems. I'm going to cut my way out of here." She then pulled out a handheld device able to cut through any surface and began cutting a hole large enough for her to fit through and slip away from Shard before he had the opportunity to kill her. Finally creating a hole large enough to escape through, Madison kicked it down and slid down into the sewers, and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. "El-Elijah, send a message to Henry's AI, Iris," she said in exhaustion, "I need to get back home and patch up."

"Yes ma'am," Elijah said, "I'll inform Iris of the situation and she'll inform Henry."

Meanwhile, Shard found that Madison's car was empty and he saw the hole she created to escape. The bounty hunter then pulled out his cellphone and contacted Pitch to inform him of this... scene the Brotherhood created.

"What is it?"

"Sir, we had our shot to take Director Queens out," he then continued, "her vehicle is out of commission and she fled into the sewers. Not only that, but there were plenty of witnesses that saw our attempt to kill the Agency's leader. What are your orders?"

"The prey will retreat to its den and tend to their wounds," Pitch said in an amused tone, "we already have her home address, head down there and wait for her. Once she's back home, take her out of the game."

"Yes sir," Shard said, "it'll be a pleasure to finish her off." He then hung up his cellphone and then murmured to himself. "Then I'm coming after you next Haddock!" He knew Haddock brutally killed Knox back when they laid siege to the Agency HQ in New York, and Shard promised to himself that he would similarly kill Haddock. Police sirens filled the air, which caused Shard to cloak himself just as the actual police officers were arriving on the scene of the crash he caused.

Shard was able to hijack a nearby car and avoid the police setting up their crime scenes around the area they attacked the Agency director, he then plugged in his prey's home address into his phone GPS and took off to wait for his wounded prey to come home and finish her off.

A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying the story because I'm going to turn the heat up very soon. I've also taken the time to brainstorm future stories and one of these stories is a modern story and its a gender-bent story where Hiccup is a female assassin that's been cloned, but one of the clones has rebelled against her creators and seeks to kill her creator, the name of the story is called Gemini. But anyway, I'll catch you guys in the next update.

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