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trigger warring : mild violence

Ingrid comforted and sat beside Gabe who was in mourning for his older sister., he was lamented and mewling by the point where he couldn't eat nor drink anything placed upon his plate., His blue pupils hovered over the tray melodically.

"Poor Gabe" Esther commented sympathetic looking over her shoulder at the upset boy. Ingrid glanced at her like a raging bull and rolled down the right sleeve on her jumper showing oddly obscene marks across her arm., which resembled scars from a previously unexplained incident.

Taken a back Esther turns back around whilst Stormi curiously looks over., Resting bitch face alert" Stormi divulged lowing her voice eating her sandwich.,"true" Ava and Harri conceded., All of them giggled unable to control themselves like misbehaved students. The laugher soon stopped as their attention turned back to Gabe.

"I can't believe Nurse Orwell is gone" Ava deplored, fibbing with her fork of french fries., Esther roared up her seat rising a cain of 7Up and her friends followed suit. "To Nurse Orwell" she declared. "To Nurse Orwell" their conveyed.

The four musketeers took their seats once again. Rubby waltzed passed extending his hand to wave at them all. whilst he took a seat with Ingrid and Gabe. Harri's lips grew into a wicked smirk. "What are you grinning about?" Esther queried.,"I saw the way Rubby was thirsting over you E."

"Harri's right you can't decline it" Stormi chimed agreeing. "The chemistry between you and him is off the chant." Ava affirmed in a whisper tone. Esther crooks her brow natively, "are you sure he likes me.?" "Yes!" her friends replied truthfully.

"So what are you guys gonna wear for the Halloween ball?" Ava inquired, curious to know the answer to her question., "I'm going as a Hogwarts student" Stormi answered strolling to history class linking her arm with Esther's., "from which house?" "Gryffindor duh"

Ava smiled "cool, you?" She asked now turning her focus on Harri. "Pennywise from the cinematic horror classic it" their acknowledged., unapologetically Cuffed. Harri turned their attention to Esther and inquired. "What are you dressing up as for the bell?" Esther frowned at the question before muttering., "I don't think, I'm gonna go"

Ava, Stormi and Harri stare at the raven haired girl., unable to speak and flabbergasted. "Why not E?" Stormi groaned., like a lost puppy her brown eyes widened with fear. "I'm just not feeling up to it, and what if Ruddy didn't ask me to be his date for the bell?., Esther stammered in a rant.

Her face became as red as a tomato., showing her embarrassed by her own remark. An idea popped into Harri's as bright as their red hair and a light bulb.,"what if you asked him out?" Ava smiled and chimed in "Yeah like a Sadie Hawkins type of thing, that way you're be breaking the gender norms that society has put upon us."

The purple Afro haired girl added, beamed. "And even if you don't ask Ruddy out or if he didn't ask you, you can still have a blast at the Ball with or without a date" Stormi truthfully, elaborated tugging her a piece of her long brown locks behind her ear. Esther nodded.,curving a small smile across her face "ok."

The group continued their waltzing to history class in silent, until Ingrid stormed pass to trip Esther on purpose. "Oh sorry I didn't see you there" the blonde rejoined with vernon in her voice. Ava, Harri and Stormi rally to help Esther up, Stormi then sets her eyes on Ingrid who walks away and giggles.

Without a moment more Stormi goes after the blonde haired girl, down the hallway. Esther and the others ran after her. "Hey Jensen!" Stormi roared for the hold school to hear. "What!?" Ingrid sighed and rolled her eyes, turning to face the brown haired girl. "Just left it Storm!" Esther insisted.

"Yeah she's not worth it" Ava agreed while Harri looked on and gulped in awe., "you better listen to them!" Ingrid barked. "Or what!?" Storm shrieked. Ingrid's eyes grew wild like an animal and howled lunging at Storm, as if she was her pray. Storm was trying her best to overpower the blonde but everything she did was of no use.

Multiple lets go of her and leave her alone filled the hallways from many of the other students who stood to witness it. Esther, Ava and Harri could see there was something not right in Ingrid's ice blue eyes as if she was possessed., each of them decided enough was enough running over to break up the fight before any damage was done.

Ingrid sensed that Storm's friends were close. she unleashed the smaller girl from her grip so she could escape, realising what she had done. Ingrid panicked and scarped, Esther and her friends comforted Stormi who was in a state of shock and nearly on the verge of tears.

Ruddy ran though the crowd of students in a hurry. "What happened?., Stormi are you ok?" the light brown haired boy queried, concern filling his voice. "It was Ingrid, she...." Stormi uttered glazing her friends as she teared unable to speak. "She tripped me up at first as a joke, than Stormi called her out on it and suddenly she just lose it with Storm."

"Lose it like how?" Ruddy demanded, under his breath in a whisper tone. multiple raised brows from the foursome appeared because of his odd question., "I don't know Ruddy, it's really hard to explain" Esther took in a snape breath and answered without a pause. Ruddy thanked her and when to go find his sister in a sudden panic., as the sound of the bell chimed and the crowd began to disappear.

Stormi stood up continuing to wept with her friends right by her side, Mr Thorne stood outside his history classroom watching his students enter, he eyes lighten up when he saw Esther, Stormi, Ava and Harri. He noticed Stormi's stressed demeanour was

very unlike her., he thought.

"Is everything alright Miss Stormann?" he hummed, with his head in the clouds.

"Yes Sir" Stormi gulped unconvincingly her eyelids had water below them., she was still shaken up from the previous events but managed to calm herself she before anyone else saw her cry. But she soon had a sudden change of heart "I can be dismissed Sir?" Stormi declares standing up from her seat. "Yes of course, if you're not feeling very well go rest and I'll have Esther take back some  work for you" Mr Thorne explained, calmly.

"Thank you Sir" she cried, bolting out of the class, as fast as her legs could carried her., Esther sat in class with only her mind focused on Stormi worried for her safety.

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