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Ro and Gage's novella is done!!!!!

It's about 24,000 words, sweet, and was such a joy to write! Like, really, I didn't know exactly where I was going when I got the spark of inspiration to write it, but in a couple of days, I was finishing it!

I think this has been the easiest story to write both because it is short so not as involved, but also because it just felt very right. I didn't believe in these two very much at first, but by the end, I really started liking them.

I really hope you did, too. I know it was not as detailed as the other stories, but as a novella, I had to limit some things. This is like a snapshot into Ro and Gage's vast relationship.

It is far from perfect, but I really really enjoyed writing it. As always, let me know your thoughts!

What's next:

Sera and Aristide

Yes, they are still coming lol. Their story has been harder to write, tbh. I've struggled with the structure a bit, so I'm going back to the drawing board. I do apologize, but it does look like June might be a better release date for the first set of chapters. Please don't hate me. 🥹😭

EF helped me get back into the Eternal Universe, so I'm more charged to get back to EA right now. I'm doing my best. Thank you for your patience, y'all are too kind <3

The future:

As of now, EA is my priority. Still, some people have asked about Jaya and Fin's son Carson and Amara and Jacob's son Deacon and if they may be getting a story. The honest answer is that I would love to, but also I know myself well enough to know that I shouldn't promise anything lol.

I have an idea for a second gen series called the Lovely Series with some of the kids from the EU, but I'll be interning this summer and back at school before I know it so idk how many promises I should make. As of now, I'll just focus on finishing EA so you guys can meet Sera and Aris ASAP!!

Finally, thank you everyone for the love! All your comments, messages, and votes do not go unnoticed. I finished writing Eternal Obsession about a year ago and now we're at 900k! I'm not sure when we'll get to 1M, but I just want you to know that I feel the love.

I consider myself an amateur writer, so to have y'all reading and even liking my silly little stories is so amazing. I'm a huge reader, so I know what it means to get lost in stories. Thank you all for giving mine a chance. Sending you all soooo much love. ❤️

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