Chapter 6: Conociendo al Senora de Acero part 1.

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Manhattan, New York...

"Stop the car," Okoye finally tells Happy, who stops the brakes into parking near the curbside of the sidewalk where Hope, Okoye, and Bucky get out of the car as he leads the way, his metal arm gleaming in the dim light. Walking deeper into the road, they noticed signs of dead zombies turning into corpses - all shot in the head to toe: 

"These zombies were scattered and shot with five clean shots," Bucky stated. 

"Didn't know that Spider-Kid had taken a gun with him?" Okoye uses her spear to poke at the corpse, "No, he doesn't use a gun, Okoye." Happy clarifies, "Tony wouldn't let Peter use a gun because he ensured he could not play with it, even when Kurt offered to teach him. Peter wouldn't use it. I doubt he can use a gun."

Before, Bucky stared at the dead zombies everywhere, and not only that but there were motorbike tires on the concrete that the White Wolf touched as he smelled the gasoline. It was clear that something had taken them away. Hope walks around until she sees a destroyed car. As she gets closer and finds a small video camera with a 'Spiderman' sticker on the side, she realizes who it belongs to and calls the team from across, "Hey, I found something!" 

She picks it up and notices the small camera recording because of the red light on it; she hands it to Okoye: "I do not understand how this camera works; the only thing I know about them is the flashy red light that meant-" 

Bucky takes it, and he says, "It's been recorded. He gives it to Happy: "Let's get back to the car and watch it." Everyone got inside the car and began to reverse the video backward, only for it to make this sound:


Once it had been pressed played at the beginning, the group saw Peter motioning Kurt to hide which caused him to make a loud 'CLANG' from which it came from an old pipe that fell from a wall of a house near them. Of course, in a matter of seconds, the zombies were coming towards them; it made Hope scared until a sound in the background caught everyone's attention.

The motorbike jumps in before stirring around and getting off it while taking out a loaded gun as zombie heads getting shot before they heard Kurt freaking out quietly with Peter as he tries to help by using his spider web shooters; Sadly, it was empty, and Bucky didn't say anything until Hope said: "I told him to recharge his web-shooters, but he forgot, again." 

That's when Okoye seems impressed by the small camera footage, along with Hope, Happy, and even Bucky, as he watches how the people used their weapons like it was the dance of death with bullets finding their marks with deadly accuracy. He starts admiring how improvised the killer used his weapons by striking with brutal precision. 

"This doesn't look good. We should search for them." Bucky and Okoye are about to move, but Hope stops them and points at the video recording, "Wait! I don't think she was bad." 

" 'She?' " 

Confused by this, the group looked closely that it was indeed another woman; her full-black tracksuit had a black oversized cape hoodie with red and brown biker gloves, a black cap, and combat boots: "She's wearing two gun holsters wrapped on both sides of her legs?" 

"Hmph, I'm starting to like her." Okoye hums in approvement before Happy gulps in fear when he spots the three knives inside her sleeves and an oxygen mask covering her mouth, and Bucky can't help but be curious about the oxygen mask and the cross around the woman's neck. 

In the continuation of the small camera, Happy whistles in astonishment as Bucky is, for the first time, impressed by the woman's attack while fighting and shooting techniques as it begins using a Barrett M82 material sniper gun and then uses the pepper spray to distract it as she murders them with her guns in every head until finally, she finished off the last one by exploding its head. The group notices that Kurt and Peter tried to thank their savior for being friendly, only to make it worse when Kurt used his linguistic skills in Spanish. 

Of course, everyone eyed the woman. Who suddenly points at him.

Bucky gets protective of Kurt; no matter how much he hates the guy, he's used to him being friends with Peter. As he then snaps his thoughts by noticing how she pointed a gun at Kurt's head in perfect position, he sees Peter try to calm her down, to which the woman didn't say anything to Kurt nor Peter other than putting her gun away from Kurt, turning away, and walking over to her motorbike while reloading her pistols in front of them. 

The weirdest part was that her full-body tracksuit wasn't as dirty as if she had never fought in battle before, "...she seems to be an OCD kinda woman." Happy nervously jokes, making the group raise eyebrows before returning their gazes at the small camera footage, as it shows Peter thanking her for saving their lives. 

The audio returns once more: 

==" 'Hey, thanks for saving us back there! That was amazing!' " Peter exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration and gratitude. Hope sighed in relief that he was still a kind person to others as Okoye narrowed her eyes before making a smile over her lips; since she watched Kurt in the video, he nodded in agreement, still in awe of what he had just witnessed: 

" 'Yeah, that was incredible! How did you learn to fight like that?' " Kurt asked. 

Bucky tried his best to read the woman as her face was enticing to stare at; her jet-black hair was in a messy bun, leaving some strands of her hair falling off the side of her face; her green eyes and the movement she did with her body figure made him freeze. He would admit to himself that the woman was attractive. Deadly, but attractive.

Still, the woman in the small camera footage remained silent momentarily, her eyes fixed on the road ahead before finally turning to face them. " 'Survival,' " The woman coldly replies, as Hope smiles: "She's-" 

"Mexican? I never met one." Okoye adds Bucky rolls his eyes before eyeing the woman on the screen: " 'I didn't have a choice but to learn how to fight if I wanted to stay alive." The Latina woman opens something before glancing at the boys." 'Okay? Well-' " His best friend cut off Peter, " 'I thought we only had three women. Kurt mentions more: "Also didn't expect to see another woman other than Hope, Okoye, and Sharon.' "  

Hope and Okoye noticed how the woman reacted; her body language was cut off guard, but she returned to being focused on something she had inside, and she started keeping her weapons. That's what it looked like before Peter asked if she was okay; the woman made some sort of glare at him from afar since the small camera footage. 

Everyone is cautious of the savior until she does the unexpected: She takes something out to which were two water bottles and throws them at Kurt and Peter. "Hey, maybe you're right, Hope. Happy starts, "She isn't so bad after all."

Bucky continues eyeing the woman in the video as Peter and Kurt finish drinking the water bottles until it starts showing her and the guys riding off on her motorcycle. That's where the video ended. Pausing it, the Winter Soldier/White Wolf gets out of the car as the others follow him; he looks around the area and points at the road where the motorbike tracks were; Knowing that there is Hope for humanity to survive in the wilderness.

"If it's another survivor, then there is a chance she took them for protection." Okoye nodded, and Hope transformed herself into a tiny wasp to hold onto the Dora Milage woman's armor as Happy used the car to head back to their base. While Bucky, Okoye, and Hope moved cautiously through the streets in the car, looking for any signs of Peter and Kurt.

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