The Little Sister

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Unknown to Hayley, Elijah had not left Klaus's realm. Instead elsewhere he stood at the bottom of steps, facing his brother's back.

"Haven't you had your fill of telling me all the ways I've disappointed you Elijah." Klaus spoke, without turning around.

"Well there is something important we neglected to discuss." Elijah replied coolly though his internal state certainly did not mirror this current facade.

Klaus turned to face his older brother. He sighed deeply.

"I accused you of having ulterior motives regarding the child." Elijah explained, thinking of the words impulsively, very unlike his usual style but it didn’t seem all bad since he had, after all, broken more than one of his rules tonight.

"I was wrong." He then added staring into the distance before looking directly at Klaus, who blinked at his brother's remarks and slightly odd behaviour.

"I'm sorry." Elijah continued and this statement was entirely honest and genuine.

Klaus's eyes wandered for a second taking into consideration what he had just heard.

"I can imagine that must have been hard for you to say." Klaus asked raising his eyebrows.

Elijah took a breath and attempted to reply but couldn't think of words to speak.

He shook his head ever so slightly, unnoticed by Klaus.

"Indeed it wasn't at all difficult brother." he thought to himself but did not say. He thought about where his lips had been the last few moments ago.

"You don't make it easy to love you brother." he eventually managed to say, worried that the silence may give him away.

Elijah tried to retain eye contact as much as he could.

"And yet you are obstinate in your desire to do so." Klaus challenged him.

Elijah's eyes lowered. "Desire." he mused and guilt filled his eyes.

If things were not calm between him and Klaus, he'd never be able to protect Hayley. He had to keep the peace. "I must." he thought.

He watched Klaus consider his options, knowing he was fighting the urge to give in to his apology. However, Elijah knew him too well; his brother did not wish to be alone, not really.

And so Klaus eventually answered,

"When you're ready, should you be so inclined, both you and Rebekah are welcome to join me here."

Elijah's mind overflowed with relief and he watched his brother turn and ascend the steps to his quarter.

"It is after all, our family home" Klaus added.

Elijah stood pondering over his motives when he remembered...

Rebekah drove recklessly down an empty highway. She needed to get out of here. She needed to be away from it all.

"Niklaus, Marcel, they're all the same." she thought.

She'd had had enough of being used. She pressed her high heels against the accelerator pad even harder.

"It's time I left for good." she breathed.

"Really?" A voice challenged her.

"Elijah." she whispered, reducing her speed rapidly. She hadn't exactly thought about his abandonment, due to her departure and now jumped finding him sat in the passenger seat.

"Stop the car." Elijah instructed her.

She shockingly obliged letting it screech to a halt.

"What Elijah? What this time?" she flared angrily and nearly losing a tyre.

"So you're leaving." he continued disregarding her outburst.

"Yes Elijah, I am." she replied, agitated turning to look at him briefly.

"You can try all your might apologising to Nik, I'll have nothing to do with it." She then added shaking her head.

"I'm done, I'm done with it all!" she continued firmly, hitting the steering wheel in irritance and staring through the dashboard ready to restart the car.

Elijah held her hand away.

"I've already apologised." Elijah spoke steadily, still unaffected by her eruption. He was used to it.

"We are welcome to stay." he added and waited for a response, observing her closely.

Rebekah didn't speak for a few seconds, surprised by Elijah's success. She gripped the steering wheel and tapped.

Her eyes then flickered.

"I'm still leaving." Rebekah declared stubbornly.

She was covering up the fact that she had reconsidered.

Elijah sighed at his adamant little sister.

"Rebekah, I need to keep the child safe." he confessed.

"I need your help, you can't leave now." he admitted.

"The child! The child!" she laughed almost hysterically turning to cast him a look.

"You mean Hayley." she confronted him though with a softer tone.

Elijah’s eyes lowered since he did not want to start this conversation but he struggled to change the topic. Instead he shifted in seat regaining a taller posture.

"Both of them." he looked back at her, his words truthful.

Rebekah studied her brother's face. It seemed more worried and serious than usual. "Something has surely happened." she calculated.

She sighed, knowing somehow that she couldn't leave now.

"I'll stay." she gave in sighing in defeat.

Elijah smiled.

"Thank you." he spoke and placed a light kiss on his sister's cheek.

"Okay something has definitely happened." Rebekah concluded.

Then it came to her.

"You've seen Hayley." Rebekah suddenly turned to Elijah, who stiffened on hearing the specific name.

“Hayley must be behind this strange behaviour.” Rebekah mused.

"I informed her that the werewolves are safe." Elijah answered, suddenly restless.

"And..." Rebecca enquired, attempting to coax out whatever he was hiding.

"That's all." Elijah looked at her, an obviously fake confused expressed displayed across his face.

"Dammit Elijah, what happened?" Rebekah almost shrieked with sisterly excitement.

He wasn't going to answer.

"Fine, Fine Elijah, if you don't tell me, I don't stay" she announced.

That startled him.

"Rebekah but you said..." he began to speak.

"Yep and now I say otherwise." she interrupted him stubbornly.

She then reignited the car's engine and flashed him a look of warning, although actually, she was smiling inside.

"The perks of being a little sister." she thought and not too long after, she heard exactly what she had expected.

"Okay! Alright. Rebekah!" Elijah's voice rose.

Rebekah switched off the engine once again and smiled waiting for him to elaborate while feeling rather proud.

"I..." Elijah started to speak.

His voice wavered slightly.

"We..." he began again.

Now this was fun Rebekah chuckled inside. Elijah Mikleson stuttering, that's a first.

"We shared a kiss." Elijah came clean and once again he was his tranquil self. He tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders lightly, trying to make it sound so very unimportant.

"Oh Elijah." Rebekah rolled her eyes, smiling at her older brother who was not pleased by her manipulation.

"Now that we've got that over with..."

"Shall we?" she asked, and the car roared to life.

Elijah rolled his eyes in annoyance though smiled sincerely inside as they began to drive home.

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