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The action of teaching children is not simple. Some people believe that the existence of firm discipline is necessary in orienting children to the desirable behavior while the others people believe that this educational method may leave disastrous consequences. I am totally persuaded of the first sentiment. 

Firstly, opponents argue that firm discipline have negative influence on the developmental psychology of children. No sooner do children undergo threatening speech or beat than they become frightened, less confident and creative. However, my opinion is that firm discipline does not mean violence but advice or rule to secure that children behavior within admitted limitation. Facts have shown that children is still green, hardly can they realize what is true, what is false and therefore, only by using firm discipline can children deeply remember their false. Another reason is that there goes saying "law must be learned to be broken", it is the grasp of the rule that children take the initiative little by little to be creative and to escape from the limitation. In summary, the reality of firm discipline contributes of the foundation desirable behavior of children as well as the maturation in their psychology. 

It is another argument that the existence of strict punishment in teaching children is a catalyst to push children into social evils. Some people believe that there is the existence of generation gap between parents and children and now, this educational method is conductive to be worse this relationship. Therefore, no sooner do children not find the sympathy from their family than they are able to lure into social trap. However, facts have proven that only in the young age group, especially in the puberty do children who revolt and have strong ego tend to fall into unwanted socially trap. Because of this reason, if it is not for the intervention of their parents and teachers, children will never find the orientation in behavior and go astray. In other hand, although some people tell that this method may violate children right, I strongly believe that the implementation of this law is necessary to build a law-based society where each of irresponsible action is suitable for equal punishment. For a stark example, Korea and Japan are the nations having the most conscious citizen, the lowest criminal rate, which is rooted from the implementation of law in many fields of life. 

In conclusion, no where can children escape from the negative influence of life as well as society maintain its law than in the existence of firm discipline.

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