Chapter 10. Sweet dreams, princess

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The stench of something being wrong consumes the atmosphere.

From the way my mother glared at Natalie to the look of surprise on Natalie's face, something was going on. I know that they were both trying really hard to conceal it all, and they could have almost fooled me. Almost.

I'm aware of people's perception of me: naive and oblivious. That may be the truth, but there are instances when it's just too plain in view.

The entire situation is weird, but I try to push it far back in my mind. My mom had texted me that she'll bring the contract over tomorrow to seal the deal. I'm just hoping that Natalie won't change her mind.

I get the bed ready and line up the pastel pink and white pillows in the middle like I'm building a mini Great Wall of China. Once I'm satisfied with my work, I stand back with a spare pillow to proudly take a good look when the faint sound of what seems like a... oh my god, is that... a moan? Why would Natalie be mo- Wait...

Realization strikes me as my hold on a pillow loosens and it drops on the floor. Eerie silence floods the bedroom when the water stops running. I listen with bated breath, debating whether or not I should check in on her. I had burned her hand after all, and the moan was clearly from pain. The guilt hits my heart as a moist sensation appears in my eyes. Wiping it away with the back of my hand, I let out a relieved sigh when the sound of a blow dryer replaces the uncomfortable quietness.

Taking a deep breath, I pick up the dropped pillow and continue to line up the pillows, trying to arrange them a little better so they won't fall apart in the middle of the night. Natalie's threat about pushing me off isn't something I'm interested in checking out. I pat down the middle when I suddenly remember a small detail: Natalie hates the color pink. She never actually said it out loud, but she wasn't subtle when her face would slightly scrunch up when she looked at anything of that color. Not to mention her comment on preferring pillows that aren't pink.

Oh, maybe there's a plain blanket or something in my closet. After rummaging around the shelves, I finally find a light gray cover that should work great for her. Perfect. Unfortunately, this means I will need to readjust the whole fortress of pillows that I had built. On the bright side, at least Natalie will be pleased that she doesn't need to sleep with the pink color tonight. I don't know what her problem is, but there are probably a lot of things that I won't be able to understand. I do have hopes that we will both learn more about each other and bond. The thought fills me with happiness as I slide under the pastel pink covers in my pink pajamas and settle in, wriggling myself against the soft mattress until I'm content. Silence consumes the air when I stop moving before the bathroom door opens.

I seem to forget how to breathe as a strange pressure forms in my chest. Natalie stands in the doorway, the light from the bathroom casting her shadow across the bed. And it illuminates every detail of her body. She's wearing really tight shorts that are obviously mine, showing off her toned legs that seem to go on forever . My eyes travel to her arms and firm biceps, ones that I want to wrap my hand around and softly squeeze, to her faintly visible six-pack abs, and up to the knot of the oversized T-Shirt secured just under her chest. A little higher, and it takes everything in me to not gasp out loud at the same time as heat flushes my cheeks like tidal waves. Her... her n-nip- they're p-pressed against...

"Are you finished drooling over there, fruit tart?" her amused voice awakens me from my stupor, and I immediately avert my eyes somewhere else. Not too far away though. Her abs... no no, uh, her smirking face... nope, uh , oh, her bare feet with the perfect pedicured... nooooooo, Mira, what is wrong with you?! Look away, stare at the wall. Pretend there's a roa-

"Yep!" I chirp in an unusually high voice, even for me. Then I realize what I just said. "I-I mean, nope! I wasn't droo-"

"You sure?" She approaches the bed and raises her arms to adjust her wet hair. Against better judgment, I glance at her and catch sight of the underside of her br-

"Mhmm!" I nod a little too vigorously and fake a yawn. "I'm just really tired."

"So you do have a curfew after all." She grins, then frowns. "Wait, why do I have gray covers and you have the pink one?"

Confusion fills my mind. "Well... I-I thought that since you apparently don't like the color pink..." For whatever ridiculous reason. "I would dig out something your... style."

"Did I ask you to do that?" she asks, her voice taking on a serious tone.

"No, but you did show it."

She tilts her head before her face relaxes. "Oh..."

Just that. A simple "oh". I had expected a thanks or something, but an "oh" is good enough. The bed shifts as she climbs in and drapes the cover over her.

"Remember my warning," she reminds me. "If you touch my skin, -"

"You will kick me out of the bed."

She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. Ones that still contain remnants of tears. "See? We already know a lot about each other. We'll get along just fine, won't we?"

"Yep! I'd love that!" I'd love that so much.

She lies down on the bed. "Sweet dreams, princess." With a wink, she turns off the lamp beside her. She settles in and tugs at the blanket before turning her face in the opposite direction and pulling it over her chest.

