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Trigger warring: blood/violence

*The night of The Halloween Ball* - part 2

3rd's person P.O.V

*an hour later*

Bop after bop was playing at The Ball. Esther and her friends were having a blast, Ether of them missed an opportunity to bust out their favourite dance moves or sing that song which shaped each of their childhoods. A couple of dances after the group decided to sit, drinking and food because all of that dancing really does burn up an appetite.

"OMG my heels are killing me!" Saffi restored, taking off her overly large, glitter heels so her feet could breath. Dawn injected "tell me about it!" Mrs Nickels waltzed to the group's table with a kind smile although she was sleep deprived., her skin looked paler than usual added with an overly amount of sweat plastering her face and forehead.

"So how are we all enjoying The Ball?" The brunette, English teacher asked her students enthusiastic. Sebastian glanced at her with sympathetic and a raised brow, unloosing his black tie. "Are you okay Mrs?" his question knocked the woman out of her sudden dazed. His other follow classmates also shared the same glances he did. "yes" Mrs Nickels answered, behind her tried eyes.

She covered her mouth not to let a huge yawn escape from her lips. Esther un-purposely fixed her brown eyes on her English's Teacher's mysterious scar on her collarbone. The raven haired girl was about speak on it, but chooses not to out of respect and she knew it wouldn't be her business to ask such a rude question, she puts the idea to one side and says, politely. "I'm having so much fun tonight"

"Are you guys having fun?" multiple nods and thumbs ups spared all across the table from her friends. Mrs Nickels smiled, concurring with her students. "that's really wonderful, I'll you kids have even-more fun au revoir!" She waves her students, wandering out of the hall in a strange manner. Esther and her friends remind silent spectating their English Teacher's odd sudden behaviour.

Esther's P.O.V

*2 hours later*

Ava and Saffi hit it off very well, just as I and Ruddy did. Harri was happily being single mingling with the teachers and etc. while Stormi was busy avoiding Gregg Curtain her secret admirer at all coast. I told Ruddy I was going to the ladies room and that I would return sooner than late.

Ava's P.O.V

I couldn't believe Saffi Bluz was my date for The Ball. never would I believe she would ask me to be her date. I thought she would've had millions of girls lined up but she chose me. Ava February, "this tune's gonna blow your socks off!" Dorian's voice boomed, though the microphone. the neon disco lights were bright as his outfit Dorian made a fabulous Grinch. he's one of those person who could pull off any style.

I've always admired him for it, the feel of Saffi's hand on my arm brought me out of my thoughts. "I love this song Ava, come on let's dance!" I gave her a nod saying "ok" holding Saffi's hand as she pulled me up to the dance floor, the song Superbass by Nicki Minaj started playing and the whole crowd felt wild.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Harri's P.O.V

I danced in front of the crowd on the dance floor rapping to most of the lyrics from Superbass and leaving the problematic ones out as did so. The crowd created a wave as more people joined me without hesitation, Ava, Saffi, Newt, Sebastian, Gabe, Dawn and Marius all dance along to the music creating their own original and usual dance moves.

Which was surprisingly every entertaining for a Halloween Ball at a uni hall, if I must add no pun intended.

Stormi's P.O.V

I was reviled that I had managed to slip pass Gregg Curtain for as long I could.

*I guess he didn't show up*

But to my surprise someone wearing a werewolf mask, startled me out of nowhere I was lending on the wall drinking lemonade out of a plastic cup, I heard a familiar British accent yelped, worryingly underneath his mask. "I'm so so sorry Stormi, I didn't mean to scary you" he apologised, he took off his mask revealing his identity. "Gregg!" I gasped in horror, the one person I was trying to avoid the whole night was now stood right in front of me.


"It's nice to see you Marie, Mmm i mean Stormi" Gregg blushed, as his cheeks were turning quite red. "you look very pretty" he confessed, in all honestly, although he was shy. "Thank you, Gregg" I caught some random students chuckling in a corner and whispering among themselves., watching me and Gregg together. But I actually didn't care this time if their wanted to watch I'll let them watch.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

the blonde boy swallowed his pride and took the courage., "Would you like to dance Stormi?" And I happily accepted his offer. "yes i would love to Gregg" he held out his hand for me to hold, then we made our way to the dancefloor.

Esther's P.O.V

*a few minutes to midnight*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The night was beginning to whine down., Ruddy held me close to as we slow danced together. It felt we were the only two people in the room in that moment in time. "I had a really great time tonight, Esther" Ruddy exclaimed, plastered with a massive grin on his face. He smile was so adorable I couldn't help but smile too. I lowered my voice to whisper "I feel the same way too, Ruddy"

i leaned on my tiptoes to press my lips onto Ruddy's when the glass from the windows above shattered around us. him and I were pulled apart from each other as the hall filled with screams of terror instead of claps and cheers. a creature with glowing eyes had its eye on me as it's target, I was stunned by the sight of it watching multiple people run and hide from this mysterious creature.

Many of them couldn't get pass it's wrath and were thrown around like rag dolls or ripped to pieces, right here and then., The creature growled as I tried to make my escape out of the hall wondering where my friends among other Graybatt students were. all of them had vanished without a trace, the creature ran towards me to attack. But I fought back in defeat kicking it in the face with my foot.

This only made the creature anger than before., I felt a shape pain spike though my body. I was now down on the floor the creature had taken a hold of me it's teeth bite into my neck feeding off my energy, whilst it's crawls dig inside my back., before I knew the creature had gone and I was left in a pound of my my blood, I felt my heart stop beating. i took my last breath and died.

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