Darkness floods the room, the full moon shining through the open windows. I prefer a little light at night, and it just so happens to land on the visible part of Natalie's face like a spotlight. With her loose locks of blonde hair draped behind her and her chest moving so gentle, she looks so... peaceful. Even though she still retains that confidence, it's a satisfying contrast to the smirking, challenging woman from earlier that day or yesterday. I unconsciously wince at the latter memory, but she seems to have gotten over it pretty well.

My mother used to say that I always bring out the best in people, because I'm too sweet for my own good. That that's the reason why she wants me to stay with her and appa, so they and their stupid bodyguards can protect me, especially after an insignificant incident from back when I was a teenager. It had reached a point where I felt suffocated every single day, and my optimism about being free waned day by day.

But I should be good now. And safe. Natalie and her muscles together with her extensive combat knowledge will be able to protect me if anything happens, which it won't. With a smile, I sink back into the bed. I'm finally free. And once we get to know each other, I know me and Nataalie will be the best of besties. I just know that. After all, I bring out the best in people.

What can possibly go wrong?

Opening my eyes with a yawn, I rub the sleep away to try to focus on my surroundings. Light streams from underneath the bathroom door. Huh, I must have left it on last night. With a sigh, I swing my legs over the bed and sink my feet into the plush, soft carpet. I shuffle my way to the light source and open the door to turn the light off when I freeze at the sounds of the shower running.

The air is heavy with humidity, with condensation covering the mirrors. I whirl my head toward the sound of the shower door sliding open glass just in time to watch Natalie stepping out. I had completely forgotten about the moody woman who had agreed to be my roommate. And she's... naked. From top to bottom, with water flowing down her body and forming a pool around her feet. A smirk appears on her face when she notices me.

"Well, look at who finally decided to join me," her sultry voice sends flaming tingles coursing frantically through my body. "Come here, princess."

My body moves forward as if of its own accord, and when I stop just a foot away from her, time around us cease to exist. My gaze is fixated on her stomach, each well-defined muscle glistening under the faint light like deep-cut jewels under clear water on a sunny day. Beautifully sculpted jewels that I long to touch. Without wasting a second, she tucks her index finger under my chin and tilts my head all the way back to look at her in the eyes, those mischievous blue eyes holding secrets like the deepest parts of the ocean. Droplets of water continue to slide down from her wet hair. My breath hitches when she brushes her thumb against my bottom lip.

"You may touch them if you'd like," she smirks.

Oh no, she noticed.

I can't speak. My vocal cords and speech mechanisms seem to be temporarily disabled as she drops her hand from my face and wraps it gently around my wrist, coaxing it toward her stomach. I gasp as her skin meets the tips of my fingers. Smooth. Warm. So warm and hard. She guides my hand up until my palm is placed against her chest. The rapid beat of her heart pulsates through my hand. My breath shudders as I return my eyes toward her face. The smirk is no longer there. Instead, only a hint of a soft smile hovers on her lips while the rest of her is clouded in dark, hard desire.

My whole body is surging with a burning feeling I've never experienced before. Not even close. The energy, the power of confidence radiating from her hit me like lasers. She's older than me, taller than me, more than me in so many other ways. And I'm not into girls. Panic hit me from all sides.

This is so wrong, wrong in so many ways. Why am I having these feelings? What is happening with me? I pull away from her, unwrapping her hold on me. No, I'm not into gi-

Without warning, she grabs my wrist again and pulls me back in. Her lips crash onto mine. To my surprise, content drowns me as she kisses me, the sweet taste of her mouth and the minty, lavender scent of her wet hair driving away any other thoughts or worries from my mind. Her hand gently grabs the back of my neck as she-

I bolt straight up from the bed, gasping for air as my chest frantically rises up and down in an unsuccessful attempt to bring an adequate amount of air into my lungs. Darting my eyes around the dimly lit room from the waking light outside, relief takes over the initial panic when I realize what happened.

It was all just a dream. It had to be. There's no way... Wait, why is there light under the bathroom door? Glancing beside me, the spot where Natalie is supposed to be sleeping is empty. I strain my ears, but no water, crying, or blow drying sounds are coming from behind the door.

It was just a dream, Mira. That's all.

I inhale deeply when a notification sound disrupts the chilly air. I pick up my phone and open my phone screen to an email from my mother. Clicking on the bar, it's the roommate contract and a message stating she wishes she was there but some business has come up at the last minute. Of course... why am I not surprised. But maybeNatalie will be relieved.

Probably. Speaking of, where is Natalie?

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